What rights are the gays missing?

What you all want to have is AMERICAN RIGHT WING VALUES mrriage wg=hich has virtually NOTHING to do with "Traditional" marriage. Remind me what thw DIVORCE RATE is in our country of "TRADITIONAL marriage.

What I want is for somebody to tell me what rights the homosexuals don't have that the heterosexuals do have.
That was my question in the OP and so far, only military service has been proven to be one of those elusive rights.

Nobody cares what a racist who supports Jim Crow thinks about civil rights and liberties- and you're not a member of the Klan, you're forwarding the very arguments they used when the blacks demanded equality under the law

In other words, you can't answer the question, so instead, you are going to falsely accuse me of being racist.
That's intellectually weak of you.
Pete, did blacks and women go to every state alone to fight for equality or did they march on DC?

To condemn one is to condemn them all.

Again, it doesn't matter what the states do; the Fed refuses to recognize it, meaning they don't get federal benefits

What exactly are federal benefits?
Let me google that for you

Legal and economic benefits of marriage
Marriage Benefits

According to a report given to the Office of the General Counsel of the U.S. General Accounting Office, here are a few of the 1,138 benefits the United States government provides to legally married couples:

  1. Access to Military Stores
    Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
    Bereavement Leave
    Insurance Breaks
    Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
    Sick Leave to Care for Partner
    Social Security Survivor Benefits
    Sick Leave to Care for Partner
    Tax Breaks
    Veteran’s Discounts
    Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Marriage Rights and Benefits - Free Legal Information - Nolo
Estate Planning Benefits

  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf.

Government Benefits

Other Legal Benefits and Protections

  • Suing a third person for wrongful death of your spouse and loss of consortium (loss of intimacy).
  • Suing a third person for offenses that interfere with the success of your marriage, such as alienation of affection and criminal conversation (these laws are available in only a few states).
  • Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications between you and your spouse during your marriage.
  • Receiving crime victims' recovery benefits if your spouse is the victim of a crime.
  • Obtaining immigration and residency benefits for noncitizen spouse.
  • Visiting rights in jails and other places where visitors are restricted to immediate family.

Everything you just named applies to heterosexual people if they choose to marry a person of the same sex.
Again, the law is applied equally, it doesn't specifically say anything about being homosexual.
You have no clue, do you?
If you look hard enough, you will find posts on this board, made by me, that say the government has no business in marriage whatsoever. Regardless of sexual orientation.
Now, tell me, what rights are homosexuals not getting that heterosexuals are getting?

As if anyone on the right even cares. How many times do you have to go over it? Even worse, they come up with the most lame and stupid arguments.

One more time.

Since someone else mentioned the military. What do you get from the military.
Guaranteed student loan
Guaranteed home loan
VA benefits
burial benefits
benefits to children

First, there are only a handful of states that allow civil unions. Civil unions are generally NOT recognized by other states as opposed to marriage.

Some benefits if marriage:

Joint parental rights of children
Joint adoption
Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions
Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
Crime victims recovery benefits
Domestic violence protection orders
Judicial protections and immunity
Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
Public safety officers death benefits
Spousal veterans benefits
Social Security
Joint filing of tax returns
Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
Child support
Joint Insurance Plans
Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
Estate and gift tax benefits
Welfare and public assistance
Joint housing for elderly
Credit protection
Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

And those are only "SOME".

I'm tired of stupid, dumbass right wingers saying "name a right gays don't get".

Everything you just named applies to heterosexual people if they choose to marry a person of the same sex.
Again, the law is applied equally, it doesn't specifically say anything about being

Why do you continue this asinine argument?

The facts are these people love each other, they care for each other, they trust each other with their lives. They are being denied rights and privleges available to other Americans.

To say, you have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex as everyone else does is ridiculous.
But if you CAN'T get married that is quite a list if things you can't get. If the Republicans continue to harp on this issue you will CONTINUE to turn off moderates. And for WHAT to keep a word for yourselves and ONLY yourselves?

Perhaps you can site the law (any law) that states that if one is homosexual they can't get married. There may be laws that state one cannot marry a person of the same sex, but those apply to bother hetero and homosexuals.
Equal treatment under the law.
But if you CAN'T get married that is quite a list if things you can't get. If the Republicans continue to harp on this issue you will CONTINUE to turn off moderates. And for WHAT to keep a word for yourselves and ONLY yourselves?

Perhaps you can site the law (any law) that states that if one is homosexual they can't get married. There may be laws that state one cannot marry a person of the same sex, but those apply to bother hetero and homosexuals.
Equal treatment under the law.

Kind of a specious argument. If you can't marry soemone you love, then no...you can't get married.

THAT is equal treatment... being able to marry the person you love.
As if anyone on the right even cares. How many times do you have to go over it? Even worse, they come up with the most lame and stupid arguments.

One more time.

Since someone else mentioned the military. What do you get from the military.
Guaranteed student loan
Guaranteed home loan
VA benefits
burial benefits
benefits to children

First, there are only a handful of states that allow civil unions. Civil unions are generally NOT recognized by other states as opposed to marriage.

Some benefits if marriage:

Joint parental rights of children
Joint adoption
Status as "next-of-kin" for hospital visits and medical decisions
Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
Crime victims recovery benefits
Domestic violence protection orders
Judicial protections and immunity
Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
Public safety officers death benefits
Spousal veterans benefits
Social Security
Joint filing of tax returns
Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
Child support
Joint Insurance Plans
Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
Estate and gift tax benefits
Welfare and public assistance
Joint housing for elderly
Credit protection
Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

And those are only "SOME".

I'm tired of stupid, dumbass right wingers saying "name a right gays don't get".

Everything you just named applies to heterosexual people if they choose to marry a person of the same sex.
Again, the law is applied equally, it doesn't specifically say anything about being

Why do you continue this asinine argument?

The facts are these people love each other, they care for each other, they trust each other with their lives. They are being denied rights and privleges available to other Americans.

To say, you have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex as everyone else does is ridiculous.
OK, let's use your logic.
I love my brother, he loves me. We care for each other. We trust each other with our lives. We can't get married to each other, so therefore, according to you, we are denied rights and privileges available to other Americans. And we aren't even homosexuals.
But if you CAN'T get married that is quite a list if things you can't get. If the Republicans continue to harp on this issue you will CONTINUE to turn off moderates. And for WHAT to keep a word for yourselves and ONLY yourselves?

Perhaps you can site the law (any law) that states that if one is homosexual they can't get married. There may be laws that state one cannot marry a person of the same sex, but those apply to bother hetero and homosexuals.
Equal treatment under the law.

Kind of a specious argument. If you can't marry soemone you love, then no...you can't get married.

THAT is equal treatment... being able to marry the person you love.

and you can only do that if
A. They agree to it
B They aren't aleady married
C They are of age
But if you CAN'T get married that is quite a list if things you can't get. If the Republicans continue to harp on this issue you will CONTINUE to turn off moderates. And for WHAT to keep a word for yourselves and ONLY yourselves?

Perhaps you can site the law (any law) that states that if one is homosexual they can't get married. There may be laws that state one cannot marry a person of the same sex, but those apply to bother hetero and homosexuals.
Equal treatment under the law.

Kind of a specious argument. If you can't marry soemone you love, then no...you can't get married.

THAT is equal treatment... being able to marry the person you love.
See the post following yours. Although I was addressing a different argument, it applies here as well.
But if you CAN'T get married that is quite a list if things you can't get. If the Republicans continue to harp on this issue you will CONTINUE to turn off moderates. And for WHAT to keep a word for yourselves and ONLY yourselves?

Perhaps you can site the law (any law) that states that if one is homosexual they can't get married. There may be laws that state one cannot marry a person of the same sex, but those apply to bother hetero and homosexuals.
Equal treatment under the law.

WRONG!! We passed a CONSTITUTIONAL AMMEDMENT that disallows gay marriage. Why!!?? For WHAT!!?? Just to keep that word for themselves. NOT EQUAL TREATMENT UNDER THE LAW.

Do you remember the outrage about sodomy in Texas? The fact that HETEROS engage in sodomy didn't seem the matter.
We had a child custody dispute here in Idaho a number of years ago and the ruling was if he lived with his partner (of MANY years) he would NOT be granted custody or even VISTITATION of HIS children. His partner had to get a trailer home a few hundred feet away for his partner to get to see his children. WHAT FREAKING HYPOCRICY!!! I believe that some Conservatives would RATHER have kids raised in an ABUSIVE Hetro home than a LOVING homo home. FREAKING INSANE!!
Let's resolve the issue once and for all. GET THE STATE OUT OF THE MARRIAGE BUSINESS! If you have a pastor who is willing to MARRY two people of the same sex because he believes they are truely dedicated to one another then the become MARRIED
I've often said the state has no business being involved in marriage.
Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...


Do you have any proof of this wild assertion? Or are you just speaking out of your ass?

Of course...

Studies of stressed populations show consistantly that given sufficient strains on space homosexuality becomes rampant; with the weaker males turning queer; and where food resources are sufficiently stressed, those same queer males become FOOD.
Of course...

Studies of stressed populations show consistantly that given sufficient strains on space homosexuality becomes rampant; with the weaker males turning queer; and where food resources are sufficiently stressed, those same queer males become FOOD.
You're insane. But I do see why you are so afraid of gays...you're a weaker male.
Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...


Do you have any proof of this wild assertion? Or are you just speaking out of your ass?

Of course...

Studies of stressed populations show consistantly that given sufficient strains on space homosexuality becomes rampant; with the weaker males turning queer; and where food resources are sufficiently stressed, those same queer males become FOOD.

So Public if your theory on homosexual genes holds true then that gene would have been eradicated a millenia ago. Your argument makes ZERO sense.
We had a child custody dispute here in Idaho a number of years ago and the ruling was if he lived with his partner (of MANY years) he would NOT be granted custody or even VISTITATION of HIS children. His partner had to get a trailer home a few hundred feet away for his partner to get to see his children. WHAT FREAKING HYPOCRICY!!! I believe that some Conservatives would RATHER have kids raised in an ABUSIVE Hetro home than a LOVING homo home. FREAKING INSANE!!

They would. I've seen many state that institutionalizing kids is better than putting them in a loving home with gay parents.
Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...


Do you have any proof of this wild assertion? Or are you just speaking out of your ass?

Of course...

Studies of stressed populations show consistantly that given sufficient strains on space homosexuality becomes rampant; with the weaker males turning queer; and where food resources are sufficiently stressed, those same queer males become FOOD.

Lets see those studies. :eusa_eh:

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