What real lynching looks like..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
This is something people should come to understand.

Black Women who were Lynched in America | Henrietta Vinton Davis's Weblog

Jennie Steers
On July 25, 1903 a mob lynched Jennie Steers on the Beard Plantation in Louisiana for supposedly giving a white teenager, 16 year-old Elizabeth Dolan, a glass of poisoned lemonade. Before they killed her, the mob tried to force her to confess but she refused and was hanged. (100 Years at Lynching. Ralph Ginzburg)

Laura Nelson
Laura Nelson was lynched on May 23, 1911 In Okemah, Okluskee, Oklahoma. Her fifteen year old son was also lynched at the same time but I could not find a photo of her son. The photograph of Nelson was drawn from a postcard. Authorities accused her of killing a deputy sheriff who supposedly stumbled on some stolen goods in her house. Why they lynched her child is a mystery. The mob raped and dragged Nelson six miles to the Canadian River and hanged her from a bridge.(NAACP: One Hundred Years of Lynching in the US 1889-1918 )

Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwick
The lynchers maintained that Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwlck killed her female employer in Pinehurst, Georgia on June 24, 1912. Nobody knows if or why Barksdale or Bostick killed her employer because there was no trial and no one thought to take a statement from this Black woman who authorities claimed had ”violent fits of insanity” and should have been placed in a hospital. Nobody was arrested and the crowd was In a festive mood. Placed in a car with a rope around her neck, and the other end tied to a tree limb, the lynchers drove at high speed and she was strangled to death. For good measure the mob shot her eyes out and shot enough bullets Into her body that she was “cut in two.”

Marie Scott
March 31, 1914, a white mob of at least a dozen males, yanked seventeen year-old Marie Scott from jail, threw a rope over her head as she screamed and hanged her from a telephone pole in Wagoner County, Oklahoma. What happened? Two drunken white men barged Into her house as she was dressing. They locked themselves in her room and criminally “assaulted” her. Her brother apparently heard her screams for help, kicked down the door, killed one assailant and fled. Some accounts state that the assailant was stabbed. Frustrated by their inability to lynch Marie Scott’s brother the mob lynched Marie Scott. (Crisis 1914 and 100 Years of Lynching)
One of the comments from your link, Sallow, points that such injustices as above, whether for racial or sexist or religious or whatever reasons, should make us join together to protect all of us. If any of us are not safe, then all of us are at risk.
Lynch mobs denied people justice and denied people their very lives.

To get very over simplified, lynch mobs = very bad.

But I believe we all already knew this.

So, what point is served by making sure we hear it again?

Are there a LOT of lynchings going on today?
This is something people should come to understand.

Black Women who were Lynched in America | Henrietta Vinton Davis's Weblog

Jennie Steers
On July 25, 1903 a mob lynched Jennie Steers on the Beard Plantation in Louisiana for supposedly giving a white teenager, 16 year-old Elizabeth Dolan, a glass of poisoned lemonade. Before they killed her, the mob tried to force her to confess but she refused and was hanged. (100 Years at Lynching. Ralph Ginzburg)

Laura Nelson
Laura Nelson was lynched on May 23, 1911 In Okemah, Okluskee, Oklahoma. Her fifteen year old son was also lynched at the same time but I could not find a photo of her son. The photograph of Nelson was drawn from a postcard. Authorities accused her of killing a deputy sheriff who supposedly stumbled on some stolen goods in her house. Why they lynched her child is a mystery. The mob raped and dragged Nelson six miles to the Canadian River and hanged her from a bridge.(NAACP: One Hundred Years of Lynching in the US 1889-1918 )

Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwick
The lynchers maintained that Ann Barksdale or Ann Bostwlck killed her female employer in Pinehurst, Georgia on June 24, 1912. Nobody knows if or why Barksdale or Bostick killed her employer because there was no trial and no one thought to take a statement from this Black woman who authorities claimed had ”violent fits of insanity” and should have been placed in a hospital. Nobody was arrested and the crowd was In a festive mood. Placed in a car with a rope around her neck, and the other end tied to a tree limb, the lynchers drove at high speed and she was strangled to death. For good measure the mob shot her eyes out and shot enough bullets Into her body that she was “cut in two.”

Marie Scott
March 31, 1914, a white mob of at least a dozen males, yanked seventeen year-old Marie Scott from jail, threw a rope over her head as she screamed and hanged her from a telephone pole in Wagoner County, Oklahoma. What happened? Two drunken white men barged Into her house as she was dressing. They locked themselves in her room and criminally “assaulted” her. Her brother apparently heard her screams for help, kicked down the door, killed one assailant and fled. Some accounts state that the assailant was stabbed. Frustrated by their inability to lynch Marie Scott’s brother the mob lynched Marie Scott. (Crisis 1914 and 100 Years of Lynching)

What about Blacks killing whites? You're fixating on stuff that happened 100 years ago. Let's get current. How many whites have been killed by blacks since? Certainly more than the mere 3,000 or so black Republicans that were murdered by white Democrats.

Why bring up lynchings now? Has it started up again? I mean, who is killing Americans for so called "justice" without benefit of a trial.

Oh CRAP! Never mind that was the black guy at 1600 PA Ave. that did that.
We now don't do it face to face

We ruin people's lives via the Internet

Ironic, ain't it
omg, like the people TODAY don't know what a damn lynching was about and now need you to teach them...

How many years do they get to hang onto this, the same with slavery to claim they are still VICTIMS from it today?

The Indians have as much to bitch about but we hardly hear them with poor poor me look what you did 100 years ago
omg, like the people TODAY don't know what a damn lynching was about and now need you to teach them...

How many years do they get to hang onto this, the same with slavery to claim they are still VICTIMS from it today?

The Indians have as much to bitch about but we hardly hear them with poor poor me look what you did 100 years ago

Remember, fear is how they keep the masses in line

That and obamaphones
i bet sallow never thinks of other mass harms, like wwii....or the jews...i really don't understand this fascination, after the zimmerman trial, with bringing up all the horrible past that everyone is aware of.

we all know what lynching is. white people used to lynch white people in lynch mobs and they lynch black people. think of the genocide in sudan....you never hear sallow comment on that or make threads about that....nope...he and his ilk are focused solely on the harm whites causes to blacks.

honestly, i can't think of any mindset that hurts america more. we will never overcome racial issues when people like sallow think the way they do or people like bodecea who thinks genocide is the same thing as slavery.
i bet sallow never thinks of other mass harms, like wwii....or the jews...i really don't understand this fascination, after the zimmerman trial, with bringing up all the horrible past that everyone is aware of.

we all know what lynching is. white people used to lynch white people in lynch mobs and they lynch black people. think of the genocide in sudan....you never hear sallow comment on that or make threads about that....nope...he and his ilk are focused solely on the harm whites causes to blacks.

honestly, i can't think of any mindset that hurts america more. we will never overcome racial issues when people like sallow think the way they do or people like bodecea who thinks genocide is the same thing as slavery.
Oh, y'all leave Sallow alone. He's just helpin' his dear leader, Obama stir the racial hatred pot. He can't really help the fact that he is a goddamned useful idiot to the Obama cause...and he hasn't enough sense to quit.
Oh CRAP, who brings up conservatives in the 1950s preventing Civil Rights legislation?

STFU, if you can tell the whole truth, far left liberals and far right reactionaries.
We need to bring lynching back because it's evident that in this nation we don't punish criminals in a way they deserve. I say lets start with Ft. Hood shooter Hasan, Manning, Ariel Castro, all child molesters, anyone in prison for their 2nd violent offense or their first heinous offense, and every elected or appointed official that betrays this nation, the Constitution or their oaths of office.
Lynch mobs denied people justice and denied people their very lives.

To get very over simplified, lynch mobs = very bad.

But I believe we all already knew this.

So, what point is served by making sure we hear it again?

Are there a LOT of lynchings going on today?

People seem to be throwing the word around very casually today.
We need to bring lynching back because it's evident that in this nation we don't punish criminals in a way they deserve. I say lets start with Ft. Hood shooter Hasan, Manning, Ariel Castro, all child molesters, anyone in prison for their 2nd violent offense or their first heinous offense, and every elected or appointed official that betrays this nation, the Constitution or their oaths of office.

IlarMeilyr, I believed you asked about the point?
i bet sallow never thinks of other mass harms, like wwii....or the jews...i really don't understand this fascination, after the zimmerman trial, with bringing up all the horrible past that everyone is aware of.

we all know what lynching is. white people used to lynch white people in lynch mobs and they lynch black people. think of the genocide in sudan....you never hear sallow comment on that or make threads about that....nope...he and his ilk are focused solely on the harm whites causes to blacks.

honestly, i can't think of any mindset that hurts america more. we will never overcome racial issues when people like sallow think the way they do or people like bodecea who thinks genocide is the same thing as slavery.
I think old Jroc would dispute that for ya..

He liked to call me a Jew because part of my family was Jewish.

They also had to flee Germany because of the Nazis.
i bet sallow never thinks of other mass harms, like wwii....or the jews...i really don't understand this fascination, after the zimmerman trial, with bringing up all the horrible past that everyone is aware of.

we all know what lynching is. white people used to lynch white people in lynch mobs and they lynch black people. think of the genocide in sudan....you never hear sallow comment on that or make threads about that....nope...he and his ilk are focused solely on the harm whites causes to blacks.

honestly, i can't think of any mindset that hurts america more. we will never overcome racial issues when people like sallow think the way they do or people like bodecea who thinks genocide is the same thing as slavery.
I think old Jroc would dispute that for ya..

He liked to call me a Jew because part of my family was Jewish.

They also had to flee Germany because of the Nazis.

have you ever made a thread about those injustices?

honestly, what is your reason for this thread?
Lynch mobs denied people justice and denied people their very lives.

To get very over simplified, lynch mobs = very bad.

But I believe we all already knew this.

So, what point is served by making sure we hear it again?

Are there a LOT of lynchings going on today?

People seem to be throwing the word around very casually today.

like you did by starting this thread...give us a break...hardly ANYONE is alive today that took part in lynchings or slavery...it's a friggen part of HISTORY...so was what happened to the Indians...how weird they have MOVED on....some of you are called progressives, you really are regressive and oppressive...living in the PAST...nothing progressive about that
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Lynch mobs denied people justice and denied people their very lives.

To get very over simplified, lynch mobs = very bad.

But I believe we all already knew this.

So, what point is served by making sure we hear it again?

Are there a LOT of lynchings going on today?

And one we can name is George Zimmerman.

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