What policies could Nancy get the dems in the House to support?

Will the dems 2020 Budget include any of their prioritized initiatives?

  • No, Nancy is not that stupid, she wants to win in 2020 elections

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Yes, the young Turks will insist on putting some of their priorities into the 2020 Budget

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Instead of trying to investigate all things Trump, Nancy and the dems should show their true colors by passing some of their high priority funding items in the 2020 Budget that is due April 15th. Let's see if Nancy and the dems step up, or if they hide and do CRs.

Fund Open borders, provide funding to tear down the southern border fence/wall
Fund Single Payer Healthcare, (aka rationed healthcare)
Eliminate funding for ICE and DHS
Fund the Paris Climate Change Treaty (where the US pays $trillions to poor countries)
Raise taxes, especially on corporations (so they relocate overseas)
Fund a "Marshal Plan" for Mexico and Central America
Fund a "Green New Deal" & carbon tax (to punish who works, heats a home, flies, or has a car)
Fund REPARATIONS to blacks for slavery
Vote to change the Electoral College to popular vote (won't get 2/3 needed)

[but they won't try to fix SS & Medicare?!]
Looks like this isn't enough of a troll thread to get a debate going?

Will the dems put up a 2020 Budget? I bet they don't
The House has passed ethics reform for starters. I’m sure you consider that unimportant
The House has passed ethics reform for starters. I’m sure you consider that unimportant
House passes Democrats' campaign finance, ethics bill - Reuters
"Calling it the “Democrat Politician Protection Act,” McConnell has lambasted the legislation, arguing it would give Washington too much control over elections while unnecessarily using tax dollars for political campaigns."

Typical democrat political power grab being called "ethics reform".
Wait. You ask what Dems have done and then when shown you whine?

I'm pretty confident the wall ruse is to garner bipartisan support for national id. A feller couldn't predict that any better even if he had a working crystal ball.

And, of course, the people will love them for it.
Instead of trying to investigate all things Trump, Nancy and the dems should show their true colors by passing some of their high priority funding items in the 2020 Budget that is due April 15th. Let's see if Nancy and the dems step up, or if they hide and do CRs.

Fund Open borders, provide funding to tear down the southern border fence/wall
Fund Single Payer Healthcare, (aka rationed healthcare)
Eliminate funding for ICE and DHS
Fund the Paris Climate Change Treaty (where the US pays $trillions to poor countries)
Raise taxes, especially on corporations (so they relocate overseas)
Fund a "Marshal Plan" for Mexico and Central America
Fund a "Green New Deal" & carbon tax (to punish who works, heats a home, flies, or has a car)
Fund REPARATIONS to blacks for slavery
Vote to change the Electoral College to popular vote (won't get 2/3 needed)

[but they won't try to fix SS & Medicare?!]
Why should the dems who hold only the House propose SS and Medicare entitlement reductions? Nothing is getting done while Trump occupies the WH, said the Turtle McConnell.

The dems need and I believe have a HC protecting kids on parents policies, pre-existing and funding subsidies. Before the election, they will have a tax plan repealing the McConnell/Trump tax cuts for the .1% and the money going to workers. If that contrast to the party of the .1% doesn't work for you, you're not voting on differences in econ policy … or you are one of or a tool of the .1%
Instead of trying to investigate all things Trump, Nancy and the dems should show their true colors by passing some of their high priority funding items in the 2020 Budget that is due April 15th. Let's see if Nancy and the dems step up, or if they hide and do CRs.

Fund Open borders, provide funding to tear down the southern border fence/wall
Fund Single Payer Healthcare, (aka rationed healthcare)
Eliminate funding for ICE and DHS
Fund the Paris Climate Change Treaty (where the US pays $trillions to poor countries)
Raise taxes, especially on corporations (so they relocate overseas)
Fund a "Marshal Plan" for Mexico and Central America
Fund a "Green New Deal" & carbon tax (to punish who works, heats a home, flies, or has a car)
Fund REPARATIONS to blacks for slavery
Vote to change the Electoral College to popular vote (won't get 2/3 needed)

[but they won't try to fix SS & Medicare?!]
Why should the dems who hold only the House propose SS and Medicare entitlement reductions? Nothing is getting done while Trump occupies the WH, said the Turtle McConnell.

The dems need and I believe have a HC protecting kids on parents policies, pre-existing and funding subsidies. Before the election, they will have a tax plan repealing the McConnell/Trump tax cuts for the .1% and the money going to workers. If that contrast to the party of the .1% doesn't work for you, you're not voting on differences in econ policy … or you are one of or a tool of the .1%

I support a top rate tax increase, but not the 70% bullshit that AOC wants, a 7% increase above 2016 levels raises about $400b and takes care of about half the deficit. I also support fixing SS & Medicare.

How Warren Buffett Thinks We Should Fix Social Security -- The Motley Fool
Three Social Security changes that Buffett probably would approve of
A 2014 study by the National Academy for Social Insurance analyzed the long-term benefit of several potential Social Security fixes, as well as the costs of some potential improvements. Here are three fixes that would align with Buffett's Social Security views and how much of an impact they would have:

  • Eliminating the taxable earnings cap over a 10-year period would fix 74% of the long-term financing gap all by itself.
  • Raising the Social Security payroll tax rate from 6.2% to 7.2% over a 20-year period would generate 52% of the shortfall.
  • Finally, gradually raising the full retirement age to 68 would take care of 16% of the funding gap.
Combined, these three changes would boost Social Security's long-term revenue by 142% of the expected shortfall. In fact, if these three changes were implemented, we also could raise the minimum benefit to a level where nobody who worked for 30 years would retire poor, give every Social Security beneficiary a $65-per-month raise, and still have a long-term surplus.

Fixing Medicare is more complicated, but needs to be done:

7 Ways to Fix Medicare -- The Motley Fool
The House has passed a background check bill, A violence against women's act, ethics reform. A resolution to end our support of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, and a bill to end the stupid shutdown.

And that's just in the first three months of this Congress...so don't tell me that they're only fixated on the Mueller thing
The House has passed a background check bill, A violence against women's act, ethics reform. A resolution to end our support of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, and a bill to end the stupid shutdown.

And that's just in the first three months of this Congress...so don't tell me that they're only fixated on the Mueller thing

But what has congress actually accomplished? You know, bipartisan things actually passed into Law?
Things that actually matter, not just whiny partisan bullshit. Prison reform?
Instead of trying to investigate all things Trump, Nancy and the dems should show their true colors by passing some of their high priority funding items in the 2020 Budget that is due April 15th. Let's see if Nancy and the dems step up, or if they hide and do CRs.

Fund Open borders, provide funding to tear down the southern border fence/wall
Fund Single Payer Healthcare, (aka rationed healthcare)
Eliminate funding for ICE and DHS
Fund the Paris Climate Change Treaty (where the US pays $trillions to poor countries)
Raise taxes, especially on corporations (so they relocate overseas)
Fund a "Marshal Plan" for Mexico and Central America
Fund a "Green New Deal" & carbon tax (to punish who works, heats a home, flies, or has a car)
Fund REPARATIONS to blacks for slavery
Vote to change the Electoral College to popular vote (won't get 2/3 needed)

[but they won't try to fix SS & Medicare?!]
Why should the dems who hold only the House propose SS and Medicare entitlement reductions? Nothing is getting done while Trump occupies the WH, said the Turtle McConnell.

The dems need and I believe have a HC protecting kids on parents policies, pre-existing and funding subsidies. Before the election, they will have a tax plan repealing the McConnell/Trump tax cuts for the .1% and the money going to workers. If that contrast to the party of the .1% doesn't work for you, you're not voting on differences in econ policy … or you are one of or a tool of the .1%

I support a top rate tax increase, but not the 70% bullshit that AOC wants, a 7% increase above 2016 levels raises about $400b and takes care of about half the deficit. I also support fixing SS & Medicare.

How Warren Buffett Thinks We Should Fix Social Security -- The Motley Fool
Three Social Security changes that Buffett probably would approve of
A 2014 study by the National Academy for Social Insurance analyzed the long-term benefit of several potential Social Security fixes, as well as the costs of some potential improvements. Here are three fixes that would align with Buffett's Social Security views and how much of an impact they would have:

  • Eliminating the taxable earnings cap over a 10-year period would fix 74% of the long-term financing gap all by itself.
  • Raising the Social Security payroll tax rate from 6.2% to 7.2% over a 20-year period would generate 52% of the shortfall.
  • Finally, gradually raising the full retirement age to 68 would take care of 16% of the funding gap.
Combined, these three changes would boost Social Security's long-term revenue by 142% of the expected shortfall. In fact, if these three changes were implemented, we also could raise the minimum benefit to a level where nobody who worked for 30 years would retire poor, give every Social Security beneficiary a $65-per-month raise, and still have a long-term surplus.

Fixing Medicare is more complicated, but needs to be done:

7 Ways to Fix Medicare -- The Motley Fool
Nothing is certain, but the gop's two best options are a bunch of Mexicans bring Ebola across the border (or Trump at least claims it) or the dems go too progressive.

But very little law is going to be made in the next year and a half or so.
The House has passed a background check bill, A violence against women's act, ethics reform. A resolution to end our support of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, and a bill to end the stupid shutdown.

And that's just in the first three months of this Congress...so don't tell me that they're only fixated on the Mueller thing

Those are all partisan hack things. Those dont benefit the people.

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