What say you all to President Trump's plan to control cost of emergency healthcare?

Dick Foster

Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2018
The People's Republic of the Californicated
I had some recent experience so was wondering what the consensus opinion is. It's part of the overall problem of our healthcare running amuck.
In my view it will never be controlled in a acceptable manner until it's all back under the control of the free market enterprise system. As it is now we're all forced to participate in a broken system brought about by third parties who's only interests are money, greed, waste and corruption.
I don't know what Trump said about the issue normally that is the OP job to inform to discuss..

President Trump on Thursday called on Congress to pass legislation that would help protect American patients from unexpectedly large medical bills after they go to the hospital.

The president said that Democrats and Republicans alike should work quickly to stop practices in the health-care industry that he said are bankrupting patients by charging them for “unexpected health care costs that are absolutely out of control. No family should be blindsided by outrageous medical bills.”
I had some recent experience so was wondering what the consensus opinion is. It's part of the overall problem of our healthcare running amuck.
In my view it will never be controlled in a acceptable manner until it's all back under the control of the free market enterprise system. As it is now we're all forced to participate in a broken system brought about by third parties who's only interests are money, greed, waste and corruption.
Dear Dick Foster
What people are discovering works for both left and right approaches to govt, health care and free market choice
are direct service associations and health care cooperatives.

Examples I found cited as solutions to research into health care reform and universal care by free enterprise:
* Atlas MD in Wichita KS
Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
* Patient/Physician Cooperatives in Portland OR, TX and starting in NC
http://www.patientphysiciancoop.com (shortcut links www.medcoops.com www.medcoops.net www.medcoops.org)

These work to cut costs in half, return control of mgmt services and resources back to
consumers and their physicians/providers of choice, and also allow for universal care by lowering costs
enough where people can organize in groups that can cover its own members regardless of pre-existing conditions or status.

It takes groups of 1500 members to get the same discount as larger groups.
So it stops this myth and fear that "you need to get the whole nation under one plan" before you can afford services.
You only need 1500 and that means controlling where those members spend $5-10 million combined on health care,
so together they can lobby for Medicare pricing but be able to bypass going through govt, insurance companies and claims etc. (for the catastrophic and hospital indemnity, these are still obtained through insurance, but the cost is half when high profits are removed and the association operates on a nonprofit at cost basis; the money clients save is enough to run it as a normal medical business)
Whoever heard of free healthcare? I'll tell you, communists hear about it and expect it. The free world pays their own way, always has. You get a job with healthcare or you do without. If your born with a problem, the government covers you, that's understood, but to get free healthcare when you can work and afford your own is silly and absurd.

If you need to see a doctor check your area for a clinic like this;

La Crosse Area Neighborhood Family Clinics | Quality medical care at a reduced rate in the La Crosse and surrounding areas
I had some recent experience so was wondering what the consensus opinion is. It's part of the overall problem of our healthcare running amuck.
In my view it will never be controlled in a acceptable manner until it's all back under the control of the free market enterprise system. As it is now we're all forced to participate in a broken system brought about by third parties who's only interests are money, greed, waste and corruption.
Dear Dick Foster
What people are discovering works for both left and right approaches to govt, health care and free market choice
are direct service associations and health care cooperatives.

Examples I found cited as solutions to research into health care reform and universal care by free enterprise:
* Atlas MD in Wichita KS
Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
* Patient/Physician Cooperatives in Portland OR, TX and starting in NC
http://www.patientphysiciancoop.com (shortcut links www.medcoops.com www.medcoops.net www.medcoops.org)

These work to cut costs in half, return control of mgmt services and resources back to
consumers and their physicians/providers of choice, and also allow for universal care by lowering costs
enough where people can organize in groups that can cover its own members regardless of pre-existing conditions or status.

It takes groups of 1500 members to get the same discount as larger groups.
So it stops this myth and fear that "you need to get the whole nation under one plan" before you can afford services.
You only need 1500 and that means controlling where those members spend $5-10 million combined on health care,
so together they can lobby for Medicare pricing but be able to bypass going through govt, insurance companies and claims etc. (for the catastrophic and hospital indemnity, these are still obtained through insurance, but the cost is half when high profits are removed and the association operates on a nonprofit at cost basis; the money clients save is enough to run it as a normal medical business)

Apparently you are unaware that insurance companies can bring nothing to the table other than extra costs, waste and fraud. That is unless you can find a not for profit insurance company. Last time I looked all those insurance execs make big bucks, fly around in biz jets, and have offices in very large office buildings with their company name on it. None of that comes for free or by losing.
I had some recent experience so was wondering what the consensus opinion is. It's part of the overall problem of our healthcare running amuck.
In my view it will never be controlled in a acceptable manner until it's all back under the control of the free market enterprise system. As it is now we're all forced to participate in a broken system brought about by third parties who's only interests are money, greed, waste and corruption.
Dear Dick Foster
What people are discovering works for both left and right approaches to govt, health care and free market choice
are direct service associations and health care cooperatives.

Examples I found cited as solutions to research into health care reform and universal care by free enterprise:
* Atlas MD in Wichita KS
Wichita's Leading Direct Primary Care Practice
* Patient/Physician Cooperatives in Portland OR, TX and starting in NC
http://www.patientphysiciancoop.com (shortcut links www.medcoops.com www.medcoops.net www.medcoops.org)

These work to cut costs in half, return control of mgmt services and resources back to
consumers and their physicians/providers of choice, and also allow for universal care by lowering costs
enough where people can organize in groups that can cover its own members regardless of pre-existing conditions or status.

It takes groups of 1500 members to get the same discount as larger groups.
So it stops this myth and fear that "you need to get the whole nation under one plan" before you can afford services.
You only need 1500 and that means controlling where those members spend $5-10 million combined on health care,
so together they can lobby for Medicare pricing but be able to bypass going through govt, insurance companies and claims etc. (for the catastrophic and hospital indemnity, these are still obtained through insurance, but the cost is half when high profits are removed and the association operates on a nonprofit at cost basis; the money clients save is enough to run it as a normal medical business)

Apparently you are unaware that insurance companies can bring nothing to the table other than extra costs, waste and fraud. That is unless you can find a not for profit insurance company. Last time I looked all those insurance execs make big bucks, fly around in biz jets, and have offices in very large office buildings with their company name on it. None of that comes for free or by losing.

Yes Dick Foster
that's exactly what the nonprofit cooperatives
and direct associations are addressing:
cut out all the waste and profits that are NOT
paying for actual services!

This is how the PPC works that I linked previously

A lot of the work is about education.
Empowerment by teaching people how to set up
and operate their own cooperative chapters to
manage health services and payments to providers DIRECTLY. You cut out the middle man, and instead of insurance companies taking out 600 of every 800,
the clients pay 200 directly to doctors which is what
they get paid anyway. But without the claims and nonsense that insurance companies add in addition to doubling and tripling the cost to pay themselves.

Dick Foster part of the benefits I appreciate
the BEST about these cooperative structure and pricing: it also TEACHES people to govern themselves by cutting out the middle man and bureaucracy.

if we can do this with medical services,
we can do this with government, schools, housing
and even prisons that people can learn to manage
locally instead of relying on govt which ends up
getting abused and mucked up at taxpayer expense.

We can finally set up accountability to the people
paying, starting with health care. Learn that first, then apply the same model to other programs and start
taking back responsibility for education, economics etc.

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