What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.

Then why do you make excuses to not do anything?
Like what? :popcorn:
No, they admitted they did not actually see the plates. They all admitted that either they saw them with their "spiritual eyes", or they handled them covered by cloth material.

You and I both know what all the evidence says, and you are wrong if you are saying they literally saw them.
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No, they admitted they did not actually see the plates. They all admitted that either they saw them with their "spiritual eyes", or they handled them covered by cloth material.

You and I both know what all the evidence says, and you are wrong if you are saying they literally saw them.
So what up with this ava? You a liar too? :lol:
Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.

Then why do you make excuses to not do anything?
Like what? :popcorn:

Reading, praying (which contrary to your previous assertion is an action), experimenting on the Word of God, serving your fellow man.

Heck, look at the principle of tithing. The Lord made a very clear promise to payment of tithes and offerings in Malachi. We can test Him by paying it and He promises the widows of heaven will be poured out on us.

Christ taught us that if we will do His teachings we will know whether they are from God or not. Yet any time anyone suggests you actually test Him and try living it you give excuses why you shouldn't.

I doubt you could live a month like a Christian should. Heck, I doubt you could do just daily prayer and scripture study
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.

Then why do you make excuses to not do anything?
Like what? :popcorn:

Reading, praying (which contrary to your previous assertion is an action), experimenting on the Word of God, serving your fellow man.

Heck, look at the principle of tithing. The Lord made a very clear promise to payment of tithes and offerings in Malachi. We can test Him by paying it and He promises the widows of heaven will be poured out on us.

Christ taught us that if we will do His teachings we will know whether they are from God or not. Yet any time anyone suggests you actually test Him and try living it you give excuses why you shouldn't.

I doubt you could live a month like a Christian should. Heck, I doubt you could do just daily prayer and scripture study

Tithe is a jewish law-------"SAINT" paul said that the "YOKE OF THE TORAH" was null and void
No, they admitted they did not actually see the plates. They all admitted that either they saw them with their "spiritual eyes", or they handled them covered by cloth material.

You and I both know what all the evidence says, and you are wrong if you are saying they literally saw them.

That is a blatant lie and you know it

We do know what the evidence says. Oliver and the three witnesses testified that Moroni showed them the plates. David Whitmer went so far as to reiterate this before he died. Oliver gave up a chance at political office and reiterated it on his death bed. Martin Haris spent the last year's of His life testifying to.this in various congregations of the saints.

The 8 witnesses testified that they lifted and handled the engravings. Some even had their grave stones engraved with their testimony. Others were murdered for theirs.

You can pretend otherwise but they were very clear what they saw. In fact when others tried to claim they said anything different they went to the press to reiterate it.

They claimed it in their personal correspondences . In their private papers etc. Despite every reason to say otherwise

Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes. Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.

Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
Martin Harris

Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom this work shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the engravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and of curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of soberness, that the said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted, and know of a surety that the said Smith has got the plates of which we have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it.

Christian Whitmer
Jacob Whitmer
Peter Whitmer, Jun.
John Whitmer
Hiram Page
Joseph Smith, Sen.
Hyrum Smith
Samuel H. Smith
No, they admitted they did not actually see the plates. They all admitted that either they saw them with their "spiritual eyes", or they handled them covered by cloth material.

You and I both know what all the evidence says, and you are wrong if you are saying they literally saw them.
So what up with this ava? You a liar too? :lol:

Read for yourself. You are supposedly a man who wants to do things.
what does the name MARONI mean? The names of angels have meaning.
GABRIEL means something like "'G-d's nobleman" Rafael mean something like '"G-d Heals" you want a meaning? I can kinda figure one out ------Mar means something like------SIR 'On" could mean something like JOY-----and the I--at the end COULD mean a person who if of a particular land or the son of a particular group-----so lets pretend it means ------PERSON FROM A JOYFUL PLACE-------sound good?
Campbell, trying to hurt other is not going to make you feel better. Ever.

You have a decades old emotional injury that you will not let heal.

Life is full of pain, suffering, grief, and it ends in death, for everyone.

Hanging onto the hurt instead of living for life is the road to a sad life.

My first wife, my father, my mother, two of my sisters, and my oldest daughter died in just a few short years.

I know of what I speak, and I have found comfort in the Lord and doing good for others.

Screw you. I played dance band keyboards for thirty of my 81 years. I was an operations manager in one of the biggest, most expensive main frame computer installations in the eastern U S. I've traveled from coast to coast and border to border. While I was in the army and national guards I was a tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank. I don't need any advise, help or instructions from some self appointed, self anointed, bible thumping, cyber world genius.

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Campbell, trying to hurt other is not going to make you feel better. Ever.

You have a decades old emotional injury that you will not let heal.

Life is full of pain, suffering, grief, and it ends in death, for everyone.

Hanging onto the hurt instead of living for life is the road to a sad life.

My first wife, my father, my mother, two of my sisters, and my oldest daughter died in just a few short years.

I know of what I speak, and I have found comfort in the Lord and doing good for others.

Screw you. You people make my asshole want to suck a lime. I played dance band keyboards for thirty of my 81 years. I was an operations manager in one of the biggest, most expensive main frame computer installations in the eastern U S. I've traveled from coast to coast and border to border. While I was in the army and national guards I was a tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank. I don't need any advise, help or instructions from some self appointed, self anointed, bible thumping, cyber world genius.

really??? just think-------all along I thought you are into tomato soup
So what you're saying is that everyone today is interpreting the Book the wrong way? Ok, I'll agree to that. :D

I am saying there is a lot of misinterpreting happening. Which means there are correct interpretations as well. ;)
Campbell, trying to hurt other is not going to make you feel better. Ever.

You have a decades old emotional injury that you will not let heal.

Life is full of pain, suffering, grief, and it ends in death, for everyone.

Hanging onto the hurt instead of living for life is the road to a sad life.

My first wife, my father, my mother, two of my sisters, and my oldest daughter died in just a few short years.

I know of what I speak, and I have found comfort in the Lord and doing good for others.

Screw you. I played dance band keyboards for thirty of my 81 years. I was an operations manager in one of the biggest, most expensive main frame computer installations in the eastern U S. I've traveled from coast to coast and border to border. While I was in the army and national guards I was a tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank. I don't need any advise, help or instructions from some self appointed, self anointed, bible thumping, cyber world genius.
I am not bible thumping. I am not self anointed or self appointed. But I know pain and hurt when I see it and read it.

You will not allow yourself healing. No wonder you are hurting.

Attacking others, camp, is not going to help you feel better. Ever.
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Campbell, trying to hurt other is not going to make you feel better. Ever.

You have a decades old emotional injury that you will not let heal.

Life is full of pain, suffering, grief, and it ends in death, for everyone.

Hanging onto the hurt instead of living for life is the road to a sad life.

My first wife, my father, my mother, two of my sisters, and my oldest daughter died in just a few short years.

I know of what I speak, and I have found comfort in the Lord and doing good for others.

Screw you. I played dance band keyboards for thirty of my 81 years. I was an operations manager in one of the biggest, most expensive main frame computer installations in the eastern U S. I've traveled from coast to coast and border to border. While I was in the army and national guards I was a tank commander on an M-48 medium patton tank. I don't need any advise, help or instructions from some self appointed, self anointed, bible thumping, cyber world genius.
I am not bible thumping. I am not self annointed or self appointed. But I know pain and hurt when I see it and read it.

You will not allow yourself healing. No wonder you are hurting.

Attacking others, camp, is not going to help you feel better. Ever.

You misspelled anointed
No, they admitted they did not actually see the plates. They all admitted that either they saw them with their "spiritual eyes", or they handled them covered by cloth material.

You and I both know what all the evidence says, and you are wrong if you are saying they literally saw them.
So what up with this ava? You a liar too? :lol:

Read for yourself. You are supposedly a man who wants to do things.
He's already exposed your bs, saved me the trouble. :D
Jesus is not satan--Jesus is Michael. The Hebrew word=Sheol= the greek word=Hades= the English word=Hell--the grave.

We had this discussion before & each time you fail to refute using scripture or logic, because you can't when you are wrong.
Your JW sect understands Michael is the Biblical messiah but not many have recognized it's because
Rome converged the image calked Jesus with not jyst many christ figures & mythical figures, but also Biblical figures & their roles=plagiarism =thief.
Rev 22:16 Jesus is the son of Baal as the
Morning star.
Michael however is the Evening Star (Shalem).
Jesus is the impersonator, imposter, thief, who's like unto son of man.-Rev 1:13.

Seperate yourself as much as you want from the RCC and call them the beast, but you guys still take their fallen false prophet and still hide the shiloh *one who's right it is * that you never knew, never handed over the house you guys claimed to have made for, never was oart of the Temple building movement, never supported in any fashion not even mentioning the name anymore. You people fell out of favor with your disprespect and dishonor and rejection and making false promises while benefiting from those false claims. I wouldn't even waste my saliva showing you what I think of your tracts.

We all will see soon.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.

Then why do you make excuses to not do anything?
Like what? :popcorn:

Reading, praying (which contrary to your previous assertion is an action), experimenting on the Word of God, serving your fellow man.

Heck, look at the principle of tithing. The Lord made a very clear promise to payment of tithes and offerings in Malachi. We can test Him by paying it and He promises the widows of heaven will be poured out on us.

Christ taught us that if we will do His teachings we will know whether they are from God or not. Yet any time anyone suggests you actually test Him and try living it you give excuses why you shouldn't.

I doubt you could live a month like a Christian should. Heck, I doubt you could do just daily prayer and scripture study
First of all, you couldn't go a day without insulting me, or someone. Second, the Bible is all heresay. No proof at all.
Third, that a God expects you to tithe is one of the dumbest things you've said.
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?

It was symbolism--Jesus was in the grave for 3 days.Trinity translations erred with the comma

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise= error
Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.

Fact-- the resurrection of the dead comes after-Har-mageddon.
Trinity translations are filled with error

Jesus was in the grave for 3 days, impossible to be in paradise on day 1
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?

He didn't. Go back and see what the discussion was actually about. Find the subject being discussed. If Christ went anywhere at all except to his tomb where he was dead as a doornail, then you and I are both dead in our sins.

And yet the scriptures are clear that He met the third in paradise the day He died. And that He preached the gospel to the spirits who were killed during the flood.

There is a space between death and resurrection where the spirits of the dead await the time their bodies will reunite with their spirits. And in this place we will grow, learn, and prepare for the day of judgment

Gods word doesn't teach what you are saying, it is mens dogma.

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