What science would you like to see


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What science would you like to see?

1. Cure for Cancer
2. 3-d bio printed organs
3. Gene therapy that can make you thin and/or add 20 points on your iq
4. Longer life span
5. A real Skylon ;)
6. AI that can think through things 24 hours a day and advance science. :eusa_hand:
7. batteries that are 4-10 times todays density.
8. Fusion energy
9. Warp drive.
10. Magnetic force field to shield people from radiation in space.
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Top three things I'd like to live long enough to see:

1) A solution to the so-called "Theory of Everything" that ties together the classical world and the quantum world once and for all.

2) Definitions of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and the Great Attractor.

3) A solution to the Black Hole Information Paradox.

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