What Moonbat Charge Will Democrats Come Up With Next ?

To quote a broken down, two-time loser who's half of an all-star team of serial liars, What difference at this time does it make? when it comes to the next moonbat charge from the lefty dimocrat loons and their media cohorts. What's important is just that they keep the bullshit allegations flowing because the only ones buying it are their kissin' cousins in the choir.

Meanwhile, in the real world folks just scratch their heads in disbelief at them living out that old definition of insanity.
Name one example of getting "tossed under the bus" :laugh:

McMaster said there's no way Trump leaked classified info. All the Trump fans here started saying there's no way Trump leaked classified info, and the story was just fake news. That was entirely what your OP was about.

And then Trump proudly announces how he leaked classified info, because he can do whatever he damn well pleases.

My, don't you look like a fool.

If you had class and integrity, you'd apologize for pushing the falsehoods in your OP. You'd also condemn your conservative masters for telling you to make that speech, only to see DearLeaderTrump make a liar out of you. But you won't. You'll just run back and lick their boots even more fervently.
To quote a broken down, two-time loser who's half of an all-star team of serial liars, What difference at this time does it make?

Trump passed classified info to Russia. That's going to get agents on the ground killed. Our allies no longer trust us, and will no longer pass intelligence on to us. You've aided ISIS. Trump has badly damaged the security of the USA, and you're defending it.

You're not even pretending to be loyal to the USA any more.
To quote a broken down, two-time loser who's half of an all-star team of serial liars, What difference at this time does it make?

Trump passed classified info to Russia. That's going to get agents on the ground killed. Our allies no longer trust us, and will no longer pass intelligence on to us. You've aided ISIS. Trump has badly damaged the security of the USA, and you're defending it.

You're not even pretending to be loyal to the USA any more.
You're in serious danger of overdosing on the CNN/MSDNC Kool-Aid, so by all means drink up!
Ya know... I'm a real big proponent of the 1st, but at some point we need to consider that the media is inciting mass hysteria and sedition against our elected President.

I hear you can't yell "FIRE" in a theater, at what point to these media jack-offs start facing some fines and shit for the fear and panic they're causing across the entire world?
Ya know... I'm a real big proponent of the 1st, but at some point we need to consider that the media is inciting mass hysteria and sedition against our elected President.

Oh, look. Yet another authoritarian thug who wants to shut down any media that commits the crime of failing to suck DearLeaderTrump's ass with sufficient gusto.

One day, I'll find a Trump snowflake who doesn't openly despise democracy and the Constitution. However, it won't be on this board. All the of the Trump fans here are Stalinist ratfuks, and very proud of it.
Trump could burn down a pre-school full of children and these assholes would blame the media for daring to report it negatively.

The most important thing freedom loving people need to do is protect the media and our freedom of speech. Stand up to the fascist.
Ya know... I'm a real big proponent of the 1st, but at some point we need to consider that the media is inciting mass hysteria and sedition against our elected President.

Oh, look. Yet another authoritarian thug who wants to shut down any media that commits the crime of failing to suck DearLeaderTrump's ass with sufficient gusto.

One day, I'll find a Trump snowflake who doesn't openly despise democracy and the Constitution. However, it won't be on this board. All the of the Trump fans here are Stalinist ratfuks, and very proud of it.

I note you had to cut off my statement to make your point. Lying seems to be one of the most abundant talents on the left these days...

Ya know... I'm a real big proponent of the 1st, but at some point we need to consider that the media is inciting mass hysteria and sedition against our elected President.

I hear you can't yell "FIRE" in a theater, at what point to these media jack-offs start facing some fines and shit for the fear and panic they're causing across the entire world?

Note no where does it say "shut down" anything son.

Telling though, I get dressed down for my commitment to the constitution by the PC left who has been overruling the 1st for over a decade due to "hurt feelings," yet they've absolutely no problem with the fourth estates open sedition and enticing riots and panic that physically and emotionally harm people. Can anyone tell me why am I not surprised that these anarchist, communist, far left extremists are cool with that?
"Fines and shit". For free speech. Hence, you're for shutting down free speech.

Now, speaking of lies, tell us more about these "riots", little snowflake. It looks like you're trying to shut down free speech another way, by pretending that every protest is a "riot". How very authoritarian.

Such delicate creatures you conservatives are. I understand, it's not really your fault. Your masters have spent the last 20 years brainwashing conservatives into being politically correct eternal victims. Anyone walking around with dry trousers is considered to be a dirty liberal, as true conservatives are always wetting themselves.
To quote a broken down, two-time loser who's half of an all-star team of serial liars, What difference at this time does it make?

Trump passed classified info to Russia. That's going to get agents on the ground killed. Our allies no longer trust us, and will no longer pass intelligence on to us. You've aided ISIS. Trump has badly damaged the security of the USA, and you're defending it.

You're not even pretending to be loyal to the USA any more.
Is there a rational adult you can call for help?
"Fines and shit". For free speech. Hence, you're for shutting down free speech.

Now, speaking of lies, tell us more about these "riots", little snowflake. It looks like you're trying to shut down free speech another way, by pretending that every protest is a "riot". How very authoritarian.

Such delicate creatures you conservatives are. I understand, it's not really your fault. Your masters have spent the last 20 years brainwashing conservatives into being politically correct eternal victims. Anyone walking around with dry trousers is considered to be a dirty liberal, as true conservatives are always wetting themselves.

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic. [...] The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. - Schnck vs United States


"This is not an attempt to bring about a change of administration by candid discussion, for no matter what may have incited the outbreak on the part of the defendant anarchists, the manifest purpose of such a publication was to create an attempt to defeat the war plans of the government of the United States, by bringing upon the country the paralysis of a general strike, thereby arresting the production of all munitions and other things essential to the conduct of the war."

[The leaflets] "sufficiently show, that while the immediate occasion for this particular outbreak of lawlessness, on the part of the defendant alien anarchists, may have been resentment caused by our government sending troops into Russia as a strategic operation against the Germans on the eastern battle front, yet the plain purpose of their propaganda was to excite, at the supreme crisis of the war, disaffection, sedition, riots, and, as they hoped, revolution, in this country for the purpose of embarrassing and if possible defeating the military plans of the government in Europe."- Abrams vs United States


The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. - Brandenburg vs Ohio


The Court ruled that Dennis did not have the right under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to exercise free speech, publication and assembly, if the exercise involved the creation of a plot to overthrow the government. - Dennis vs United States


The Court upheld Gitlow's conviction on the basis that the government may suppress or punish speech that directly advocates the unlawful overthrow of the government and it upheld the constitutionality of the state statute at issue, which made it a crime to advocate the duty, need, or appropriateness of overthrowing government by force or violence. - Gitlow vs New York
But as since the liberals aren't advocating any violence or riots, why are you lying about that?

The answer would be that you're operating out of the fascist playbook. You know, lie big about how the liberals/socialists/jews/whatever are instigating violence, so you have an excuse to send out the brownshirts.

Did you really think it wasn't obvious?
McMaster said there's no way Trump leaked classified info. All the Trump fans here started saying there's no way Trump leaked classified info, and the story was just fake news. That was entirely what your OP was about.

And then Trump proudly announces how he leaked classified info, because he can do whatever he damn well pleases.

My, don't you look like a fool.

If you had class and integrity, you'd apologize for pushing the falsehoods in your OP. You'd also condemn your conservative masters for telling you to make that speech, only to see DearLeaderTrump make a liar out of you. But you won't. You'll just run back and lick their boots even more fervently.
I hear YOU saying that Trump leaked classified information. I don't hear Trump saying it. Back to the drawing board for you. :biggrin:
Trump passed classified info to Russia. That's going to get agents on the ground killed. Our allies no longer trust us, and will no longer pass intelligence on to us. You've aided ISIS. Trump has badly damaged the security of the USA, and you're defending it.

You're not even pretending to be loyal to the USA any more.
You defend Obama ? And the Obama/al Baghdai COLLUSION ?, >> that allowed ISIS to move long convoys of militarist vehicles on open, desert roads, where they'd be sitting ducks for air strikes that could have easily decimated them in minutes. But the air strikes didn't happen, and the trucks rolled, Black flags and all, because Baghdadi was assured by Obama they wouldnt be attacked. Only a total fool would even consider that Baghdadi would have allowed thos long convoys to move into Iraq, kill people, rob banks, take oil fields, extort rich people, etc, etc >> without the green light from Obama. Obama not only aided ISIS, he helped to create them and maintain them.

This is the collusion that we should be investigating, which has more evidence for it, than the fairy tale Russian collusion, that we all know has never shown a shred of evidence, for 10 months now.

And how many people did Obama kill in Fort Hood, Texas ?...., by his jihadist refusal to remove the jihadist ranting Major Nidal Hasan, despite requests for this, from about every Army officer from the rank of Major and up, for a whole year. That a rhetorical question. I'll answer it. He killed the 13 US Army soldiers that Hasan killed, and 38 wounded.
And classified info ? How about the top secret stuff Hillary passed on the the entire world by putting what she had on an unsecure server in her house ?
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That’s what everyone keeps asking. Everyone of sanity and legal status that is. What moonbat accusations will the Democrat scammers conjure up next ?

Well, we just saw it. Now they accuse Trump of giving classified US information to the Russians. Then, the dopey charge was immediately refuted by National Security Advisor, McMaster, who promptly declared it as FALSE.

Nevertheless, Democrats desperate to somehow derail the Trump presidency any way they can, keep throwing their political silly stones. Clown spokesman Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, said “If true…….”

There need not be any more quoting of this foolishness, after those first 2 words, because there IS NO “if true”. It simply is NOT true, just like the phony Russian collusion scam, the series of lying TV ads run by the Hillary Clinton campaign, the millions of illegal alien votes cast in the 2016 election (protected by Democrats’ sanctuary cities), and all the rest of the moonbat stuff coming from the frenzied nutjobs, calling themselves Democrats.

Warner et al would be better off bagging groceries and rounding up shopping carts for WalMart. At least it would be a respectable, honest living. Personally, I wouldn’t take a congressional seat for any amount of money, if I had to go around lying like these scammers are continuously doing.
So where was your PhD political degree from again.? You could get one while sucking off your socialist benefits.
And just what did you expect mc master to say?. Don the con himself contradicted him.
I guess you are not dying to see dons golden shower video (if you remember what a golden shower is)
Whatever the charge is, Trump himself will quickly confirm it, and the Trumptards will be left twisting in the wind, again.

They're pathetic excuses for human beings. No matter how many times they get tossed under the bus, the Trumptards still always crawl back to Trump and lick his boots.
Name one example of getting "tossed under the bus" :laugh:
Chris Christie? The ny cross dresser?
I'm still waiting for Trump to deliver on something.

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

13. Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

14. Increase in immigration judges,

15. Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

16. An end to catch-and-release,

17. The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border.

18. Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

19. Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

20. Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement, and

21. Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
Love the cut and paste. You really should get a life.
Too many SS VA Medicare socialist benefits? Know what they say "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great indoctrination and socialist benefits"

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