What Other Republican Candidate Is There?

One problem the GOP has is there's nobody on deck after Trump.

Many are of the opinion that there won't be a other republican president after Trump, because of the replacement of Americans by democrats. In particular, Texas will turn as irredeemably blue as Commiefornia did.

I wish we had a choice as simple as that between presidential candidates before us at that point.
One problem the GOP has is there's nobody on deck after Trump.
A new outsider must step up in 2024....no more entrenched establishment con artists.....term limits will be pushed for by Trump after the election....and by all accounts he will end up winning that fight....maybe then we will get back to the peoples government....and break the backs of money and power mad jackasses....

The Republican hierarchy clearly favor Trump and will tolerate no dissent. Sort of like what Trump supporters accuse the DNC and Clinton of doing except they are going far beyond that. Democrats did not change any rules to get rid of opposition to Clinton as the Republicans are doing. . Apparently getting 80% of the vote isn't good enough. Republicans want 100% conformity. This is indeed the Nazi Party.
Ben Carson would be my choice for 2024. He is not part of the swamp, he is successful, and he actually wants to help people. I'd actually make him vice president in 2020. I don't completely trust Pence. Trump 2020, Carson 2024, and Ivanka 2028.
The key is to stay away from political lifers. Look for people who were a success in real life, and who are not bought and paid for by people like Singer and the rest. Pence, Rubio, and Cruz could be uniparty lifers like Paul Ryan.

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