What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

I am not Catholic. The emphasis that I was taught said do not believe what someone tells you, read it yourself (apparently that idea is very evangelical). When a passage is read turn to it in your OWN bible and put your eyes on it. But then again I wasn't raised in a church therefore not subjected to any one doctrine. Even as a child however, I had clarity of what jived for me and what didn't. Please do not misunderstand, just because I didn't attend a certain denominational church does NOT mean that I was not taught the word or have a moral upbringing. My former spouse was raised Catholic and he only know what he has heard of the bible, he didn't even own one that I know of until his mid 20s and some of his family is very devout in attending mass. If they are out of town they go to the church nearest the place they are staying in that town. But do they read the bible? Not a chance. They know about church doctrine and procedures and saints etc. They have a general knowledge ABOUT Jesus but not a personal spiritual relationship. That is something to leave to the priest and the "religious" as they call them

LOL....when you're reading something written by primitive folks from half way around the world 2000 years ago the interpretation should be the least of your worries. It's the rank lies and subtle inaccuracies which you should try to weed out:

A flood covered the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporated within a year.

Big fish puked up live men.

Seas separated for the good guys and drowned the bad guys who were chasing them.

Walls fell at the sound of a trumpet.

A human was turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men lived through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth stood still.

The ten commandments were presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

Walking on water.

Fed five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then
gathered 12 baskets of leftovers.

Turned water into fine wine, healing by touching, raising from the dead, etc......virgin birth and resurrection too.

That's a real big load of it eh?
I am not Catholic. The emphasis that I was taught said do not believe what someone tells you, read it yourself (apparently that idea is very evangelical). When a passage is read turn to it in your OWN bible and put your eyes on it. But then again I wasn't raised in a church therefore not subjected to any one doctrine. Even as a child however, I had clarity of what jived for me and what didn't. Please do not misunderstand, just because I didn't attend a certain denominational church does NOT mean that I was not taught the word or have a moral upbringing. My former spouse was raised Catholic and he only know what he has heard of the bible, he didn't even own one that I know of until his mid 20s and some of his family is very devout in attending mass. If they are out of town they go to the church nearest the place they are staying in that town. But do they read the bible? Not a chance. They know about church doctrine and procedures and saints etc. They have a general knowledge ABOUT Jesus but not a personal spiritual relationship. That is something to leave to the priest and the "religious" as they call them
Grew up in an extended family of Catholics, Protestants, and atheists. All read the Bible, including atheists; all but the atheists interacted with Christ/God--as did all of my Protestant/Catholic friends. Not sure what you mean or how you judge someone as not having a spiritual relationship, but I do agree people are unique and that there are probably the rare Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Muslim out there who somehow misses developing an interaction between him or herself and God.

Like you, I am a great fan of reading, but I do have to give my Catholic teachers credit for truly learning how to hear/listen both in Church and out in the world.

Catholicism is strong on objective analysis of doctrine/scripture, and subjective living of the faith. One focuses on mind; the other focuses on heart. But it seems to work well for most of us.
To be fair, almost all religious threads end up being pissing contests between the "christians", all of whom post endless copy/pastes of gobbledy gook to prove they are a better christian than the next guy.

That's not the point. He was asking a question about faith of people of faith and you and a couple other atheists jumped in and started posting a bunch of gobbledy gook to prove he shouldn't have faith at all. Then you start insulting Christians for telling other people what to believe when you are doing the same thing.

There is an easy solution of course called ignore buttons, but you are interjecting yourself in a place where yur input was not solicited. I don't blame him for being annoyed.


Actually, the point is what was said earlier - that all religions are fairly tales related with for-profit lies.

Well since you are making a statement of absolutes to me, provide the evidence to prove your position.

You don't have the right to tell me what threads I can post to or whether or not my "input was solicited".

I didn't tell you what thread you can and cannot post on. I simply said that if you are going to post on a thread where no one asked for nor wants to hear your opinion you shouldn't be surprised when people get annoyed with you.

In point of fact, I don't tell others what to believe.

Sure you do. You just did. Whenever you speak in absolutes you are effectively telling people that their beliefs are wrong and yours are right. That is essentially telling people what to believe. I wouldn't have a problem if you said "I do not believe in God", or if you said "I think the Bible is a bunch of fairy tales". Fine. But when you say "all religions are fairy tales" you are making an absolute statement of fact for which you have no supporting evidence. That's just as bad as a "thumper" making the absolute statement that God does exist. You are just the opposite side of the coin as Jeremiah and Koshergrl. All of you present your personal opinions as statements of fact without any evidence to back up your claims.

BTW, have you ever told a thumper to lay off criticizing atheists? Of course not. How about when one of the thumpers says that atheists don't have qa right to an opinion. Oh wait ... Never mind.

Actually, yeah, I do it all the time. Ask Derideo_Te and sealybobo.

Yes, BP does tell the thumpers to stop saying stupid stuff.
Hearing a reading and sitting down each day like I have been doing and reading at least three chapters a day to read through in a year is not the same. Hearing the word is not reading it yourself and picking up the missal doesn't count either. What you are stating is a far reach interpretation of reading the bible.

There are not a majority of people who attend mass every day either. My former mother in-law was devout but she didn't go on Saturday.
Perhaps because the Bible wasn't compiled until later, the Catholic Church has always put emphasis on hearing the word of the Lord. There is a difference between reading and truly hearing. I am not claiming one is better than the other. Both Old and New Testaments record God (and Christ) as saying, "Hear..."

Personally I wouldn't want to do away with either hearing or reading. But scripture does command us to hear, and I was taught (Catholic school) the importance of truly hearing the spoken word.

Well but that's because most people back then couldn't read. The beginning of Revelation, for example, says blessed are those who hear and read aloud. John of Patmos knew the letter would be read by one person to the congregation because the majority of them were illiterate
I am not Catholic. The emphasis that I was taught said do not believe what someone tells you, read it yourself (apparently that idea is very evangelical). When a passage is read turn to it in your OWN bible and put your eyes on it. But then again I wasn't raised in a church therefore not subjected to any one doctrine. Even as a child however, I had clarity of what jived for me and what didn't. Please do not misunderstand, just because I didn't attend a certain denominational church does NOT mean that I was not taught the word or have a moral upbringing. My former spouse was raised Catholic and he only know what he has heard of the bible, he didn't even own one that I know of until his mid 20s and some of his family is very devout in attending mass. If they are out of town they go to the church nearest the place they are staying in that town. But do they read the bible? Not a chance. They know about church doctrine and procedures and saints etc. They have a general knowledge ABOUT Jesus but not a personal spiritual relationship. That is something to leave to the priest and the "religious" as they call them
Grew up in an extended family of Catholics, Protestants, and atheists. All read the Bible, including atheists; all but the atheists interacted with Christ/God--as did all of my Protestant/Catholic friends. Not sure what you mean or how you judge someone as not having a spiritual relationship, but I do agree people are unique and that there are probably the rare Protestant, Catholic, Jew, or Muslim out there who somehow misses developing an interaction between him or herself and God.

Like you, I am a great fan of reading, but I do have to give my Catholic teachers credit for truly learning how to hear/listen both in Church and out in the world.

Catholicism is strong on objective analysis of doctrine/scripture, and subjective living of the faith. One focuses on mind; the other focuses on heart. But it seems to work well for most of us.

Must be a family thing for all of us. My mother and brother are firmly Catholic and I have never seen either of them read a Bible. My grandfather did but he was a Catholic priest so he kinda had to. :lol:
Must be a family thing for all of us. My mother and brother are firmly Catholic and I have never seen either of them read a Bible. My grandfather did but he was a Catholic priest so he kinda had to. :lol:

I can say I seldom saw either my mother or grandmother read the Bible, but I know though I seldom saw, they often did. Both my mom and grandmother kept their Bibles by their beds, and every time I went into one of their rooms the Bible was somewhere else on the bed, opened to a different place. When other family members read the Bible, it was more obvious because they usually did so amid the noise and clamor in the living room where we kids were playing.

I remember, as a teen, seeing my Mom's Bible open to the Book of Numbers. Out of curiosity, I tried to read it, but gave up before I was half-way through. Loved Isaiah, though.
Must be a family thing for all of us. My mother and brother are firmly Catholic and I have never seen either of them read a Bible. My grandfather did but he was a Catholic priest so he kinda had to. :lol:

I can say I seldom saw either my mother or grandmother read the Bible, but I know though I seldom saw, they often did. Both my mom and grandmother kept their Bibles by their beds, and every time I went into one of their rooms the Bible was somewhere else on the bed, opened to a different place. When other family members read the Bible, it was more obvious because they usually did so amid the noise and clamor in the living room where we kids were playing.

I remember, as a teen, seeing my Mom's Bible open to the Book of Numbers. Out of curiosity, I tried to read it, but gave up before I was half-way through. Loved Isaiah, though.
Numbers is an accountant's paradise lol
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

What is the teaching that is false? Some anti-Christians will incorrectly teach a doctrine of Christ and lead many away. Some false churches will also do the same. However, it is hard to tell unless you reveal the teaching that you believe is false so that we may give you our opinion on it.

Sorry if I haven't read the entire post to find out if you have already revealed it. If you have, let me know and I will give comment on it.
Everyone that uses the name Jesus is automatically falsely teaching.
Discuss the historical christ figures using their own name and not the converged images new name least you be liars and fools.
Everyone that uses the name Jesus is automatically falsely teaching.
Discuss the historical christ figures using their own name and not the converged images new name least you be liars and fools.

Oh by the way - did you know that the latin word "scissor" - ah: sorry "Cesar", ah: "Ceasar" - was spoken like the german word "Kaisar" ah "Kaiser"? Not? Doesn't make any matter because anyway it had nothing to do with anything what was said here. How do you feel surrounded everywhere in the world from [godless] liars and [godless] fools, undear "Kaiser mit den nackten Kleidern" (=emperor with the naked clothing) - how I prefer always to quote falsely, if I remember a nice german fairy tale?

Er ist – man sagt
Man hat sich schon beschwert
Er fragt – man klagt
Das ist doch unerhört.
Er meint – es scheint
Er stellt sich gern zur Schau
Man glaubt – man meint
Ich weiss es nicht genau.

Gerüchte brodeln ganz ungeniert
auf einmal fühlt man sich exponiert
wie ist denn
das nur passiert?

Das hat man noch nie vernommen!
Ist das schon mal vorgekommen?
Wie sind wir hierher gekommen,
hier an diesen Punkt?

Das Gehirn geht im Kreis
Der Verstand liegt auf Eis
während sie die Mär verbreiten

Er ist – man sagt
Man hat sich schon beschwert
Er fragt – man klagt
Das ist doch unerhört.
Er meint – es scheint
Er stellt sich gern zur Schau
Man glaubt – man meint
Ich weiss es nicht genau.

Wenn sie kleine Erbsen zählen
Um die anderen zu quälen
Zwischen Schwert und Worten wählen
wollen sie nur zeigen dass sie tüchtig sind.
Treiben sie es auf die Spitze,
feixen, frozzeln, reissen Witze,
reden sich in Dauerhitze,
um sich zu beweisen, dass sie wichtig sind.

Wir kommen jetzt so richtig erst in Fahrt
Inzwischen geht es wirklich hart auf hart
Wir streiten um des alten Kaisers Bart
Ja, um des Kaisers Bart.

Treiben sie es auf die Spitze,
feixen, frozzeln, reissen Witze,
reden sich in Dauerhitze,
um sich zu beweisen, dass sie wichtig sind.

Er ist – man sagt
Man hat sich schon beschwert
Er fragt – man klagt
Das ist doch unerhört.
Er meint – es scheint
Er stellt sich gern zur Schau
Man glaubt – man meint
Ich weiss es nicht genau.

Gerüchte brodeln ganz ungeniert
auf einmal fühlt man sich exponiert
wie ist denn
das nur passiert?

Das hat man noch nie vernommen!
Ist das schon mal vorgekommen?
Wie sind wir hierher gekommen,
hier an diesen Punkt?

Das Gehirn geht im Kreis
Der Verstand liegt auf Eis
während sie die Mär verbreiten

Er ist – man sagt
Man hat sich schon beschwert
Er fragt – man klagt
Das ist doch unerhört.
Er meint – es scheint
Er stellt sich gern zur Schau
Man glaubt – man meint
Ich weiss es nicht genau.

Es ist ein Gerücht.
Was weiss man denn?
Man weiss doch nichts.
Das weiss ich!
Last edited:

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