What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?

He didn't. Go back and see what the discussion was actually about. Find the subject being discussed. If Christ went anywhere at all except to his tomb where he was dead as a doornail, then you and I are both dead in our sins.

And yet the scriptures are clear that He met the third in paradise the day He died. And that He preached the gospel to the spirits who were killed during the flood.

There is a space between death and resurrection where the spirits of the dead await the time their bodies will reunite with their spirits. And in this place we will grow, learn, and prepare for the day of judgment
So after God mass murdered all those people in the flood, he felt bad so he brought their souls to heaven so that they could wait 4000 years for his gofer to come along and give a speech? Wow, that's pretty bad ass. Only Hitler and Pol Pot were worse.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I said I have a claim. If god disagrees with me I'm sure he would strike me down for using the title.

God doesn't generally strike people down for doing stupid things. If He did, this planet would be empty.
"God doesn't generally strike people down for doing stupid things", but sometimes he does?
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

You have to leave. anything else beyond that is whatever God puts on your heart to do.
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
The true church with ancient submarines, magic underwear, and golden plates no ones ever seen?

Repeating the same nonsense isn't going to make it true no matter how many times you want to say it.
You should take your own advice
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:

Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.

All religions were originated by con men. In every case those who told the original lies were ultimately the benefactors.

Mormonism just happens to be the most recent lie and because more people are better educated and less superstitious it is doubted much more. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young got more young ass than a cowboy's saddle during that fiasco . Nearly 100 young wives total for the two of them. I still wonder who in the fuck ended up with those gold tabloids inscribed with their holy word which the angel Mormon brought to Smith.

Christianity in total turned out well for the Romans.....take a gander at this shit:


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I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.
Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?
What makes you think your version is anymore true or anyless false? Kind of pretentious really.
Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
I don't reject the word of god, I'm just still waiting for him to say something to me.

Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D
Whenever a Christian communicates with you, God is communicating with you - not that all Christian's are God but, we are God's mouthpiece (or can be anyway....)
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
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Matthew 7:

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me.

Rev 21:

8"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
You all are wasting time, emotion, energy, and probably money.

Just love God with all of your being, and love and serve your neighbor.
You all are wasting time, emotion, energy, and probably money.

Just love God with all of your being, and love and serve your neighbor.

You don't think you should tithe or give to your local church?
No offense, but most Christians are retards and believe in a book or books. If you think that your god is communicating to you through a book, you're almost insane. Certainly bordering on delusional.

I Corinthians 2:14
“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”
See? All you have is a book to reach your god. Nothing else.

Actually, the best way to reach/talk with God is in prayer.....
That's where you really build your relationship with Him.
Scripture give you your armor and defense for God.
A prayer that you got from a book, or taught to you by a Head Book Guy. And you need armour for your god? Let me guess, that's in the book. :D

Most of my prayers are conversations with God.
I understand why you say what you do, honestly, but if it's all bunk to you, it shouldn't bother you -
Or at a minimum, you are just mean spirited trying to trash what someone else holds dear to them.....
Actually, when I first came here, I was interested in what believers had to say about why they believe what they do, and if they had any proof of anything, or just believed because it sounded cool to them, or they get to join the gang... But except from you, everyone else just hurls insults at me because I keep asking them tough questions. Like: how did Noah get polar bears from the arctic and back again after the flood? This question in particular is EXTREMELY difficult for believers to answer.
You all are wasting time, emotion, energy, and probably money.

Just love God with all of your being, and love and serve your neighbor.

You don't think you should tithe or give to your local church?
That would be part of loving your neighbor. Careful with "should", though.

so you don't really think the 10% tithe is a requirement of God?
I'm not challenging, just questioning, this is a topic heavily debated, so....
You all are wasting time, emotion, energy, and probably money.

Just love God with all of your being, and love and serve your neighbor.

You don't think you should tithe or give to your local church?
The whole thing's a scam. If you want to give money away, go to the grocery store and buy stuff for your local food bank, that will have a million times more impact than giving to a cult that does nothing for anyone.

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