Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement

Uh, your' counting the "Dakota Pipeline" as a race riot? That's kind of stupid.

You are being kind of selective on what you want to count.

You'll believe anything, won't you?
Just look how many riots after Obama was elected compared to the previous 4 decades, tardo.
Good luck with that, we can't even fix the things that actually need to be fixed.

Look, man, the problem is, most Americans just aren't as hateful as you are.
You are the one who hates America and wants to overrun the country with foreigners
I am not a supporter of either major political party but will be voting for Donald Trump as his policies are best for all Americans. We can not afford a Harris presidency which will greatly weaken our country.
Early on in this thread I knew this black-tounged TDS phony POS would eventually show it’s true full Deep State colors. I was not wrong. Flip Floppin POS never saw a commee arse he won’t smooch. Get off the boards you sick forking mess.

I am not a supporter of either major political party but will be voting for Donald Trump as his policies are best for all Americans. We can not afford a Harris presidency which will greatly weaken our country.

It often takes as long as five years and sometime much longer for family members to unite. As result, the number 2 reason why people cross the border illegally is to be with their family. I think we should streamline the process for two reasons. It will reduce illegal immigration and unite families which is a benefits for the both family and the community.

There is one common myth about family immigration: it is believed that it is enough for one person to immigrate to the United States and obtain legal status, and the rest of the family can easily join him. President Trump has given this phenomenon the name “chain of immigration.” In one of his speeches (January 30, 2018), Trump called for an end to “chain immigration” he stated: “One immigrant can bring an almost unlimited number of distant relatives. This is simply not true.

US citizens or legal permanent residents cannot directly obtain visas for distant relatives based on kinship. They cannot now apply for a visa for a cousin, uncle, grandfather, or other distant relatives. Legal restrictions on family preference categories, as well as significant delays in the system, are no small obstacles for those seeking to reunite with their relatives. It is also no secret that an extensive filtering process is in place to ensure that immigrants do not become an economic burden on American society or pose a criminal or national security risk. , it is interesting to note that, according to statistics, immigrants commit fewer offenses than natives and do not receive a substantial share of government benefits.

Considering all these reasons, it becomes apparent that it is difficult for people with legal status in America to bring their family members to the US and doing benefits the family and the community, and does not pose a risk for society.

There is a legal scam that immigration lawyers know about that involves posing the relative as a wealthy person who wants to open a business in America

But there are plenty of elderly people with no special skills obtaining residency and in some cases qualifying for SSI

then there are the marriage visa applications

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