What Should A Christian Do When He/She Knows His/Her Church Is Teaching False Doctrine

Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?
The mind and brain are not the same thing. Everyone fee free to do some study about that. Dr Caroline leaf is a Christian scientist who has studied this and teaches about it. Really great stuff and her findings have really clarified many passages in the bible for me
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?
The mind and brain are not the same thing. Everyone fee free to do some study about that. Dr Caroline leaf is a Christian scientist who has studied this and teaches about it. Really great stuff and her findings have really clarified many passages in the bible for me

To clarify for you: The responder was referencing Biblical scripture which spoke not a word concerning the physical anatomy. The scripture referenced states that at one's death his THOUGHTS perish. This would indicate an individual's mind no longer functions. A person has only ONE set of thoughts - not two, so one cannot claim a body has its thoughts while a spirit or soul has a separate set of thoughts. The scripture says the THOUGHTS of a person perishes so therefore, the THOUGHTS of a person no longer exists anywhere following death, either in a spirit or soul or in a body.
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?

He didn't. Go back and see what the discussion was actually about. Find the subject being discussed. If Christ went anywhere at all except to his tomb where he was dead as a doornail, then you and I are both dead in our sins.
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?

He didn't. Go back and see what the discussion was actually about. Find the subject being discussed. If Christ went anywhere at all except to his tomb where he was dead as a doornail, then you and I are both dead in our sins.

And yet the scriptures are clear that He met the third in paradise the day He died. And that He preached the gospel to the spirits who were killed during the flood.

There is a space between death and resurrection where the spirits of the dead await the time their bodies will reunite with their spirits. And in this place we will grow, learn, and prepare for the day of judgment
Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I said I have a claim. If god disagrees with me I'm sure he would strike me down for using the title.
I am saying this gently and kindly: stop talking, start listening.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I said I have a claim. If god disagrees with me I'm sure he would strike me down for using the title.

God doesn't generally strike people down for doing stupid things. If He did, this planet would be empty.
I was silent all night after I asked the question. Never heard a peep. Wouldnt god speak loud enough for me to hear? I figured out later that god was really me. No sky fairies for me now.

Your first mistake was believing you are God. Huge mistake! Your second was thinking you can actually hear when you have denounced Him. Even bigger mistake! Third mistake believing in fairies. Oh, or were you saying you embrace gays in a way in which needs no further explanation? Have eternity in the other place, because it doesn't sound like you're headed to heaven at least with your current thought processes.
Weird how people assume things I never said. Also weird how homophobia keeps cropping up when no one said anything about you being gay. Read your bible. Even god says I am a god.

Psalm 82:6 "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

""I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High."

Not if you reject the Word of God. Jesus stated pretty clearly in John 10:34-38 that the Lord was talking about those who received the word in that verse. Those who reject the word have no claim to that title.
I said I have a claim. If god disagrees with me I'm sure he would strike me down for using the title.

God doesn't generally strike people down for doing stupid things. If He did, this planet would be empty.
How do you know this? If you want to convince me please post your video.
I've studied the scriptures.

What video are you talking about.
Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

Depends what kind of concrete problem exists. If they like to burn politicians on a stake for example then I could buy a cigarette lighter and call it freedom lighter - so this problem seems to be solveable. But black laquer for male nails would be more diffcult. The solution for the transcendent dimensions of this problem needs much more organisations and competence. Why used Jesus black laquer for his nails? And why's written nothing about in the bible? What did they do in Nicaea? Why did they not tell us something about?

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You should not be in a religion out of fear, profit or hate of others.
If you have a deep abiding love of god and all life, it does not really matter what name is on the place of worship.
My maternal grandmother was devoted to her faith but as she traveled the world, everywhere she went she looked to visit the local religious places, they were all god's houses to her.
If a faith does not uplift you, motivate you to care for others or make you a better human in some way, why do you bother with it?
If you harm other in the name of that faith, you are learn the wrong lessons. What ever the faith, you should be tolerant to others, they are human too. Everyone has to find their own path, they can't be forced out of fear or at the point of a sword/gun or threat of hell down a particular road.
Either faith enriches you inside and fills you with love, or why bother? Buy a book of creeds and morally up lifting quotes and read them while on the toilet, it will serve you better.
As odd as it might seem, my father had a framed copy of desiderata across from the toilet. I always found that funny, but I also know it by heart as a child. He never said I should read or learn it. He never even mentioned it.

It is not what church or place you go to to pray or even if you pray, but how you live your life and how you behave toward others.

JMHO but that, to me, is more important than any faith,

Your life is what you will be judged by, not what place of worship you attend. I've always believed the best person of no faith will get to heaven, if there is one, easier than a hypocrite or sinful person that goes to church every sunday. If god created us, it does not make sense that only those in the west should be the ones to reach the pearly gates and all the rest of the population should be given the boot down the stairs. Too many think they are the chosen or blessed because of their faith while being rather cruel and hateful of the rest of the world. Christians through they had the god given right to conquer, occupy, exploit the world and abuse those of other faiths.
I met wonder people around the world and it had nothing to do with their faith. I've also seen horror in the name of religion. If there is some reward, or at lease no punishment, it should be for the former, not the later.
I've seen a great deal of harm done and lot of hate spread by people of faith. Turn on a TV sunday and hearing them speak of being at war and picking up swords to smite others is frightening. I've experienced war because of religion and the devastation on not just the people but the land as well.
Give me an atheist that helps with habitat for humanity or volunteers to help teens with sports on weekend any day of the year and twice on sundays. That person does more good than those preaching war and salvation.
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?

like why am i black instead of white?
You ignore the stuff you dont agree with. Its pretty simple. Remember....What you consider false is subjective.

Impossible and dangerous, before you know it you'll fall into deception. You become one with the company you keep. My advice would be to immediately seek God's advice for you. He will steer you straight. Trust Him to direct you, and keep your ears alert to what He's telling you.
What if he never ever answers you? I've asked god a couple of questions when I was a kid and too date he has never answered me?

like why am i black instead of white?

Everyone is black under the skin. So what's your problem? Where light is is god, where shadow is, is god. And where racists are, are idiots. Don't let your life destroy from idiots.

In memoriam Lutz Long and Jesse Owens:

Ok. You are a Christian. You have studied the Bible yourself to show yourself approved. Now you have discovered that the church you attend is preaching one or more false doctrines. You know if you bring the matter up to the pastor you will probably be ridiculed and put down or considered a divider and troublemaker. What are you to do?

Do you continue to attend and tithe your money and support the continued spreading and teaching of this or these false doctrines?

Do you quit the church altogether?

What if there are no churches within your commute that do not embrace this/these false doctrines? Do you simply stop attending church altogether and watch a television broadcast from a pastor who does hold your beliefs?

False Doctrine.....LMAO!

All the bible is anyway is a major load of bullshit so what part can anyone select that is not false?

Let's take a look:

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community.

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a few weeks.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man, by god, in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand men plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


Humble yourself and Join the true Church
The true church with ancient submarines, magic underwear, and golden plates no ones ever seen?

Repeating the same nonsense isn't going to make it true no matter how many times you want to say it.
You should take your own advice
Trinity fucking nailed you Ava. :lol:

Why is that? Cause last I check med my information was accurate and yours demonstrates you dont know what you're talking about.
Almost nobody on earth believes your dumb stories about ancient submarines and golden plates... to be true. In fact, more people think that Smith was a con man than adhere to his cult of special underwear.
Certainly. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church, the doctrine of when a person dies a sinner he goes to a place of punishing while a saved person goes off to heaven to bliss, the belief that "to be absent from the body is to be with Christ, the doctrine that when Christ died he and the thief ran off to a place in the center of the earth called Paradise, the doctrine that Christ went somewhere and freed a bunch of souls in captivity there and led them up to heaven. That should do it for you.

William Barclay, a Church of Scotland minister born at the beginning of the last century, wrote a set of books of biblical scholarship for the average reader. His scholarly volumes on the Book of Revelation are likely to be an eye opener for those who tend to get their doctrine of Revelation from ideas that were developed during the fifteen hundreds.

As for the eternal fate of departed souls: I tend to go mostly with Christ's remark that God is God of the living, not the dead; that those who choose a life close to God will be welcome in that kingdom; while those who choose to live apart from God and His way of being loving servants towards all will be able to dwell apart from God.

Jews and early Christians believed that souls may undergo purification (or purging of sin) after death. Jewish belief holds that such purification takes no longer than a year; Early Christian/Catholic belief assigns no time. One of Peter's letters possibly references Jesus preaching to these captives.

Some doctrines teach that upon death people enter soul sleep, and remain there until the end of the world when everyone rises together. My own belief/experience is that upon death people do not fall asleep, but enter into eternal life. However, I don't think people holding to the belief of soul sleep should be dismissed. There are passages in scripture that may suggest such a thing.

Gods word clearly teaches-- on the day of ones death, all thought stops. The resurrection is foretold for the last day in revelation, this is post Harmageddon at judgement.

If thought stops at death, how did Christ preach to the dead between his death and resurrection and meet the thief in paradise that day?
Was that in Horton Hears a Who?

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