What rightwing Christians are angry about


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced
Speaking only for myself (as a rightwing Christian):

I'm angry that I forgot to take my buffalo hamburger out of the freezer to thaw this morning. I had intended to, but forgot. I guess I'm gonna have to have a bowl of cereal for dinner. :(:mad:
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Why don't you tell us what YOU are angry about, Brainiac?
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Left wing non-Christians should worry about themselves instead of what other people are doing.
Far right wing entitlement Christians should worry about their relationship with Jesus and leave other folks alone.
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Left wing non-Christians should worry about themselves instead of what other people are doing.

You mean like just getting over it and allowing gay people to marry eachother and allow women to make reproductive choices about their own bodies? Oh, wait, that's not the left wingers...
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Left wing non-Christians should worry about themselves instead of what other people are doing.

You mean like just getting over it and allowing gay people to marry eachother and allow women to make reproductive choices about their own bodies? Oh, wait, that's not the left wingers...

I know Christians AND non-Christians who are opposed to murdering babies and/or are opposed to two men poking each other in disease-ridden areas of their bodies. Those issues aren't exclusively "Christian." Anyone (regardless of religion) with a modicum of common sense and good judgement are opposed to faggotry and infanticide.
Far right wing entitlement Christians should worry about their relationship with Jesus and leave other folks alone.

Amen, hallelujah and hot damn.

Take care of your own business instead of trying to run the lives of others.

Give us some examples of Christians trying to "run your life."

And then list what you think Christians are entitled to that you are not. And, why wouldn't I worry about you?
Far right wing entitlement Christians should worry about their relationship with Jesus and leave other folks alone.

Amen, hallelujah and hot damn.

Take care of your own business instead of trying to run the lives of others.

This is what we call irony. You routinely claim we are haters for suggesting exactly that.
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Certainly not a flame-baiter with a fairy tale.
With their phony cries of war on their Christmas and paranoia run wild with stories of banning christianity to jailing of christians. With the demographic shift here in America their religion will no longer be the entitlement religion. It will be treated just like any other belief, no better or worst and not given any special respect or treatment. And that is what is driving them up the wall and behind their nuttiness that has surfaced

Certainly not a flame-baiter with a fairy tale.

Naw ... just a flame-baitin' fairy.

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