What sentence should Bergdahl receive?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...
I don't know. Perhaps in jughead had stayed out of it we never would have known about it.
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...

I think no jail time, an other than honorable discharge that would still allow him to get medical attention from the VA.

The guy never should have been enlisted, and the Army was dishonest about many aspects of this case, lying to the public that he was captured on patrol and listing him as a POW instead of a deserter because they didn't want to admit morale in Afghanistan was that shitty.
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...
One 50 caliber bullet to the head from 1/2 mile away.
Good sniper practice.
His conduct lead to the deaths and maiming of numerous soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines out looking for his sorry ass!

But there's no evidence of that... but never mind.

The death penalty should be sufficient. I doubt it will be given, but anything less than a life sentence is not justice.

Yeah. Because Obama said nice things about him. BURN HIM. BURN THE WITCH!!!

So let's get this straight. A mentally ill man who wanders off his base because he never should have been enlisted to start with deserves the DP.

But people colluding with Russia to throw our election, meh, not so much.
10. Punitive Articles

(a) Any member of the armed forces who–

(1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently;

(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service; or

(3) without being regularly separated from one of the armed forces enlists or accepts an appointment in the same or another on of the armed forces without fully disclosing the fact that he has not been regularly separated, or enters any foreign armed service except when authorized by the United States; is guilty of desertion.

(b) Any commissioned officer of the armed forces who, after tender of his resignation and before notice of its acceptance, quits his post or proper duties without leave and with intent to remain away therefrom permanently is guilty of desertion.

(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by such punishment, other than death, as a court-martial may direct.
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...
I'd just cut him loose with a dishonorable discharge. The guy spent 5 years with the Taliban so a US prison would be a country club and I don't want to pay for it. He'll always be the crazy guy who deserted his post so his life is pretty much over.
Liberals...put aside the Obama connection. We had to get him back.

Conservatives...keep in mind Bergdahl was refused enlistment in the Coast Guard due to mental issues. That was part of his MEPS files.

This is strangely worded, but this is how I'd like you to frame your answer...either:

How many years of federal confinement is enough?


How many years of federal confinement is too many?

...and why...
I'd just cut him loose with a dishonorable discharge. The guy spent 5 years with the Taliban so a US prison would be a country club and I don't want to pay for it. He'll always be the crazy guy who deserted his post so his life is pretty much over.

Why should he get to walk around free as a bird while the families that have lost a loved one because this asshole decided he wanted to join his Taliban brothers?
Why should he get to walk around free as a bird while the families that have lost a loved one because this asshole decided he wanted to join his Taliban brothers?
He can walk around but he'll never be free. This episode will haunt him for the rest of his life. Seems like a just punishment. It's not like he'll ever be a repeat offender.
A mentally ill man who wanders off his base because he never should have been enlisted to start with deserves the DP.

I'm not sure a donkey punch is sufficient punishment. Maybe a donkey punch and some jail time.
Reduction to the lowest rate, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, Dishonorable Discharge, Life without parole should be just fine.
In my opinion we're well beyond the days when execution is an appropriate punishment for desertion. Bergdahl was obviously just a loon, but many deserters are just afraid. I'm not sure that in 2017 we should be executing young men for being afraid of dying. Lock him up for life.
Why should he get to walk around free as a bird while the families that have lost a loved one because this asshole decided he wanted to join his Taliban brothers?
He can walk around but he'll never be free. This episode will haunt him for the rest of his life. Seems like a just punishment. It's not like he'll ever be a repeat offender.

That's the same claim as someone who goes to prison for viewing child pornography. The episode haunts them for life, just Bergdahl walking away from being a traitor is not just punishment by any stretch of the imagination.
In my opinion we're well beyond the days when execution is an appropriate punishment for desertion. Bergdahl was obviously just a loon, but many deserters are just afraid. I'm not sure that in 2017 we should be executing young men for being afraid of dying. Lock him up for life.

Let's just show him that running away from dying leads to his death.
Why should he get to walk around free as a bird while the families that have lost a loved one because this asshole decided he wanted to join his Taliban brothers?
He can walk around but he'll never be free. This episode will haunt him for the rest of his life. Seems like a just punishment. It's not like he'll ever be a repeat offender.

That's the same claim as someone who goes to prison for viewing child pornography. The episode haunts them for life, just Bergdahl walking away from being a traitor is not just punishment by any stretch of the imagination.
The average sentence for viewing child pornography is less than 5 years, about what he served with the Taliban. The average sentence for murder is less than 6 years.

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