What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.
Well there's the reason why the OP and their preacher is at odds. 1)the Rapture is a mistake through not understanding exoressions of the age and what was being described like "clouds" meant gathering of temple priests not sky, so Dan is describing the head of host son of nan coming with or out of clouds aka gathering of Kohanim up to Mt Zion for the Mikdash orocessi9n and thus Theslonian says it's the shout and call from Michael to his temple (Mikdash) [in his name]. THESLONIANS 7SED FOR RAPTURE TEACHINGS IS A GIANT BLUNDER NOT KNOWING WHAT CLOUDS MEANT NOR WHERE HEAVEN IS (Olam Habah=world to come=future).

2)Jesus admited he was the thief by claiming himself the morning star(Lucifer) and thief in "the night" (evening star Michael).
JESUS did fall to the pit (acts 2:27 and 1 peter 3:19 & Apostles creed) as fulfilling the son of perdition (to fall to hell)- (Ezekiel 28)
Claimed to be the gatekeeper of hell leting prisoners free-Rev 1:18 and that was the fallen prophet according to
Rev 9:1 the fallen star was given
the key to the shaft of the Abyss.
So the preacher is right but makes excuses for Jesus being the devil-messenger of death and this confuses the OP who is yet to figure out who and what they are teaching.

Don't believe me? Then why is the sign/symbol of death the cross used while the crossed out cross symbol of life is the iconograph known as the cross of
Michael (messenger of life)and also a symbol of the evening star is not the sole symbol used?
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.

So people chose the messenger of death=the curse that deceived 1/3 the world.

Jesus is not satan--Jesus is Michael. The Hebrew word=Sheol= the greek word=Hades= the English word=Hell--the grave.
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

There are 0 tv preachers teaching truth. they seek $$$$$. Any teacher seeking the tithe does not know Jesus--he brought a new covenant= Love--not written law--he also taught on the matter--the Pharisees all put their tithes in the pot--a little old woman put 2 small coins in the pot--Jesus said she put more in than all the tithes combined--she gave out of her heart, not by written law. tithe teachers are false teachers. They do not know Jesus.
You need to read the Old Testament. Tithing was established from genesis throughout the bible. It isn't a New Testament concept
Humble yourself and Join the true Church
The true church with ancient submarines, magic underwear, and golden plates no ones ever seen?

Repeating the same nonsense isn't going to make it true no matter how many times you want to say it.
You should take your own advice
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:
You too have attended a Latter Day Saints church in you life? I attended one time with a relative when I was 9 and I heard the phrase "I believe this church is true" every 60 seconds for about 3 hours. I went home and told my mother about it and informed her that she was to deny permission for the relative to take me to church with them again
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

Out of curiosity, could you identify the false doctrine, or is that pretty much beside the point of this thread? The reason I ask, some disagreements are deal breakers, others, not so much.

Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

Go study the Rapture cult started by British evangelists just after 1800.

If you belong to a church that has anyone of the 31 heresies of it, you are simply spinning your wheels. The doctrines are not true and wasting the time and energy and emotion of believers. Go serve the poor, contribute to a food bank, donate clothing, etc.
I love my Mormon friends, but they are wasting time, emotion, money, and energy of things that matter not in terms of "truth" of the church. Do love God, do love and serve your fellow man. Go for it.
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You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Send all your money to Pat Robertson. Once the church's discover that you are broke, they will pretty much leave you alone.
Never send money to anyone unless you do so freely from unction in your own heart to do so. Otherwise you are just throwing it away. I practice this myself and do not give money to the homeless unless I have a prompting in my spirit to do so either. I would rather sow a seed than give alms.
Humble yourself and Join the true Church
The true church with ancient submarines, magic underwear, and golden plates no ones ever seen?

Repeating the same nonsense isn't going to make it true no matter how many times you want to say it.
You should take your own advice
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:

Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Jesus is not satan--Jesus is Michael. The Hebrew word=Sheol= the greek word=Hades= the English word=Hell--the grave.

We had this discussion before & each time you fail to refute using scripture or logic, because you can't when you are wrong.
Your JW sect understands Michael is the Biblical messiah but not many have recognized it's because
Rome converged the image calked Jesus with not jyst many christ figures & mythical figures, but also Biblical figures & their roles=plagiarism =thief.
Rev 22:16 Jesus is the son of Baal as the
Morning star.
Michael however is the Evening Star (Shalem).
Jesus is the impersonator, imposter, thief, who's like unto son of man.-Rev 1:13.

Seperate yourself as much as you want from the RCC and call them the beast, but you guys still take their fallen false prophet and still hide the shiloh *one who's right it is * that you never knew, never handed over the house you guys claimed to have made for, never was oart of the Temple building movement, never supported in any fashion not even mentioning the name anymore. You people fell out of favor with your disprespect and dishonor and rejection and making false promises while benefiting from those false claims. I wouldn't even waste my saliva showing you what I think of your tracts.
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?

He sure wants and needs lots of money for being invisible. :D

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