What pork will opportunistic legislators try to tack on to the $8 billion Harvey relief bill?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
You know it will happen.

It's what the corrupt politicians in D.C. do on both sides.
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You know it will happen.

It's what the corrupt politicians on D.C. do on both sides.

Only one side is in charge of the house, who will write the bill. So if there's pork in it, it's republican pork, Nancy Pelosi and the democrats aren't involved.
Doing to the Houston recovery what was done to the Sandy recovery would be reprehensible. Not a dime for Alaskan fisheries and nothing for San Francisco barbers.
Maybe Trump will try to get more money for his record-breakingly expensive vacations.
You know it will happen.

It's what the corrupt politicians on D.C. do on both sides.
Only thing I've heard for sure is Manuchin and Trump wanting to tie an 18month raise of the debt ceiling to the relief bill. He was on fox this AM talking about it
Any legislators who try to tie any pork projects to a Harvey relief bill are politically opportunistic and should be admonished...and voted out of office.
Any legislators who try to tie any pork projects to a Harvey relief bill are politically opportunistic and should be admonished...and voted out of office.

Since the only committees involved are chaired by republicans, the house is run by republicans, Paul Ryan will steer the bill.

If this is anything like the obamsacare replacement bill, democrats won't even be allowed to see it before it comes up for a vote.
When did not being in power stop the out party from adding pork to a bill?

Republicans may not even let the democrats see the bill like they did with the obamacare replacement. Democrats were not allowed to add anything to that republican bill.
You know it will happen.

It's what the corrupt politicians in D.C. do on both sides.
It depends on what uneducated morons call "pork".

Remember, to Republicans, the study of the death of honey bees was "pork".

This from Fox:
10 crops that would disappear without bees

After Sandy, planes were bought that could fly into hurricanes and measure actual airspeed and verify the direction and speed of the Hurricane. Harvey benefited from those planes. At the time, Cruz called them "pork".

Republicans are actually a kind of stupid people. Anything they don't understand they call pork. And that would be just about everything.
Any legislators who try to tie any pork projects to a Harvey relief bill are politically opportunistic and should be admonished...and voted out of office.

Most pork is usually tied to their districts in some way, and of course voters love their pork, the just don't like the other guys getting any, so you can forget about that doing any good at the polls. The con artist Ron Paul is a prime example of talking out of both sides of his mouth, having been in the top Four Porksters for many years while in office, while babbling about being all 'libertarian n stuff'.
It's not what the GOP does a week after Harvey. It's what they do a year after Harvey.

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