What??? Saudi Arabia To The Rescue????

In reality the target is us.

OPEC’s idea is to try to knock out U.S. shale producers by driving prices lower than they can afford. That way Saudi Arabia, the cartel’s biggest exporter, can keep its market share in the U.S.

Can the U.S. Fracking Boom Survive With Oil 65 Per Barrel - Businessweek

U.S. production probably will decrease, even if it takes a while. At $65 a barrel, it’s unlikely the U.S. can keep up its record-setting pace of expanding oil production. U.S. oil has jumped from about 5 million barrels a day in 2008 to more than 9 million. Even before OPEC’s decision, forecasters were calling for a slowdown. Last May, for instance, the Energy Information Agency forecast that total U.S. production would peak just shy of 10 million barrels per day before 2020.

Surely you remember the 80's and how OPEC destroyed much US Exploration.

Oil prices plunge U.S. energy defiant in oil war with OPEC - Dec. 2 2014

Party like it's 1986? OPEC appears to be taking a page out of its 1986 playbook, when Saudi Arabia abruptly ramped up production and sent prices tumbling. The strategy worked, forcing many oil drillers in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana out of business and allowing the Saudis to clinch more market share.

"In reality the target is us."

7. "How Saudia Arabia’s Gift Of Plunging Oil PricesSaves Christmas Season"

Almost the only G-20 government that is behaving sensibly is that of Saudi Arabia. As the sun sets with agonizing dilatoriness on the Obama administration, there is no sign of a resurrection of fiscal sanity, of any concern to reform “Affordable Care,” or even of a desire to palliate the shambles of the justice system with its ancillary constabulary and custodial abuses (though African Americans are severely provoked). For what promised to be a transformatively reforming regime, the very tired incumbent has turned out to be one of history’s great underachievers,......

Were it not for the Saudi tanking of the oil price — which is not aimed at shale-oil exploitation, much less at the tide of Russophilic activity in Eastern Europe, but at Iran’s nuclear program and Iranian and Russian support for the palsied Assad regime in Syria and envenoming of Hamas and Hezbollah —"
How Saudia Arabia s Gift Of Plunging Oil Prices Saves Christmas Season - The New York Sun

"...aimed...at Iran’s nuclear program and Iranian and Russian support for the palsied Assad regime in Syria and envenoming of Hamas and Hezbollah —"

Get it now???

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

They destroyed US Exportation once before and they are trying to do it again.
There are many fields of study that baffle me------one is economics and the other is politics. Calculus is easier

8. "It is a sign of the enfeebled and delusional state of most contemporary economic thinking that oil-price declines are greeted in Western stock exchanges with alarm. These reductions are like a $500 billion tax cut for the population of the North Atlantic countries, with no significant revenue reductions to any but a couple of the governments ....

As the West has waffled over the Iranian nuclear program, the Saudis have laid a rod on Tehran’s back, and, if that is not sufficient, there is still a prayerful hope that Israel will bring the rafters down around the ears of Iran’s furtive subterranean nuclear physicists, toiling like Nibelungen to endow Iran’s mad theocracy with the ultimate weapons of terror. "
How Saudia Arabia s Gift Of Plunging Oil Prices Saves Christmas Season - The New York Sun
There are many fields of study that baffle me------one is economics and the other is politics. Calculus is easier

8. "It is a sign of the enfeebled and delusional state of most contemporary economic thinking that oil-price declines are greeted in Western stock exchanges with alarm. These reductions are like a $500 billion tax cut for the population of the North Atlantic countries, with no significant revenue reductions to any but a couple of the governments ....

As the West has waffled over the Iranian nuclear program, the Saudis have laid a rod on Tehran’s back, and, if that is not sufficient, there is still a prayerful hope that Israel will bring the rafters down around the ears of Iran’s furtive subterranean nuclear physicists, toiling like Nibelungen to endow Iran’s mad theocracy with the ultimate weapons of terror. "
How Saudia Arabia s Gift Of Plunging Oil Prices Saves Christmas Season - The New York Sun

9. "The International Atomic Energy Agency has identified another clandestine Iranian organization beavering away in violation of all Iran’s promises and it is impossible, on current form, to imagine the irresolute alignment of the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Russia, and China imposing anything serious on Iran, or Iran complying with anything that gave any sane person a sense of security that it was really abstaining voluntarily from becoming a nuclear military power."
How Saudia Arabia s Gift Of Plunging Oil Prices Saves Christmas Season - The New York Sun

Only Saudi Arabia doing anything to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Allāhu Akbar(الله أكبر)

Food for thought:
Based on his history, the White House Windbag couldn't have come up with this brilliant plan.....
....who do you think did?

I have an idea.

"Falling oil prices could give West upper hand

As prices drop to well below $70 a barrel, ripples are being felt from the Kremlin to

Last week in Vienna, as the negotiating teams which failed to reach an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program left the Austrian capital, the OPEC oil ministers arrived there for an emergency meeting to discuss the plummeting prices. This summit was also unsuccessful.

Some ministers demanded a cut in output in a frantic attempt to stem the flood but the stronger members, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, refused.

Over the last week and a half, Iranian leaders have been optimistically predicting that a nuclear agreement will be signed very soon. This is a thin façade covering the panic in Tehran’s markets over the drastic devaluation of the rial and the rise in bread prices. Iran’s oil-dependent economy is already paralyzed by the nuclear-related sanctions.

To balance its budget the government needs oil to sell at $130 a barrel. As it is, the sanctions have already pushed Iran’s ranking among the oil-exporting nations from fourth place to eighth.

...unless the West make more concessions in the next rounds of talks, the tension between Iranian politicians in favor of reestablishing relations with the West and the hardliners prepared to risk even greater financial hardship to keep the dream of a nuclear weapon, will greatly intensify, together with a greater potential for food riots. Iran will also have less ability to continue supporting its regional allies, the Assad regime in Syria, Iraq’s Shiite government (also suffering from the low oil prices) and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

[Saudi Arabia's] budget is based on a $106 per barrel. But, unlike Iran and Russia, its oil infrastructure is in a relatively good state and it holds a massive reserve fund of $800 billion accumulated during the heady years.

.... it is also prepared to lose money in the short-term as long as its major Shiite rival, Iran, is hurting much more."
Falling oil prices could give West upper hand - World Israel News Haaretz

Did you see the part about sanctions hurting Iran???
How come Obama and Kerry are all about cutting sanctions???

My hunch on the provenance of the plan to hit Iran's economy?

be-tahbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milkhamāh(Hebrew: בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה),

....which loosely translates to "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War."

God bless 'em!
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

They destroyed US Exportation once before and they are trying to do it again.

Problem is, the thing used to be that the US wanted oil prices as low as possible, and many people can't see that lowering oil prices now might not be in the best interests of the USA. How could change ever occur with the Republican Party around? they ask.
I think it's a watershed moment on USMB when PoliticalChic implicitly expresses her concession that Saudi Arabia is a better friend to the US than is Israel.
It certainly is not, but PC shows that she can think a bit out of the box.
1. Who ever would have imagined the kingdom taking steps that the leader of the free world....well, used-to-be-leader.....should have taken??

2. OK....stipulated that Obama was busy stirring up racial division, and playing patty cake with the Castro brothers,....

....and revealling that he intends for the mad Iranians to become a nuclear power.....well, under those circumstances, what could he do????

3. When I saw this headline....

"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging," Saudis block OPEC output cut sending oil price plunging Reuters

...a month ago....I realized that the Saudis were taking the bit in their teeth, and doing what the windbag in the White House wouldn't do.

4. How did Obama respond to the Iranians refusing to curtail their nuclear program?

"Iran Gets Sanctions Relief Jan. 20 as Nuclear Deal Begins"
Iran Gets Sanctions Relief Jan. 20 as Nuclear Deal Begins - Bloomberg
The maroon (figuratlvely) bowed to another potentate....

Right...last year he cut sanctions on Iran!!!!
He rewarded the madmen!!!!

Only a moron or a Liberal (sorry if that is redundant) found this the correct action!

5. So when oil prices started to dip, contrary to the usual cut in production by OPEC....the Saudis continued to produce, resulting in a precipitous drop in price of oil.
Bet I wasn't the only one to recognize what they were doing: destroying Iran's economy!

And hurting ISIS, who was selling oil, too!

The kingdom to the world's rescue!

6. Iran knew:
"Iran: Oil Price Plunge Part Of ‘Conspiracy’ Against Islam"
Iran Alleges Oil Conspiracy Against Islam The Daily Caller

Saudi Arabia...a kingdom firmly ensconced in the seventh century...

...yet they understand geopolitics better than the leader of America.
The Saudis are also targeting Russia as well.
Putin is furious over the fact that OPEC and the US will not cut production. Putin has assumed and probably has a point that other countries are attempting to scuttle the heavily oil dependent Russian economy..
Putin has asked the Russian banks to dump their reserves of hard currency and buy Rubles as a means to prop up the foundering currency.
"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging," Saudis block OPEC output cut sending oil price plunging Reuters

...a month ago....I realized that the Saudis were taking the bit in their teeth, and doing what the windbag in the White House wouldn't do.

The white house couldn't control oil output, idiot.
No. Not on private land. ON federal land, yes.

The oil companies already hold millions of acres of unused drilling rights.
The oil companies already hold millions of acres of unused drilling rights.
Federal lands only provide a small percentage of oil and gas.

There are a number of reasons why a permit might be idle. The surrounding area may have already been drilled and come up dry, and thus it would be pointless to drill another dry hole. The price of oil may have dropped, making it unprofitable to drill more wells. There are a limited number of drilling teams available, causing a backlog.

And, of course, an oil and gas company may acquire a permit on federal land to keep a competitor from acquiring the permit.
"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging," Saudis block OPEC output cut sending oil price plunging Reuters

...a month ago....I realized that the Saudis were taking the bit in their teeth, and doing what the windbag in the White House wouldn't do.

The white house couldn't control oil output, idiot.

Bullshit.... They could expand fracking onto Federal lands and oil drilling off shore.

You are abysmally ignorant on the matter and it would serve you well to quit making a fool of yourself.
That's not good enough.
If you have a factual rebuttal, present it.
"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging," Saudis block OPEC output cut sending oil price plunging Reuters

...a month ago....I realized that the Saudis were taking the bit in their teeth, and doing what the windbag in the White House wouldn't do.

The white house couldn't control oil output, idiot.
No. Not on private land. ON federal land, yes.

The oil companies already hold millions of acres of unused drilling rights.
Yes, they do. On lands known to be unproductive. The leases are on lands which if were found to be productive, the cost to harvest would offset any potential for profit.
The leases were offered as a political move.
In reality the target is us.

OPEC’s idea is to try to knock out U.S. shale producers by driving prices lower than they can afford. That way Saudi Arabia, the cartel’s biggest exporter, can keep its market share in the U.S.

Can the U.S. Fracking Boom Survive With Oil 65 Per Barrel - Businessweek

U.S. production probably will decrease, even if it takes a while. At $65 a barrel, it’s unlikely the U.S. can keep up its record-setting pace of expanding oil production. U.S. oil has jumped from about 5 million barrels a day in 2008 to more than 9 million. Even before OPEC’s decision, forecasters were calling for a slowdown. Last May, for instance, the Energy Information Agency forecast that total U.S. production would peak just shy of 10 million barrels per day before 2020.

Surely you remember the 80's and how OPEC destroyed much US Exploration.

Oil prices plunge U.S. energy defiant in oil war with OPEC - Dec. 2 2014

Party like it's 1986? OPEC appears to be taking a page out of its 1986 playbook, when Saudi Arabia abruptly ramped up production and sent prices tumbling. The strategy worked, forcing many oil drillers in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana out of business and allowing the Saudis to clinch more market share.
Wishful thinking on your part.
"Saudis block OPEC output cut, sending oil price plunging," Saudis block OPEC output cut sending oil price plunging Reuters

...a month ago....I realized that the Saudis were taking the bit in their teeth, and doing what the windbag in the White House wouldn't do.

The white house couldn't control oil output, idiot.

"sanctions" you imbecile.

Let's teach you a new word:

plural noun: sanctions
  1. 1.
    a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. Google

Be relevant, or be quiet.

Explain how sanctions could have lowered the price of oil.

Let's remind all: you have only two modes-

1. You lie


2. You attempt to change the subject.

This is because you are a gutter snipe Liberal.

The point is restricting the mad mullahs of Iran.
Saudi Arabia is doing so.
Obama, the very opposite.
Obama wants to work with Iran and make them the regional power to counter the Sunnis. I think that's obvious ....

Iranian air force bombs Isis targets in Iraq says Pentagon World news The Guardian
I think it's a watershed moment on USMB when PoliticalChic implicitly expresses her concession that Saudi Arabia is a better friend to the US than is Israel.
Despite this....Saudi Arabia is no friend to the US. They merely tolerate our Air Force Base in Riyadh.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

But according to you, Islam is the enemy.

And, according to you, we were wrong to be friends with the Soviet Union in WWII, despite them being the strongest enemy of our enemies.

Make up your mind.

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