What role does Affirmative Action play in the events playing out in Ferguson?

Sowell's point back then was that Affirmative Action makes it much more likely for blacks with degrees or established job skills to be hired...thus making it a great thing for upper class blacks...but would make it less likely that a young black male with no job skills would be hired. This was a view that was vigorously attacked at that time and yet four decades later the unemployment rate for young blacks is through the roof and cities like Ferguson are filled with young men who have no job opportunities.

So yeah, I guess it's so much better to be an Uncle Tom saying "Sho enough boss, we sho be shiftless!"

It obviously pains you that Thomas Sowell was correct in his point about Affirmative Action, Joe! You doing your best Amos and Andy won't change that.
Sowell's point back then was that Affirmative Action makes it much more likely for blacks with degrees or established job skills to be hired...thus making it a great thing for upper class blacks...but would make it less likely that a young black male with no job skills would be hired. This was a view that was vigorously attacked at that time and yet four decades later the unemployment rate for young blacks is through the roof and cities like Ferguson are filled with young men who have no job opportunities.

So yeah, I guess it's so much better to be an Uncle Tom saying "Sho enough boss, we sho be shiftless!"

It obviously pains you that Thomas Sowell was correct in his point about Affirmative Action, Joe! You doing your best Amos and Andy won't change that.

The obvious pain is that Sowell is only taken seriously because someone hired him as an affirmative action hire. talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Sowell's point back then was that Affirmative Action makes it much more likely for blacks with degrees or established job skills to be hired...thus making it a great thing for upper class blacks...but would make it less likely that a young black male with no job skills would be hired. This was a view that was vigorously attacked at that time and yet four decades later the unemployment rate for young blacks is through the roof and cities like Ferguson are filled with young men who have no job opportunities.

So yeah, I guess it's so much better to be an Uncle Tom saying "Sho enough boss, we sho be shiftless!"

It obviously pains you that Thomas Sowell was correct in his point about Affirmative Action, Joe! You doing your best Amos and Andy won't change that.

The obvious pain is that Sowell is only taken seriously because someone hired him as an affirmative action hire. talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

Sowell got to where he is because of hard work and his own intelligence not because of the color of his skin. Too bad the same can't be said of our current President. People like you hate people like Sowell because he didn't need Affirmative Action.

Sowell got to where he is because of hard work and his own intelligence not because of the color of his skin. Too bad the same can't be said of our current President. People like you hate people like Sowell because he didn't need Affirmative Action.

Thomas Sowell got to where he is because he tells dumb racist crackers like you what you want to hear.

Sowell got to where he is because of hard work and his own intelligence not because of the color of his skin. Too bad the same can't be said of our current President. People like you hate people like Sowell because he didn't need Affirmative Action.

Thomas Sowell got to where he is because he tells dumb racist crackers like you what you want to hear.

I'm a "racist cracker"? :bs1:You're the person who thinks blacks need preferential treatment to succeed, Joe...Thomas Sowell is the proof that you're wrong which is why you hate him so much!

I'm a "racist cracker"? You're the person who thinks blacks need preferential treatment to succeed, Joe...Thomas Sowell is the proof that you're wrong which is why you hate him so much!

No, I think they need fair treatment to overcome the racism of the people who make the hiring decisions.

Here's the thing. The recently did a test. Hundreds of identical resumes were sent to companies. Some of them had "White" names. some of them had black names. Guess which ones got call backs?

Here's another example. In 2012, we had three people leave my department. We gave all three of them going away lunches.

One was a middle aged Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
One was a black woman who had worked with us for two years.
one was a white, blonde intern who worked with us over the summer.

Guess which one the (White Male) General Manager made the time to attend the going away lunch for?

And that's just a subtle thing.

But no problem, the Conservatives get a few Uncle Toms like Sowell and Ben Carson and Clarance Thomas to sing, "We sho be Shiftless, boss!" at your conservative minstrel show, and you feel much better about yourself.

I'm a "racist cracker"? You're the person who thinks blacks need preferential treatment to succeed, Joe...Thomas Sowell is the proof that you're wrong which is why you hate him so much!

No, I think they need fair treatment to overcome the racism of the people who make the hiring decisions.

Here's the thing. The recently did a test. Hundreds of identical resumes were sent to companies. Some of them had "White" names. some of them had black names. Guess which ones got call backs?

Here's another example. In 2012, we had three people leave my department. We gave all three of them going away lunches.

One was a middle aged Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
One was a black woman who had worked with us for two years.
one was a white, blonde intern who worked with us over the summer.

Guess which one the (White Male) General Manager made the time to attend the going away lunch for?

And that's just a subtle thing.

But no problem, the Conservatives get a few Uncle Toms like Sowell and Ben Carson and Clarance Thomas to sing, "We sho be Shiftless, boss!" at your conservative minstrel show, and you feel much better about yourself.

So you use Affirmative Action to "overcome" racist hiring practices and all THAT does is reinforce the attitude held by racists that minorities are inferior!

The point that Sowell made 40 years ago...a point that has been shown to be spot on...is that Affirmative Action ISN'T something that's going to help the majority of poor blacks from the "ghetto" but something that will result in the hiring of "upper class" blacks...like Barack Obama. Or have you forgotten Joe Biden gushing over what a "prize" Barry was because he was so clean? So upper class blacks like Barack get helped by Affirmative Action and young blacks from lousy neighborhoods like Michael Brown get shot robbing stores and running from the cops because nobody wants to hire THEM. Welcome to the year 2014 and Affirmative Action after 40 years!

So you use Affirmative Action to "overcome" racist hiring practices and all THAT does is reinforce the attitude held by racists that minorities are inferior!

Uh, no. It prevents racists from imposing their stupidity in the workplace. Obviously, nothing is going ot cure these guys of their stupidity.

The point that Sowell made 40 years ago...a point that has been shown to be spot on...is that Affirmative Action ISN'T something that's going to help the majority of poor blacks from the "ghetto" but something that will result in the hiring of "upper class" blacks...like Barack Obama. Or have you forgotten Joe Biden gushing over what a "prize" Barry was because he was so clean? So upper class blacks like Barack get helped by Affirmative Action and young blacks from lousy neighborhoods like Michael Brown get shot robbing stores and running from the cops because nobody wants to hire THEM. Welcome to the year 2014 and Affirmative Action after 40 years!

Of course, the problem isn't that blacks like Mike Brown get shot. That's because we have racist cops who shouldn't be cops.

No, the real problem is, there just aren't that many oppurtunities for anyone anymore. It's why I'm doing resumes for college kids with more debt than they can ever pay off.

But Thomas Sowell can say, "We sure is shiftless", and guys like you go along with the fact that your middle class lifestyle is being taken away. And instead of blaming the rich guy who sent your job to China, you blame the minority who maybe got considered before you because of race.

Of course, the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action haven't been blacks, they've been White Women.
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affirmative action is racist several ways. It presumes blacks are inferior. and it punishes more intellectually gifted applicants due to their race

So you use Affirmative Action to "overcome" racist hiring practices and all THAT does is reinforce the attitude held by racists that minorities are inferior!

Uh, no. It prevents racists from imposing their stupidity in the workplace. Obviously, nothing is going ot cure these guys of their stupidity.

The point that Sowell made 40 years ago...a point that has been shown to be spot on...is that Affirmative Action ISN'T something that's going to help the majority of poor blacks from the "ghetto" but something that will result in the hiring of "upper class" blacks...like Barack Obama. Or have you forgotten Joe Biden gushing over what a "prize" Barry was because he was so clean? So upper class blacks like Barack get helped by Affirmative Action and young blacks from lousy neighborhoods like Michael Brown get shot robbing stores and running from the cops because nobody wants to hire THEM. Welcome to the year 2014 and Affirmative Action after 40 years!

Of course, the problem isn't that blacks like Mike Brown get shot. That's because we have racist cops who shouldn't be cops.

No, the real problem is, there just aren't that many oppurtunities for anyone anymore. It's why I'm doing resumes for college kids with more debt than they can ever pay off.

But Thomas Sowell can say, "We sure is shiftless", and guys like you go along with the fact that your middle class lifestyle is being taken away. And instead of blaming the rich guy who sent your job to China, you blame the minority who maybe got considered before you because of race.

Of course, the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action haven't been blacks, they've been White Women.

If they have that much debt , why are they hiring someone to write their resume? I mean come on....

So you use Affirmative Action to "overcome" racist hiring practices and all THAT does is reinforce the attitude held by racists that minorities are inferior!

Uh, no. It prevents racists from imposing their stupidity in the workplace. Obviously, nothing is going ot cure these guys of their stupidity.

The point that Sowell made 40 years ago...a point that has been shown to be spot on...is that Affirmative Action ISN'T something that's going to help the majority of poor blacks from the "ghetto" but something that will result in the hiring of "upper class" blacks...like Barack Obama. Or have you forgotten Joe Biden gushing over what a "prize" Barry was because he was so clean? So upper class blacks like Barack get helped by Affirmative Action and young blacks from lousy neighborhoods like Michael Brown get shot robbing stores and running from the cops because nobody wants to hire THEM. Welcome to the year 2014 and Affirmative Action after 40 years!

Of course, the problem isn't that blacks like Mike Brown get shot. That's because we have racist cops who shouldn't be cops.

No, the real problem is, there just aren't that many oppurtunities for anyone anymore. It's why I'm doing resumes for college kids with more debt than they can ever pay off.

But Thomas Sowell can say, "We sure is shiftless", and guys like you go along with the fact that your middle class lifestyle is being taken away. And instead of blaming the rich guy who sent your job to China, you blame the minority who maybe got considered before you because of race.

Of course, the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action haven't been blacks, they've been White Women.

If you'd take your head out of your posterior and actually READ what Sowell said you might grasp that his point 40 years ago was Affirmative Action wouldn't help poor blacks because the blacks that would get hired would be upper-class...you know...the ones that closet racists like Joe 'Hoof in Mouth' Biden think are WONDERFUL because they are clean and well spoken?

The reason that the Mike Brown's of the world are getting left behind in shit holes like East St. Louis is that Affirmative Action did just what Sowell said it would do WAY BACK THEN...it left poor blacks with sub par educations behind while it allowed limousine liberals to pat themselves on the back for being "inclusive" as they gave a hand up to upper-class blacks that they felt comfortable with at the country club!

So you use Affirmative Action to "overcome" racist hiring practices and all THAT does is reinforce the attitude held by racists that minorities are inferior!

Uh, no. It prevents racists from imposing their stupidity in the workplace. Obviously, nothing is going ot cure these guys of their stupidity.

The point that Sowell made 40 years ago...a point that has been shown to be spot on...is that Affirmative Action ISN'T something that's going to help the majority of poor blacks from the "ghetto" but something that will result in the hiring of "upper class" blacks...like Barack Obama. Or have you forgotten Joe Biden gushing over what a "prize" Barry was because he was so clean? So upper class blacks like Barack get helped by Affirmative Action and young blacks from lousy neighborhoods like Michael Brown get shot robbing stores and running from the cops because nobody wants to hire THEM. Welcome to the year 2014 and Affirmative Action after 40 years!

Of course, the problem isn't that blacks like Mike Brown get shot. That's because we have racist cops who shouldn't be cops.

No, the real problem is, there just aren't that many oppurtunities for anyone anymore. It's why I'm doing resumes for college kids with more debt than they can ever pay off.

But Thomas Sowell can say, "We sure is shiftless", and guys like you go along with the fact that your middle class lifestyle is being taken away. And instead of blaming the rich guy who sent your job to China, you blame the minority who maybe got considered before you because of race.

Of course, the real beneficiaries of Affirmative Action haven't been blacks, they've been White Women.

If they have that much debt , why are they hiring someone to write their resume? I mean come on....

A better question would be why a college educated person would NEED help to put together a resume? It's not exactly rocket science...
If they have that much debt , why are they hiring someone to write their resume? I mean come on....

Mostly, because resume writing isn't a skill they teach you in college. Seriously, I see college students with three page resumes that the university prepares for them.

If you'd take your head out of your posterior and actually READ what Sowell said you might grasp that his point 40 years ago was Affirmative Action wouldn't help poor blacks because the blacks that would get hired would be upper-class...you know...the ones that closet racists like Joe 'Hoof in Mouth' Biden think are WONDERFUL because they are clean and well spoken?

The reason that the Mike Brown's of the world are getting left behind in shit holes like East St. Louis is that Affirmative Action did just what Sowell said it would do WAY BACK THEN...it left poor blacks with sub par educations behind while it allowed limousine liberals to pat themselves on the back for being "inclusive" as they gave a hand up to upper-class blacks that they felt comfortable with at the country club!

No, the reason Mike Brown is getting left behind is because the big corporations you love so much have spent the last 30 years gutting the middle class. The problem isn't that blacks are having a hard time getting into the middle class, it's that whites are having a hard time staying in it.

Uncle Tom probably knows this, but he also knows his bread and butter is telling folks like you how shiftless black folks are and the reason why you got kicked out of hte middle class is because they gave your job to "those people'. Remember Jesse Helms and his "White Hands" ad?
If they have that much debt , why are they hiring someone to write their resume? I mean come on....

A better question would be why a college educated person would NEED help to put together a resume? It's not exactly rocket science...

Um, yeah. and frankly, I've seen simply awful resumes written by college educated people.

Here's the thing. It's not a skill most people develop. If you are doing it right, you probably only need a resume once every five years. How good are you going to be at something you only do once every five years?

The other part of the problem is objectivity. People have a hard time being objective about themselves, which is where you get the aforementioned three page resume they never get a call back from.
One was a middle aged Chinese woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
One was a black woman who had worked with us for two years.
one was a white, blonde intern who worked with us over the summer.
Guess which one the (White Male) General Manager made the time to attend the going away lunch for?
That's because the General Manager was banging the summer intern. ...... :cool:
It does favor those that have a college degree over those who do not because white collar jobs have an exposure to more aggressive affirmative action policies. Universities have aggressive policies that get minorities on to the campus, but often they come from sub-standard school districts and cannot finish a BA.
I don't like the fact that math skills has as much weight as language skills. Because I was in a none college prep program in H.S. I had to take all of the courses in college that I avoided in H.S. But how often do we use Polynomials and Derivatives in real life?
Affirmative Action has done what it was designed to do: promote the hiring of QUALIFIED Blacks and White women. With cries of "reverse discrimination" and "unqualified minorities" ringing in their ears, it was no wonder that employers sought the cream of the crop among Blacks....Blacks who had experience or training for the type of skill needed. Now, in this forum I am hearing an entirely different objection to AA. In harmony with Sowell, some of you are now agonizing over the success of AA in creating a vibrant Black middle class. Well, those Blacks who were not qualified and could not be trained to compete were left behind...that's life. The best went on to better things as planned!
Yup, it worked out really well for us.......

again, guy, Obama didn't win because of Affirmative Action.

Obama won because Bush messed up as badly as he did and perhaps destroyed the GOP Brand for life.
Affirmative Action programs for black teens are focused on the wrong areas; such as science, mathematics, or engineering.

Black youth today only want careers in either the NBA or the Rap music business.

So the Affirmative Actions programs need modernize and change their focus from academics to sports and pop culture. ..... :cool:

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