What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

So how many things are you allowed not to believe in before they kick you out of the Book Club?

Try to understand. I am going back to the original language, original definitions. I am supporting the original with other Biblical passages.

Fifteen hundred years after Christ, a group of people calling themselves Reformers or Protestants declared that anyone, scholar or no, could interpret the Bible for him or herself based on translations into their own language. Since then, subjective interpretation after subjective interpretation has popped up, masquerading as fact. If these original Protestants could be flies on the wall today, reading your type of assessment about God and scripture, I think they would be horrified and the first to admit, "We made a mistake. Scripture requires scholarly study to be correctly interpreted and understood."

Of course, some non-Catholics will reassure that as a Catholic, I was never in the "Book" club to begin with, so unfortunately, they can't kick me out of it. In that, Taz, you and I are a lot alike.
You should take your own advice
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:

Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.

And you keep demonstrating you dont know what you are talking about. If you did you wouldn't be creating straw men. You keep arguing about ancient submarines, something nobody claims. You would know this is you actually read the Book of Mormon.

You keep attacking magic underwear which is a concept you've created. There is nothing magical about underwear (though I'm sure some might argue contrary about some Victoria secret designs).

If you can't make arguments based on the truth and have to make things up, why should anyone take you seriously?
I was going to call it "special" undergarments, but I thought you might think that I thought you were retarded or something. :D
No one outside your cult believes in golden plates that nobody has ever seen. Plus, the Book of Mormon says that wheat and barley were mainstay crops in ancient America. This is false. Only in Europe were those crops known and cultivated. And the actual staple crops grown in ancient America are never mentioned in the Book of Mormon: beans, sweet potatoes, squash, manioc, peppers, breadnut, fruits.

You keep repeating that but countless people saw the plates. The testimony of 12 witnesses is printed at the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Kind of hard to miss them.

As for the rest of your points. Those so called issues have bee. Dealt with decades ago. All ir takes is a five minute google search

Why do you hate something you clearly demonstrate you know nothing about?
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Which tells me you didn't read the book or you wouldn't be lying like that.
You shaddap! All YOU have to reach your god is 2 books and some hallucinations. :lol:
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:

Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.

And you keep demonstrating you dont know what you are talking about. If you did you wouldn't be creating straw men. You keep arguing about ancient submarines, something nobody claims. You would know this is you actually read the Book of Mormon.

You keep attacking magic underwear which is a concept you've created. There is nothing magical about underwear (though I'm sure some might argue contrary about some Victoria secret designs).

If you can't make arguments based on the truth and have to make things up, why should anyone take you seriously?
I was going to call it "special" undergarments, but I thought you might think that I thought you were retarded or something. :D
No one outside your cult believes in golden plates that nobody has ever seen. Plus, the Book of Mormon says that wheat and barley were mainstay crops in ancient America. This is false. Only in Europe were those crops known and cultivated. And the actual staple crops grown in ancient America are never mentioned in the Book of Mormon: beans, sweet potatoes, squash, manioc, peppers, breadnut, fruits.

You keep repeating that but countless people saw the plates. The testimony of 12 witnesses is printed at the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Kind of hard to miss them.

As for the rest of your points. Those so called issues have bee. Dealt with decades ago. All ir takes is a five minute google search

Why do you hate something you clearly demonstrate you know nothing about?
So did the 12 people melt the plates down and share the gold? Or they just too stoopid and lost them? :lol:
Anyways, Mormons believe that Adam and Eve were the first human beings on earth. This contradicts all scientific evidence showing that there have been humans for many thousands of years before the traditional time for Adam.
So how many things are you allowed not to believe in before they kick you out of the Book Club?

Try to understand. I am going back to the original language, original definitions. I am supporting the original with other Biblical passages.

Fifteen hundred years after Christ, a group of people calling themselves Reformers or Protestants declared that anyone, scholar or no, could interpret the Bible for him or herself based on translations into their own language. Since then, subjective interpretation after subjective interpretation has popped up, masquerading as fact. If these original Protestants could be flies on the wall today, reading your type of assessment about God and scripture, I think they would be horrified and the first to admit, "We made a mistake. Scripture requires scholarly study to be correctly interpreted and understood."

Of course, some non-Catholics will reassure that as a Catholic, I was never in the "Book" club to begin with, so unfortunately, they can't kick me out of it. In that, Taz, you and I are a lot alike.
So what you're saying is that everyone today is interpreting the Book the wrong way? Ok, I'll agree to that. :D
Humble yourself and Join the true Church

All religions/churches say they are The True Church.

Humble yourself and Join the true Church
The true church with ancient submarines, magic underwear, and golden plates no ones ever seen?

Repeating the same nonsense isn't going to make it true no matter how many times you want to say it.

Then stop doing it.

You are not qualified to preach to anyone what to believe.

Believe in Christ. Believe that He is. Believe that He can heal you.

Because He is and can.
He's dead. They nailed him to wood in a diaper for being gay.
"countless people saw the plates" did not see the plates. No one saw the plates except with their "spiritual" yes. Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, the Three Witnesses, and the others handled objects that were covered with cloth material. Avatar, please be completely honest about this issue.
Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Which tells me you didn't read the book or you wouldn't be lying like that.
You shaddap! All YOU have to reach your god is 2 books and some hallucinations. :lol:

You really shouldn't oppose reading so much.

God is everywhere. The scriptures (of which there are more than two) are tools that show us how to commune with God. One of the basic methods is prayer. Where we share with the Lord our thoughts and feelings and seek His guidance and counsel through personal revelation.

Another way is through service to our fellow man. After all true religion involves taking care of the widow and fatherless.

Another is quite meditation in nature. A disciple of Jesus Christ uses all of these methods intertwined to worship the Lord. Some of us use our labor in our careers to serve the Lord.

Study the scriptures and you will learn for yourself.
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

No. What is difficult is getting you to acknowledge and listen to the answers.
You keep repeating that people who don't agree with you don't listen to the answers, but I've listened over and over, and nothing you say about religion makes any sense. So it's not that I don't listen, it's that I don't agree with what you're saying, but instead of proving something to me, all you can do is insult me. When you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt.
Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.

And you keep demonstrating you dont know what you are talking about. If you did you wouldn't be creating straw men. You keep arguing about ancient submarines, something nobody claims. You would know this is you actually read the Book of Mormon.

You keep attacking magic underwear which is a concept you've created. There is nothing magical about underwear (though I'm sure some might argue contrary about some Victoria secret designs).

If you can't make arguments based on the truth and have to make things up, why should anyone take you seriously?
I was going to call it "special" undergarments, but I thought you might think that I thought you were retarded or something. :D
No one outside your cult believes in golden plates that nobody has ever seen. Plus, the Book of Mormon says that wheat and barley were mainstay crops in ancient America. This is false. Only in Europe were those crops known and cultivated. And the actual staple crops grown in ancient America are never mentioned in the Book of Mormon: beans, sweet potatoes, squash, manioc, peppers, breadnut, fruits.

You keep repeating that but countless people saw the plates. The testimony of 12 witnesses is printed at the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Kind of hard to miss them.

As for the rest of your points. Those so called issues have bee. Dealt with decades ago. All ir takes is a five minute google search

Why do you hate something you clearly demonstrate you know nothing about?
So did the 12 people melt the plates down and share the gold? Or they just too stoopid and lost them? :lol:
Anyways, Mormons believe that Adam and Eve were the first human beings on earth. This contradicts all scientific evidence showing that there have been humans for many thousands of years before the traditional time for Adam.

Not surprised at your reaction one point is proven wrong you change the subject
"countless people saw the plates" did not see the plates. No one saw the plates except with their "spiritual" yes. Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, the Three Witnesses, and the others handled objects that were covered with cloth material. Avatar, please be completely honest about this issue.

I am. You aren't. But then I doubt you've studied it much.
So how many things are you allowed not to believe in before they kick you out of the Book Club?

Try to understand. I am going back to the original language, original definitions. I am supporting the original with other Biblical passages.

Fifteen hundred years after Christ, a group of people calling themselves Reformers or Protestants declared that anyone, scholar or no, could interpret the Bible for him or herself based on translations into their own language. Since then, subjective interpretation after subjective interpretation has popped up, masquerading as fact. If these original Protestants could be flies on the wall today, reading your type of assessment about God and scripture, I think they would be horrified and the first to admit, "We made a mistake. Scripture requires scholarly study to be correctly interpreted and understood."

Of course, some non-Catholics will reassure that as a Catholic, I was never in the "Book" club to begin with, so unfortunately, they can't kick me out of it. In that, Taz, you and I are a lot alike.
So what you're saying is that everyone today is interpreting the Book the wrong way? Ok, I'll agree to that. :D

I find that actually reading the book helps in interpretation.
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Which tells me you didn't read the book or you wouldn't be lying like that.
You shaddap! All YOU have to reach your god is 2 books and some hallucinations. :lol:

You really shouldn't oppose reading so much.

God is everywhere. The scriptures (of which there are more than two) are tools that show us how to commune with God. One of the basic methods is prayer. Where we share with the Lord our thoughts and feelings and seek His guidance and counsel through personal revelation.

Another way is through service to our fellow man. After all true religion involves taking care of the widow and fatherless.

Another is quite meditation in nature. A disciple of Jesus Christ uses all of these methods intertwined to worship the Lord. Some of us use our labor in our careers to serve the Lord.

Study the scriptures and you will learn for yourself.
Governments do a better job than religions do taking care of orphans and old people. Churches in fact do very, very little.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.

And you keep demonstrating you dont know what you are talking about. If you did you wouldn't be creating straw men. You keep arguing about ancient submarines, something nobody claims. You would know this is you actually read the Book of Mormon.

You keep attacking magic underwear which is a concept you've created. There is nothing magical about underwear (though I'm sure some might argue contrary about some Victoria secret designs).

If you can't make arguments based on the truth and have to make things up, why should anyone take you seriously?
I was going to call it "special" undergarments, but I thought you might think that I thought you were retarded or something. :D
No one outside your cult believes in golden plates that nobody has ever seen. Plus, the Book of Mormon says that wheat and barley were mainstay crops in ancient America. This is false. Only in Europe were those crops known and cultivated. And the actual staple crops grown in ancient America are never mentioned in the Book of Mormon: beans, sweet potatoes, squash, manioc, peppers, breadnut, fruits.

You keep repeating that but countless people saw the plates. The testimony of 12 witnesses is printed at the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Kind of hard to miss them.

As for the rest of your points. Those so called issues have bee. Dealt with decades ago. All ir takes is a five minute google search

Why do you hate something you clearly demonstrate you know nothing about?
So did the 12 people melt the plates down and share the gold? Or they just too stoopid and lost them? :lol:
Anyways, Mormons believe that Adam and Eve were the first human beings on earth. This contradicts all scientific evidence showing that there have been humans for many thousands of years before the traditional time for Adam.

Not surprised at your reaction one point is proven wrong you change the subject
No, just not going to ask you to prove that anyone saw any plates and didn't just make it up, but I thought naw, that's no fun. :D
"countless people saw the plates" did not see the plates. No one saw the plates except with their "spiritual" yes. Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, the Three Witnesses, and the others handled objects that were covered with cloth material. Avatar, please be completely honest about this issue.

I am. You aren't. But then I doubt you've studied it much.
Far, far more than you. No one saw with their actual eyes the plates themselves.
Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

No. What is difficult is getting you to acknowledge and listen to the answers.
You keep repeating that people who don't agree with you don't listen to the answers, but I've listened over and over, and nothing you say about religion makes any sense. So it's not that I don't listen, it's that I don't agree with what you're saying, but instead of proving something to me, all you can do is insult me. When you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt.

No. You don't listen or else you wouldn't be pretending as though you weren't answered just because you can't understand them.

Let me ask this, if I ask Stephen Hawkins a question in Astor physics and he gives an answer I don't understand, is it because he didn't give an answer or because I wasn't truly listening to what he said?
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.
"countless people saw the plates" did not see the plates. No one saw the plates except with their "spiritual" yes. Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, the Three Witnesses, and the others handled objects that were covered with cloth material. Avatar, please be completely honest about this issue.

I am. You aren't. But then I doubt you've studied it much.
Far, far more than you. No one saw with their actual eyes the plates themselves.

They said otherwise
I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Prayers come from your heart. You'd know this if you put in some effort
I'm not a "pray for something" kind of guy, I'm more of doer, a go-getter.

Then why do you make excuses to not do anything?
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

No. What is difficult is getting you to acknowledge and listen to the answers.
You keep repeating that people who don't agree with you don't listen to the answers, but I've listened over and over, and nothing you say about religion makes any sense. So it's not that I don't listen, it's that I don't agree with what you're saying, but instead of proving something to me, all you can do is insult me. When you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt.

No. You don't listen or else you wouldn't be pretending as though you weren't answered just because you can't understand them.

Let me ask this, if I ask Stephen Hawkins a question in Astor physics and he gives an answer I don't understand, is it because he didn't give an answer or because I wasn't truly listening to what he said?
So now you can split a fucking atom? You couldn't split a fucking dime, brah. :rofl:

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