What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?


Name one end to end consumer product designed, produced, never mind distributed by “ai robots” :cuckoo:
Anthony, do you really think because it’s not happening right this second, the idea of automation replacing human labor is some pie-in-the-sky fantasy that’ll take 40 years or more to materialize? You're obviously clueless or just suffering from a horrible case of cognitive dissonance and denial. You’re conveniently ignoring how fast this technology is progressing, but of course, you would, because it's erroneously perceived by you and your ilk, to threaten your little corner of the upper-middle-class playground. Just because you’re enjoying your Michelin-starred meals today doesn’t mean the rest of the world isn’t shifting toward something fundamentally different and better.

Look at where we already are, Anthony. AI has designed drugs, and solved protein folding, things human minds took decades or centuries to even conceptualize, let alone execute. That’s not futuristic speculation; that’s current reality.

You brought up production, well, how about the way AI is already optimizing supply chains? Autonomous robots run warehouses, sort packages, and make real-time adjustments far beyond human capabilities. The precision of AI systems is lightyears ahead of any manual laborer. Amazon’s warehouses are chock-full of robots, Tesla’s factories are largely automated, and yes, we’re even seeing AI designing products, managing inventory, and doing the engineering work that was once a bastion of high-paid professionals like you. But I suppose to you, if a flesh-and-blood human isn’t doing every single task, it doesn’t count, right?

I used to spend hundreds of dollars every few months, sometimes a few thousand, hiring free lancers at UpWorks to code plugins for my WordPress website, and I now thank ChatGPT, create my own plugins for only 20 bucks monthly. Hello? Coders like me (I'm a CNC coder), are being replaced by AI, an AI that isn't even AGI. We're now maybe four or five years away from AGI, general-intelligence. That's a PhD with a 300+ IQ working for you, 24/7. Do you realize that? You seem oblivious to what is actually happening. Hello Anthony? Are you there?

Do you really think AGI is some sci-fi fantasy relegated to the far-off future? Well, let’s break this down for you. According to experts, AGI is expected to emerge by the late 2020s or early 2030s. And once it arrives, do you honestly think it’s going to sit around twiddling its virtual thumbs, waiting for your approval to start replacing you and your fellow six-figure peers? No, Anthony. It's going to devour entire industries in ways that’ll make your head spin.

You want to cling to the argument that “it’s not happening yet, so it’ll take decades”? That’s like standing in a river up to your neck and saying, “I’m not drowning yet, so it’s fine.” You can ignore the rising tide all you want, but the fact is, the water’s already here. In 15 years, the very foundations of capitalism, as we know it, will crumble under the weight of automation and AGI. Wage labor will become obsolete. Flesh can’t compete with machines that don’t need to sleep, eat, or take vacations.

Your pearl-clutching over the misperception you're going to lose your lavish lifestyle is funny when you consider the truth: in a world where AI-driven production runs 24/7 without breaks, we’ll be swimming in dirt cheap goods and services. Your fantasy that socialism means poverty or deprivation is just that, a fantasy. Once production becomes just 40% automated, not to speak of when it's fully automated, we’re talking about a world of EXTREME ABUNDANCE. A world where we have more than we know what to do with. Robots will work around the clock, pumping out products faster, more efficiently, and in far greater quantities than any capitalist system could dream of.

The very distinction you and so many critics of socialism fail to grasp is this: personal property and private property aren’t the same thing. Socialism isn’t coming for your home, toothbrush, or your family vacation. It’s coming for the system where your lifestyle depends on exploiting others for profit. It’s about turning the tools of exploitation - factories, infrastructure, AI, and robots, into publicly owned assets, that we ALL own together as a community. We don’t need to exploit human labor anymore; we’ll exploit machines instead. Welcome to a better society where we don't have to exploit each other!

Capitalism replaced feudalism just as socialism will replace capitalism. That’s inevitable, Anthony, and your stubborn, delusional, denial won’t slow it down. Sorry sir, you and I aren't getting in the way of human progress.
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Anthony, do you really think because it’s not happening right this second, the idea of automation replacing human labor is some pie-in-the-sky fantasy that’ll take 40 years or more to materialize? You're obviously clueless or just suffering from a horrible case of cognitive dissonance and denial. You’re conveniently ignoring how fast this technology is progressing, but of course, you would, because it's erroneously perceived by you and your ilk, to threaten your little corner of the upper-middle-class playground. Just because you’re enjoying your Michelin-starred meals today doesn’t mean the rest of the world isn’t shifting toward something fundamentally different and better.

Look at where we already are, Anthony. AI has designed drugs, and solved protein folding, things human minds took decades or centuries to even conceptualize, let alone execute. That’s not futuristic speculation; that’s current reality.

You brought up production, well, how about the way AI is already optimizing supply chains? Autonomous robots run warehouses, sort packages, and make real-time adjustments far beyond human capabilities. The precision of AI systems is lightyears ahead of any manual laborer. Amazon’s warehouses are chock-full of robots, Tesla’s factories are largely automated, and yes, we’re even seeing AI designing products, managing inventory, and doing the engineering work that was once a bastion of high-paid professionals like you. But I suppose to you, if a flesh-and-blood human isn’t doing every single task, it doesn’t count, right?

I used to spend hundreds of dollars every few months, sometimes a few thousand, hiring free lancers at UpWorks to code plugins for my WordPress website, and I now thank ChatGPT, create my own plugins for only 20 bucks monthly. Hello? Coders like me (I'm a CNC coder), are being replaced by AI, an AI that isn't even AGI. We're now maybe four or five years away from AGI, general-intelligence. That's a PhD with a 300+ IQ working for you, 24/7. Do you realize that? You seem oblivious to what is actually happening. Hello Anthony? Are you there?

Do you think AGI is some sci-fi fantasy relegated to the far-off future? Well, let’s break this down for you. According to experts, AGI is expected to emerge by the late 2020s or early 2030s. And once it arrives, do you honestly think it’s going to sit around twiddling its virtual thumbs, waiting for your approval to start replacing you and your fellow six-figure peers? No, Anthony. It's going to devour entire industries in ways that’ll make your head spin.

You want to cling to the argument that “it’s not happening yet, so it’ll take decades”? That’s like standing in a river up to your neck and saying, “I’m not drowning yet, so it’s fine.” You can ignore the rising tide all you want, but the fact is, the water’s already here. In 15 years, the very foundations of capitalism, as we know it, will crumble under the weight of automation and AGI. Wage labor will become obsolete. Flesh can’t compete with machines that don’t need to sleep, eat, or take vacations.

Your pearl-clutching over the misperception you're going to lose your lavish lifestyle is funny when you consider the truth: in a world where AI-driven production runs 24/7 without breaks, we’ll be swimming in dirt cheap goods and services. Your fantasy that socialism means poverty or deprivation is just that, a fantasy. Once production becomes just 40% automated, not to speak of when it's fully automated, we’re talking about a world of EXTREME ABUNDANCE. A world where we have more than we know what to do with. Robots will work around the clock, pumping out products faster, more efficiently, and in far greater quantities than any capitalist system could dream of.

The very distinction you and so many critics of socialism fail to grasp is this: personal property and private property aren’t the same thing. Socialism isn’t coming for your toothbrush or your family vacation. It’s coming for the system where your lifestyle depends on exploiting others for profit. It’s about turning the tools of exploitation - factories, infrastructure, AI, and robots, into publicly owned assets, where we ALL own it together. We don’t need to exploit human labor anymore; we’ll exploit machines instead. Welcome to a better society where we don't have to exploit each other anymore.

Capitalism replaced feudalism just as socialism will replace capitalism. That’s inevitable, Anthony, and your stubborn, delusional, denial won’t slow it down. Sorry sir, you and I aren't getting in the way of human progress.

Let me summarize - YOU CAN'T because it doesn't exist.

The timeline is just something you are speculating about. Like many other people that speculated about all kinds of shit that never came to be or took many decades to solve.

GET THERE, then run your mouth about radically changing society around it.
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