What Really Is Hell? non-believers and my fellow Christians.


VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
I hear Christians and non-believers referring to hell as a place of torment. Some Christians use it as a threat and non-believers use it as a reason to not believe because God is sadistic and tortures people.

I looked around for an article and who would of thought it ? I actually agree with Jehovah's witnesses on this subject and they did a mavelous job with this article concerning Hell.

After you read this article look up the terms sheol,hell,hades and gahenna. It is clear a loving and just God does not torture period.

What Really Is Hell? - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site
Just more convoluted perplexing fables.

Really,because what I am showing is according to the scriptures some Christians are wrong about what hell is and also showing that non-believers can 't use this argument that God according to the scriptures created such a place.

Have you noticed all the reads of this thread with no responses except your pointless response.
Someone asked me to be a Jehovah's Witness once, but I told them I didn't see the accident.
A Christian Taliban would be Hell. That's why we must stop them.
That's the thanks I get for bumping an otherwise dead thread?

Go back to talking to yourself.
Someone asked me to be a Jehovah's Witness once, but I told them I didn't see the accident.

I'm not a JW I was just surprised that they agreed with my view on this issue.

I worked with a Jehovah's Witness until last week.

frankly, I think on the "Religious Crazy Scale", they rate about 8. (Mormons are up there at a full 10).

To the point, I find most concepts of hell to be offensive.

Frankly, unless you are Hitler or Jeff Dahmner, most of us do not do things that merit eternal punishment.

But heck, it's pretty easy to get into the Christian Hell. All you have to do is be born into the wrong religion, and they don't make it clear which one is the "right" one.

but it gets better. Even Jeff Dahmner can get into the Christian Heaven. All he has to do is accept Jesus into his heart and get baptized.

Meanwhile, if Anne Frank doesn't accept Jesus, she goes to hell, even though she's blameless victim.

A cosmology where Anne Frank goes to Hell and Jeff Dahmner gets into Heaven isn't worthy of my respect.

Thankfully, it's all a retarded Bronze Age fairy tale.
We cannot fathom what hell is because it is beyond our comprehension just as heaven is. When we die we are no longer encased in these mortal earthly shells with these limited 5 senses but transcend into our ethereal form and we have no idea what we will feel or sense in these forms. Can we feel pain, hunger, sadness or joy? There is some indication that we will feel this.

So to say someone is wrong about hell is making a judgment based on something that is not fact. Yes, it is used as a means to threaten people but GOD made hell to be the place for the traitor Satan. To put it in our perspective it is not Heaven but a prison. The world we live in is in between and the battleground for our souls. Why did GOD allow Satan to interfere in this world he created? Only he knows and we can only speculate.

All the ideas about hell and heaven are just opinions and there is no right or wrong. Only those who fail to accept Christ as their savior will find out the truth what hell is.
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Someone asked me to be a Jehovah's Witness once, but I told them I didn't see the accident.

I'm not a JW I was just surprised that they agreed with my view on this issue.

I worked with a Jehovah's Witness until last week.

frankly, I think on the "Religious Crazy Scale", they rate about 8. (Mormons are up there at a full 10).

To the point, I find most concepts of hell to be offensive.

Frankly, unless you are Hitler or Jeff Dahmner, most of us do not do things that merit eternal punishment.

But heck, it's pretty easy to get into the Christian Hell. All you have to do is be born into the wrong religion, and they don't make it clear which one is the "right" one.

but it gets better. Even Jeff Dahmner can get into the Christian Heaven. All he has to do is accept Jesus into his heart and get baptized.

Meanwhile, if Anne Frank doesn't accept Jesus, she goes to hell, even though she's blameless victim.

A cosmology where Anne Frank goes to Hell and Jeff Dahmner gets into Heaven isn't worthy of my respect.

Thankfully, it's all a retarded Bronze Age fairy tale.

God judges by the heart and dahmer payed the price for his sin with his death. Most will pay the price for sin which is death.

So if someone is insane that should be held against him by God ?

Do you know if dahmer converted before his death ?

God say's the wages of sin is death is that not what we all eventually do is die. We have foregiveness for our sins but we still sin and die.

There will be some who never die but they have to have the right heart condition to not exp death.
We cannot fathom what hell is because it is beyond our comprehension just as heaven is. When we die we are no longer encased in these mortal earthly shells with these limited 5 senses but transcend into our ethereal form and we have no idea what we will feel or sense in these forms. Can we feel pain, hunger, sadness or joy? There is some indication that we will feel this.

So to say someone is wrong about hell is making a judgment based on something that is not fact. Yes, it is used as a means to threaten people but GOD made hell to be the place for the traitor Satan. To put it in our perspective it is not Heaven but a prison. The world we live in is in between and the battleground for our souls. Why did GOD allow Satan to interfere in this world he created? Only he knows and we can only speculate.

All the ideas about hell and heaven are just opinions and there is no right or wrong. Only those who fail to accept Christ as their savior will find out the truth what hell is.

The scriptuires do not support your view or the bible contradicts itself which is it ?
God judges by the heart and dahmer payed the price for his sin with his death. Most will pay the price for sin which is death.

So if someone is insane that should be held against him by God ?

Do you know if dahmer converted before his death ?

God say's the wages of sin is death is that not what we all eventually do is die. We have foregiveness for our sins but we still sin and die.

There will be some who never die but they have to have the right heart condition to not exp death.

A whole lot of problems with this thinking, and I'm getting ready for work, so I'll only hit on a couple.

Dahmner was baptized in prison just before another inmate brained him. So by your logic, his sins were forgiven and he got into the eternal buffet table. (I hear he likes the pork!)

If death is the payment for sin, why does everyone get the same punishment, regardless of the level of sin. It seems to me that they dictator who dies in his bed at 90 is a bigger sinner than the baby who dies of SIDS.

Why should someone who is otherwise a decent person go to hell because they just happened to be born in a region where Christianity wasn't the dominant religion?
God judges by the heart and dahmer payed the price for his sin with his death. Most will pay the price for sin which is death.

So if someone is insane that should be held against him by God ?

Do you know if dahmer converted before his death ?

God say's the wages of sin is death is that not what we all eventually do is die. We have foregiveness for our sins but we still sin and die.

There will be some who never die but they have to have the right heart condition to not exp death.

A whole lot of problems with this thinking, and I'm getting ready for work, so I'll only hit on a couple.

Dahmner was baptized in prison just before another inmate brained him. So by your logic, his sins were forgiven and he got into the eternal buffet table. (I hear he likes the pork!)

If death is the payment for sin, why does everyone get the same punishment, regardless of the level of sin. It seems to me that they dictator who dies in his bed at 90 is a bigger sinner than the baby who dies of SIDS.

Why should someone who is otherwise a decent person go to hell because they just happened to be born in a region where Christianity wasn't the dominant religion?

Once adam sinned,sin was passed on to all, We all sin and die. All sin is wrong to God no matter the sin. The forgivness of sins puts us in position for the resurrection to eternal life that and the belief in the son of God.

Hell is the grave,we all go to Hell Jesus went to hell but he was dead. Jesus referred to the condition of the dead is like a state of sleep. The bible say's that the dead are conscious of nothing that their thoughts go away and they are in that state until the resurrection.
I'm not a JW I was just surprised that they agreed with my view on this issue.

I worked with a Jehovah's Witness until last week.

frankly, I think on the "Religious Crazy Scale", they rate about 8. (Mormons are up there at a full 10).

To the point, I find most concepts of hell to be offensive.

Frankly, unless you are Hitler or Jeff Dahmner, most of us do not do things that merit eternal punishment.

But heck, it's pretty easy to get into the Christian Hell. All you have to do is be born into the wrong religion, and they don't make it clear which one is the "right" one.

but it gets better. Even Jeff Dahmner can get into the Christian Heaven. All he has to do is accept Jesus into his heart and get baptized.

Meanwhile, if Anne Frank doesn't accept Jesus, she goes to hell, even though she's blameless victim.

A cosmology where Anne Frank goes to Hell and Jeff Dahmner gets into Heaven isn't worthy of my respect.

Thankfully, it's all a retarded Bronze Age fairy tale.

God judges by the heart and dahmer payed the price for his sin with his death. Most will pay the price for sin which is death.

So if someone is insane that should be held against him by God ?

Do you know if dahmer converted before his death ?

God say's the wages of sin is death is that not what we all eventually do is die. We have foregiveness for our sins but we still sin and die.

There will be some who never die but they have to have the right heart condition to not exp death.

Why does it matter if Dahmer converted or not?
Should not a sinner be punished according to his sin? Or is asking forgiveness an escape out of hell card?

Even if he asked for forgiveness and converted with all the sincerity in the world, why should he go unpunished? The argument of a persons realization before punishment is utter BS! What if he become sincere while he is being punished, should God then let him off with a half-sentence?

There is nothing in scriptures that says so, thus suggesting being forgiven before punishment is a load of crap.

Punish the sinner according to his sin. That is justice.
Forgiven a sinner because he asked to be forgiven, because he converted to a certain religion or because some mystic claim that this is so is an attempt to usurp justice. Your heart is what lead you to the sin, why should it become your Judge?
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Why does it matter if Dahmer converted or not?
Should not a sinner be punished according to his sin? Or is asking forgiveness an escape out of hell card?

Even if he asked for forgiveness and converted with all the sincerity in the world, why should he go unpunished? The argument of a persons realization before punishment is utter BS! What if he become sincere while he is being punished, should God then let him off with a half-sentence?

There is nothing in scriptures that says so, thus suggesting being forgiven before punishment is a load of crap.

Punish the sinner according to his sin. That is justice.
Forgiven a sinner because he asked to be forgiven, because he converted to a certain religion or because some mystic claim that this is so is an attempt to usurp justice. Your heart is what lead you to the sin, why should it become your Judge?

Catholic Dogma used to have a place called Purgatory, which was a temporary Hell where you suffered for a little bit before they put you into heaven. (which again, would you really want to share a cloud with someone who got tortured for a century or two in purgatory?)

They also had a place callled Limbo, where the nice not Catholics ended up.
I worked with a Jehovah's Witness until last week.

frankly, I think on the "Religious Crazy Scale", they rate about 8. (Mormons are up there at a full 10).

To the point, I find most concepts of hell to be offensive.

Frankly, unless you are Hitler or Jeff Dahmner, most of us do not do things that merit eternal punishment.

But heck, it's pretty easy to get into the Christian Hell. All you have to do is be born into the wrong religion, and they don't make it clear which one is the "right" one.

but it gets better. Even Jeff Dahmner can get into the Christian Heaven. All he has to do is accept Jesus into his heart and get baptized.

Meanwhile, if Anne Frank doesn't accept Jesus, she goes to hell, even though she's blameless victim.

A cosmology where Anne Frank goes to Hell and Jeff Dahmner gets into Heaven isn't worthy of my respect.

Thankfully, it's all a retarded Bronze Age fairy tale.

God judges by the heart and dahmer payed the price for his sin with his death. Most will pay the price for sin which is death.

So if someone is insane that should be held against him by God ?

Do you know if dahmer converted before his death ?

God say's the wages of sin is death is that not what we all eventually do is die. We have foregiveness for our sins but we still sin and die.

There will be some who never die but they have to have the right heart condition to not exp death.

Why does it matter if Dahmer converted or not?
Should not a sinner be punished according to his sin? Or is asking forgiveness an escape out of hell card?

Even if he asked for forgiveness and converted with all the sincerity in the world, why should he go unpunished? The argument of a persons realization before punishment is utter BS! What if he become sincere while he is being punished, should God then let him off with a half-sentence?

There is nothing in scriptures that says so, thus suggesting being forgiven before punishment is a load of crap.

Punish the sinner according to his sin. That is justice.
Forgiven a sinner because he asked to be forgiven, because he converted to a certain religion or because some mystic claim that this is so is an attempt to usurp justice. Your heart is what lead you to the sin, why should it become your Judge?

We all are punished for our sins with death.

Dahmer I don't know his heart there is only one who can read his heart and he will be judged by his heart condition by the judge. No one can hide what his heart condition is.

The wages of sin is death when a person dies he paid the price. Now during the resurrection if his heart condition is wrong then he will suffer eternal death.

Before Christ came and died people had to sacrfice animals for atonement for their sins. The death of Christ was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins it is no longer a requirement.

God is tolerant and allows all to repent of their sins,if one chooses not to they pay the ultimate price.
Why does it matter if Dahmer converted or not?
Should not a sinner be punished according to his sin? Or is asking forgiveness an escape out of hell card?

Even if he asked for forgiveness and converted with all the sincerity in the world, why should he go unpunished? The argument of a persons realization before punishment is utter BS! What if he become sincere while he is being punished, should God then let him off with a half-sentence?

There is nothing in scriptures that says so, thus suggesting being forgiven before punishment is a load of crap.

Punish the sinner according to his sin. That is justice.
Forgiven a sinner because he asked to be forgiven, because he converted to a certain religion or because some mystic claim that this is so is an attempt to usurp justice. Your heart is what lead you to the sin, why should it become your Judge?

Catholic Dogma used to have a place called Purgatory, which was a temporary Hell where you suffered for a little bit before they put you into heaven. (which again, would you really want to share a cloud with someone who got tortured for a century or two in purgatory?)

They also had a place callled Limbo, where the nice not Catholics ended up.

I'm not a fan of organized religion particularly the catholic faith.

The bible say's call no man father but what do the catholics do ?

Religions and false doctrine are the product of man not God.

Mat 23:4 For they bind heavy and hard-to-carry burdens and lay them on men's shoulders. But they will not move them with one of their fingers.
Mat 23:5 But they do all their works in order to be seen of men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.
Mat 23:6 And they love the first couch at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,
Mat 23:7 and greetings in the market-places, and to be called, Rabbi! Rabbi! by men.
Mat 23:8 But you must not be called Rabbi, for One is your teacher, Christ, and you are all brothers.
Mat 23:9 And call no one your father on the earth, for One is your Father in Heaven.
Mat 23:10 Nor be called teachers, for One is your Teacher, even Christ.

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