What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

In Judaism Rabbis can discuss/argue over the Torah
with each other or with students and still be friends at the end. If your spiritual leader can't be taljed with using scripture as reference and can't use scripture to explain his / her position then they are not a spiritual teacher worthy of your time nor should you let them corrupt you.
If the argument is over anything OT related then you should always refer to the Tanakh in English instead of the holy bible's Version of the OT since the NT has many rewrites and errors regarding their use of OT.

i also wonder what it is that he *Thinks* is "False".
I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

Actually, it's folks like you who come into a Christian discussion with intent to derail the discussion. The thread was meant for Christians - not for atheists. You folks have no character.
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

False Doctrine.....LMAO!

All the bible is anyway is a major load of bullshit so what part can anyone select that is not false?

Let's take a look:

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community.

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a few weeks.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man, by god, in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand men plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.



Actually, were you to read and comprehend the OP, you might determine it was addressed to Christians.

His point is valid.

How can one know what is "false" and what is not?

The very definition of "faith" is to ignore facts in favor of blind obedience to "doctrine".

The Bible contains a clear definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1 - “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

This definition of faith contains intellectual assent and trust. Intellectual assent is believing something to be true. Trust is relying on the fact that the something is true. A chair is often used to help illustrate this. Intellectual assent is recognizing that a chair is a chair and agreeing that it is designed to support a person who sits on it. Trust is actually sitting in the chair.

Believing that Jesus is God incarnate who died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and was resurrected is not enough. Even the demons believe in God and in those facts. We must personally and fully rely on the death of Christ as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. We must “sit in the chair” of the salvation that Jesus Christ has provided. This is saving faith. The faith God requires of us for salvation is belief in what the Bible says about who Jesus is and what He accomplished and fully trusting in Jesus for that salvation
Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

I didn't read this in it's entirety, but if you are genuinely interested, you might find it thought provoking if nothing else...
How Did Animals Spread All Over from Where the Ark Landed?
The douche who wrote this thinks that the animals floated out to the other continents on log rafts. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

I apologize to all for attempting to promote a Christian discussion on this message board. I should have known better. Even though I am the OP, I will withdraw from this thread and any further response.
I hav
The douche who wrote this thinks that the animals floated out to the other continents on log rafts. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

I missed that part as I was skimming over it.
As for what I believe... well, if God can create a universe out of nothing, I'm sure it would not be hard for him to get the animals to where they needed to go....
So you're a "poofer", someone who believes that god poofed the animals around. Just like PostModernPoop, only it took him months of beating around the bush before he'd admit it openly.

Think about it.. something had to originate at sometime... no?
What does that mean? You talking about the Big Bang?

Well you were talking about just "poofing" - and actually the Bible DOES say God spoke things into existence. God is perfect and all powerful, so, if you believe that, anything is possible. Doesn't mean however you turn your brain off -
So basically anything that you can't explain rationally, it's god's infinite power that can bridge those gaps. Very simplistic view of the world, I must say. And according to The Book, your god MURDERED all those people by drowning them in the flood. Nice guy. Where do I give my money? :D
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

Actually, it's folks like you who come into a Christian discussion with intent to derail the discussion. The thread was meant for Christians - not for atheists. You folks have no character.
So you prefer not having to think about the hard questions, just throw book quotes back at each other? Got it. Now buzz off.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

I didn't read this in it's entirety, but if you are genuinely interested, you might find it thought provoking if nothing else...
How Did Animals Spread All Over from Where the Ark Landed?
The douche who wrote this thinks that the animals floated out to the other continents on log rafts. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

I apologize to all for attempting to promote a Christian discussion on this message board. I should have known better. Even though I am the OP, I will withdraw from this thread and any further response.
So I guess you figured out by now that your church teaches false doctrine? Good, nice to know that I'm still useful.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

I didn't read this in it's entirety, but if you are genuinely interested, you might find it thought provoking if nothing else...
How Did Animals Spread All Over from Where the Ark Landed?
The douche who wrote this thinks that the animals floated out to the other continents on log rafts. Thanks for the laugh! :lol:

I apologize to all for attempting to promote a Christian discussion on this message board. I should have known better. Even though I am the OP, I will withdraw from this thread and any further response.

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I'm an atheist and have tried to ask very straightforward, information seeking questions, and have always been attacked by "christians" for it. I finally gave up trying to be civil to those who just thump and preach.

To be fair, almost all religious threads end up being pissing contests between the "christians", all of whom post endless copy/pastes of gobbledy gook to prove they are a better christian than the next guy.

Face it - neither this board nor this forum is the place for serious discussions about anything.
So basically anything that you can't explain rationally, it's god's infinite power that can bridge those gaps. Very simplistic view of the world, I must say. And according to The Book, your god MURDERED all those people by drowning them in the flood. Nice guy. Where do I give my money? :D

The book of Psalms tells us that after God separated the land and the sea, never again would water cover the entire planet. This is verified directly in the story of The Flood. Mountains are seen in the distance. Water did not cover the entire planet...water, as far as the eye could see, covered all the earth (ground) where the flood took place. Science verifies that water could not have covered the entire planet.

The theme, or author's purpose in writing the story, is not, "God is a murderer." Rather, God warned people of the impending disaster. They did not hear God, they would not listen to Noah. The author of the story attributes this to people of the time ignoring God and that which is righteous.

Here's the thing for those of us who believe in God, whether we believe that the flood covered the entire planet, and every type of animal on the planet was on the ark--or, whether we believe the great flood was a monstrosity of a local flood where Noah was able to build an ark to save his family and animals in that locale. We believe that God speaks to those who put God and His ways first and will guide us through disastrous times, whatever that disaster may be. He is with us in every dark valley the earth and this life tosses our way. Noah's story is a testimony of this.
Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

Actually, it's folks like you who come into a Christian discussion with intent to derail the discussion. The thread was meant for Christians - not for atheists. You folks have no character.
So you prefer not having to think about the hard questions, just throw book quotes back at each other? Got it. Now buzz off.

No, I prefer not to engage uncouth persons who are without manners. You were arguing with folks about the flood six months ago and people attempted to explain it to you way back then but you refused to listen to anything anyone said then and you won't listen now. The flood is all you wish to discuss therefore it must be the only thing you have an interest in.
No, I prefer not to engage uncouth persons who are without manners. You were arguing with folks about the flood six months ago and people attempted to explain it to you way back then but you refused to listen to anything anyone said then and you won't listen now. The flood is all you wish to discuss therefore it must be the only thing you have an interest in.

I would ask that you stick with your thread. People are always going to travel along various trains of thought. This does not mean that the original train has to stop running.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.

Actually, it's folks like you who come into a Christian discussion with intent to derail the discussion. The thread was meant for Christians - not for atheists. You folks have no character.
So you prefer not having to think about the hard questions, just throw book quotes back at each other? Got it. Now buzz off.

No, I prefer not to engage uncouth persons who are without manners. You were arguing with folks about the flood six months ago and people attempted to explain it to you way back then but you refused to listen to anything anyone said then and you won't listen now. The flood is all you wish to discuss therefore it must be the only thing you have an interest in.
`I was looking for a PLAUSIBLE concept of how they thought Noah got the polar bears... I didn't get one. Basically what's coming out now is that the Book believers are saying that god poofed things around so he could murder everyone else. Why? You have a better theory for god's mass murder?
So basically anything that you can't explain rationally, it's god's infinite power that can bridge those gaps. Very simplistic view of the world, I must say. And according to The Book, your god MURDERED all those people by drowning them in the flood. Nice guy. Where do I give my money? :D

The book of Psalms tells us that after God separated the land and the sea, never again would water cover the entire planet. This is verified directly in the story of The Flood. Mountains are seen in the distance. Water did not cover the entire planet...water, as far as the eye could see, covered all the earth (ground) where the flood took place. Science verifies that water could not have covered the entire planet.

The theme, or author's purpose in writing the story, is not, "God is a murderer." Rather, God warned people of the impending disaster. They did not hear God, they would not listen to Noah. The author of the story attributes this to people of the time ignoring God and that which is righteous.

Here's the thing for those of us who believe in God, whether we believe that the flood covered the entire planet, and every type of animal on the planet was on the ark--or, whether we believe the great flood was a monstrosity of a local flood where Noah was able to build an ark to save his family and animals in that locale. We believe that God speaks to those who put God and His ways first and will guide us through disastrous times, whatever that disaster may be. He is with us in every dark valley the earth and this life tosses our way. Noah's story is a testimony of this.
So believe in the Book god because if he doesn't like you, he'll kill you like those in the flood? But somehow he is also there when you get cancer? And why did the Book god invent cancer anyways?

Btw, if you don't believe that it was a worldwide flood, you not a real Christian anyways. You can't be rejecting what is explicitly written in the Book and then pretend to be a follower.
Deuteronomy 23:1 reads (this is the God’s Word translation, which spells it out better), “A man whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off may never join the assembly of the Lord.”

Good thing they cleared that up!! :D

Now, how many of you are going to have to drop out? :rofl:
So believe in the Book god because if he doesn't like you, he'll kill you like those in the flood? But somehow he is also there when you get cancer? And why did the Book god invent cancer anyways?

Btw, if you don't believe that it was a worldwide flood, you not a real Christian anyways. You can't be rejecting what is explicitly written in the Book and then pretend to be a follower.

Ah, but I did explain what was in the book. The problem with translations and multiple English definitions for any one word, is that later people of the second language jump to wrong conclusions. You might say I believe the Book, not the later, subjective conclusions based on some people's conclusion that "earth" must mean "planet" not the earth/dirt under their feet. The Hebrew word doesn't use the word for "planet" or "Earth" but the word for earth. Water can cover the earth without covering the Earth.

It appears you believe that every time there is a natural disaster, you believe there is a murdering god at work. Is that the conclusion you want us to make about you?
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

I have not read the entire thread as I usually do before posting so I apologize if this has been said before. Your first step should be to talk to your pastor. Explain your views and ask him to explain his and why he holds the views he does. It may be that your pastor is right and you are the one who is in error. Give him the opportunity to explain himself at least and provide support for his teaching. To some degree it will depend on the church. Most require church leaders to have formal educations but some do not. In churches where a formal education is not required, you often end up with a pastor who really doesn't know anything more than the congregation and it becomes the blind leading the blind.

If you find that his views are not satisfactory, then you have to determine for yourself if you can take from him selectively. in other words, take some lessons from him that you find valuable and leave the rest. If you can't do that, then you are better off finding another church community that better fits your personal belief system.
So believe in the Book god because if he doesn't like you, he'll kill you like those in the flood? But somehow he is also there when you get cancer? And why did the Book god invent cancer anyways?

Btw, if you don't believe that it was a worldwide flood, you not a real Christian anyways. You can't be rejecting what is explicitly written in the Book and then pretend to be a follower.

Ah, but I did explain what was in the book. The problem with translations and multiple English definitions for any one word, is that later people of the second language jump to wrong conclusions. You might say I believe the Book, not the later, subjective conclusions based on some people's conclusion that "earth" must mean "planet" not the earth/dirt under their feet. The Hebrew word doesn't use the word for "planet" or "Earth" but the word for earth. Water can cover the earth without covering the Earth.

It appears you believe that every time there is a natural disaster, you believe there is a murdering god at work. Is that the conclusion you want us to make about you?
Not every time there is a natural disaster, you made that up, But in Noah's flood, god did it to kill everyone else, therefore he's a murderer.
Q: how could a regional flood of that magnitude last for 40 days?
To be fair, almost all religious threads end up being pissing contests between the "christians", all of whom post endless copy/pastes of gobbledy gook to prove they are a better christian than the next guy.

That's not the point. He was asking a question about faith of people of faith and you and a couple other atheists jumped in and started posting a bunch of gobbledy gook to prove he shouldn't have faith at all. Then you start insulting Christians for telling other people what to believe when you are doing the same thing.

There is an easy solution of course called ignore buttons, but you are interjecting yourself in a place where yur input was not solicited. I don't blame him for being annoyed.

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