What Should Happen To The Person/s That Sells Guns Illegally

There is nothing in the constitution or amendments to the constitution about what we could/should do about illegal gun sales

See how the far left wants to paint this as an illegal gun sale, yet it was legal!
The Governor just said Kelley was denied a gun permit prior to purchasing the gun. Can you buy a gun without having a permit?

Concealed carry permit is different than buying a gun.
I didn't specify CC permit. Or is that the only type you need to get in Texas?

That is what you need in Texas to carry a concealed weapon.

But in many cases (pending the state) a speeding ticket can deny you a permit!
In Maine you don't need a permit for anything, including CC. To get a hunting license, you have to pass a safety training, though. At least the deer are safe, eh?
If you read through this thread...

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

...you'll find that there is a disturbingly large contingent of nuts here on USMB who don't believe there should be any such thing as an illegal gun sale.

Name them.

lol, are you suffering a bout of illiteracy? Read the fucking thread.

I don’t see anyone calling for no gun restrictions at all, are some dumb binary robot that can’t see many positions, just two. You are one dumb idiot, thanks for reenforcing it.

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Read the question in the thread title and then read the answer in post number 3,

and then come back and tell me why you either lied, or can't read.

Tell me who the large contingent on this board is. I never said that no one said, you claimed a "large contingent on the USMB". Name them cupcake or just don't and we know you lied.

You never said no one said that?

You said: "I don’t see anyone calling for no gun restrictions at all."

Not anyone = no one. Now apologize for lying.

We've tried it your way for decades now, and things constantly get worse. Which is just more proof of how mindless all left-wingers are. We keep trying your system more and more, and things get worse and worse, and you never consider "hey maybe our system doesn't work!". Well the rest of us are not as dumb as those on the left.

The solution is to kill criminals, and arm lawful citizens. That's the fix.

Total utter crap. You haven't tried it 'the left's way' ever. The US is one of the most armed societies in the western world and continues to have one of the highest murder rates per head of population. More guns aren't working.
. And somehow you think less guns in the hands of the good citizens in the situation you described is better ?
Well when you come up with an effective way to regulate the criminal gun market, I'll be happy to discuss how the law abiding should be regulated. You might want to take a refresher course on the 14th amendment and the equal protection clause.

I don’t think it’s possible to regulate a criminal market. That is a law enforcement issue, wouldn’t you agree?

Yet it makes sense to you to disadvantage and add costs to the law abiding? That's playing right into the leftist agenda. If they can't take your guns, they want to price them out of the citizens reach. Just look at the taxes and other crap blue states are coming up with. In NY City it takes about 6 months and 600 to a 1000 dollars just to get permission to have a hand gun in your home. Only the elite get concealed carry permits there.

Im wouldn't support measures like that... Like I said I own guns and don't think it should be hard or expensive to buy sell or use them as long as you are a law abiding citizen. NYC does have crazy tough laws on gun owners. As far as I understand that was a decision that city leadership and the voters made, which they have the right to do. I also recall NYC as being one of the most dangerous cities in the US a few decades ago and now it has made tremendous strides. I don't know if there is a correlation to the gun laws or if that was part of the program, but it is interesting.

Yep and it's backsliding since commiecrat administrations have been in power for a while. IL requires a Firearms Ownership License just to own a gun, how's that working for Chicago? The problem is not legal guns in flyover country. The problem is illegal guns and criminal activity in the regressive utopias, ie major cities, that's were most gun deaths occur.

I hear what you are saying but the violence in Chicago is a result of poverty and gangs, not a result of strict gun laws. Are you trying to imply that the strict gun laws are causing the violence to spike?

Property crime has gone down since McDonald v. City of Chicago. More people have hand guns in their homes.

Check the numbers since 2010


If they are selling guns illegally and you take away their right to sell guns legally, you have taken nothing away. They will still sell illegally and will still own guns illegally. You are in a sense saying, do nothing. You really think that will work?

You'd be amazed how many people change their direction in life when they are given a second chance. And I didn't just say to take away their rights to sell guns. I said to take away their right to OWN guns as well.

And they still will have illegal guns and still sell illegally. You are doing nothing. You'd be amazed how many are career criminals and should be punished. Sorry, you break the law, you pay the consequences. The illegal gun that you sold illegally kills 26 people, then you are culpable in the murder. Otherwise it is silly to have the laws at all.

And there are laws against murder, and people still murder people, so should we quit wasting money on arresting and imprisoning murderers? It's a ridiculous argument and you have NO IDEA how many of the people who lose their license to sell guns and one them will still do so illegally. And what does it matter if they do? They were breaking the law in the first place, so even if just ONE person that loses their license for selling a gun illegally stops because of the new law, that's better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

That isn’t what I’m saying, I’m saying take away their ability to sell or even have a gun on them by sending them to prison. You see no benefit to sending them to prison? I see no benefit from keeping them out. They broke a law and the gun they illegally sold is used in a murder? You bet they should be locked up and have the surviving family sue him. We are way to soft on crime.

It's EXACTLY what you are saying. Why have or try to make a law if people aren't going to follow it. You just don't like it when your own faulty reasoning is thrown back in your face. I mean why do we have speed limits if people break it all the time? You more than likely break it, or have broken it several times. Fuck it, scrap it. It's useless. People are murdered every single day, yet murder is illegal. Fuck it, scrap it... let everyone go Wild West and do an eye for an eye and kill whomever we want. People steal all the time despite theft being illegal...

I can do this all day. Can you come up with a better argument?

Then why have any gun laws?
Name them.

lol, are you suffering a bout of illiteracy? Read the fucking thread.

I don’t see anyone calling for no gun restrictions at all, are some dumb binary robot that can’t see many positions, just two. You are one dumb idiot, thanks for reenforcing it.

Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Read the question in the thread title and then read the answer in post number 3,

and then come back and tell me why you either lied, or can't read.

Tell me who the large contingent on this board is. I never said that no one said, you claimed a "large contingent on the USMB". Name them cupcake or just don't and we know you lied.

You never said no one said that?

You said: "I don’t see anyone calling for no gun restrictions at all."

Not anyone = no one. Now apologize for lying.

You said a large contingent on this board, can you name them or not. You made a claim, back it up.
You'd be amazed how many people change their direction in life when they are given a second chance. And I didn't just say to take away their rights to sell guns. I said to take away their right to OWN guns as well.

And they still will have illegal guns and still sell illegally. You are doing nothing. You'd be amazed how many are career criminals and should be punished. Sorry, you break the law, you pay the consequences. The illegal gun that you sold illegally kills 26 people, then you are culpable in the murder. Otherwise it is silly to have the laws at all.

And there are laws against murder, and people still murder people, so should we quit wasting money on arresting and imprisoning murderers? It's a ridiculous argument and you have NO IDEA how many of the people who lose their license to sell guns and one them will still do so illegally. And what does it matter if they do? They were breaking the law in the first place, so even if just ONE person that loses their license for selling a gun illegally stops because of the new law, that's better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

That isn’t what I’m saying, I’m saying take away their ability to sell or even have a gun on them by sending them to prison. You see no benefit to sending them to prison? I see no benefit from keeping them out. They broke a law and the gun they illegally sold is used in a murder? You bet they should be locked up and have the surviving family sue him. We are way to soft on crime.

It's EXACTLY what you are saying. Why have or try to make a law if people aren't going to follow it. You just don't like it when your own faulty reasoning is thrown back in your face. I mean why do we have speed limits if people break it all the time? You more than likely break it, or have broken it several times. Fuck it, scrap it. It's useless. People are murdered every single day, yet murder is illegal. Fuck it, scrap it... let everyone go Wild West and do an eye for an eye and kill whomever we want. People steal all the time despite theft being illegal...

I can do this all day. Can you come up with a better argument?

Then why have any gun laws?

I asked you to come up with a better argument, seems like you are tapping out.
And they still will have illegal guns and still sell illegally. You are doing nothing. You'd be amazed how many are career criminals and should be punished. Sorry, you break the law, you pay the consequences. The illegal gun that you sold illegally kills 26 people, then you are culpable in the murder. Otherwise it is silly to have the laws at all.

And there are laws against murder, and people still murder people, so should we quit wasting money on arresting and imprisoning murderers? It's a ridiculous argument and you have NO IDEA how many of the people who lose their license to sell guns and one them will still do so illegally. And what does it matter if they do? They were breaking the law in the first place, so even if just ONE person that loses their license for selling a gun illegally stops because of the new law, that's better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

That isn’t what I’m saying, I’m saying take away their ability to sell or even have a gun on them by sending them to prison. You see no benefit to sending them to prison? I see no benefit from keeping them out. They broke a law and the gun they illegally sold is used in a murder? You bet they should be locked up and have the surviving family sue him. We are way to soft on crime.

It's EXACTLY what you are saying. Why have or try to make a law if people aren't going to follow it. You just don't like it when your own faulty reasoning is thrown back in your face. I mean why do we have speed limits if people break it all the time? You more than likely break it, or have broken it several times. Fuck it, scrap it. It's useless. People are murdered every single day, yet murder is illegal. Fuck it, scrap it... let everyone go Wild West and do an eye for an eye and kill whomever we want. People steal all the time despite theft being illegal...

I can do this all day. Can you come up with a better argument?

Then why have any gun laws?

I asked you to come up with a better argument, seems like you are tapping out.

I have no clue as to what the hell your argument is. I say throw the guy that sells guns illegally in jail, hell if I know what your stupid claim is, just let them stay out? :dunno:
I don’t think it’s possible to regulate a criminal market. That is a law enforcement issue, wouldn’t you agree?

Yet it makes sense to you to disadvantage and add costs to the law abiding? That's playing right into the leftist agenda. If they can't take your guns, they want to price them out of the citizens reach. Just look at the taxes and other crap blue states are coming up with. In NY City it takes about 6 months and 600 to a 1000 dollars just to get permission to have a hand gun in your home. Only the elite get concealed carry permits there.

Im wouldn't support measures like that... Like I said I own guns and don't think it should be hard or expensive to buy sell or use them as long as you are a law abiding citizen. NYC does have crazy tough laws on gun owners. As far as I understand that was a decision that city leadership and the voters made, which they have the right to do. I also recall NYC as being one of the most dangerous cities in the US a few decades ago and now it has made tremendous strides. I don't know if there is a correlation to the gun laws or if that was part of the program, but it is interesting.

Yep and it's backsliding since commiecrat administrations have been in power for a while. IL requires a Firearms Ownership License just to own a gun, how's that working for Chicago? The problem is not legal guns in flyover country. The problem is illegal guns and criminal activity in the regressive utopias, ie major cities, that's were most gun deaths occur.

I hear what you are saying but the violence in Chicago is a result of poverty and gangs, not a result of strict gun laws. Are you trying to imply that the strict gun laws are causing the violence to spike?

Property crime has gone down since McDonald v. City of Chicago. More people have hand guns in their homes.

Check the numbers since 2010


Thats great, I'd never advocate a situation that would hinder the right for law abiding Americans to have a gun in their homes to protect themselves. Especially in dangerous areas. I'm not sure if the situation is as simple as more guns less crime, but it is definitely worth looking at when weighing in all the factors that contribute the the crime, safety and prosperity of our communities.
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.

"Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen? "

It literally says "sell guns illegally " in the thread title.
And there are laws against murder, and people still murder people, so should we quit wasting money on arresting and imprisoning murderers? It's a ridiculous argument and you have NO IDEA how many of the people who lose their license to sell guns and one them will still do so illegally. And what does it matter if they do? They were breaking the law in the first place, so even if just ONE person that loses their license for selling a gun illegally stops because of the new law, that's better than doing absolutely nothing at all.

That isn’t what I’m saying, I’m saying take away their ability to sell or even have a gun on them by sending them to prison. You see no benefit to sending them to prison? I see no benefit from keeping them out. They broke a law and the gun they illegally sold is used in a murder? You bet they should be locked up and have the surviving family sue him. We are way to soft on crime.

It's EXACTLY what you are saying. Why have or try to make a law if people aren't going to follow it. You just don't like it when your own faulty reasoning is thrown back in your face. I mean why do we have speed limits if people break it all the time? You more than likely break it, or have broken it several times. Fuck it, scrap it. It's useless. People are murdered every single day, yet murder is illegal. Fuck it, scrap it... let everyone go Wild West and do an eye for an eye and kill whomever we want. People steal all the time despite theft being illegal...

I can do this all day. Can you come up with a better argument?

Then why have any gun laws?

I asked you to come up with a better argument, seems like you are tapping out.

I have no clue as to what the hell your argument is. I say throw the guy that sells guns illegally in jail, hell if I know what your stupid claim is, just let them stay out? :dunno:

I was very specific about it. I'm sorry you can't read.
Seriously, they should be punished in some way.

The straw buyer for the San Bernardino shooters is being prosecuted. If they find one in this case they should be prosecuted as well.


If he wasn't legally entitled to buy guns but bought them via a private sale in Texas, who are you going to prosecute?

You are missing the point.... AGAIN.

If making laws was the solution, then why didn't it work? Leftwingers have repeated constantly, that if only we had a law preventing bad people from buying guys, then... THEN... we could get this under control.

Huh... we have a law, says this man wasn't allowed to buy a guy.... yet he got a gun.

The law didn't work. Just like all the other laws didn't work. Just like prohibition didn't work. Just like laws against illegal drugs right now, don't work.

How many more times do you have to try and fail, before you figure out your ideology does not work?

You remind me of the communist government in Cuba, that for 60 years has destroyed the country, and all they do is blame the US. Or Venezuela, blaming the 'capitalist saboteurs.'

How many times does this have to happen before you people wake up and figure out your system doesn't work?

Example: we have laws against wife beating, and yet, women get beat up by their husbands every day in this country.
Those laws, by your 'logic', then, are not working.

Therefore, by your 'logic', those laws should simply be abolished.
No, his logic is that more laws against wife beating will not help.
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.

"Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen? "

It literally says "sell guns illegally " in the thread title.
An illegal sale does not imply bad intent. Even legit gun shops can make mistakes.

Stop humping my leg jackass
To people like this violent thug killer, Devin Patrick Kelley, that viciously murders multiple people in cold blood for no reason whatsoever?
Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen?
Too many variables to have a one size fits all solution.

Ultimately one person is responsible for each bullet that came out of that gun.

"Depends on how the sale was conducted. Was it legal? Illegal? Stolen? "

It literally says "sell guns illegally " in the thread title.
An illegal sale does not imply bad intent. Even legit gun shops can make mistakes.

Stop humping my leg jackass

Who gives a shit about intent? If you sell a case of beer to a minor, nobody cares about your intent.

And don't flatter yourself, I post to a lot of people.
Death penalty.

Knowingly selling guns to an ineligible person should be a capitol offense punishable by death.
. Well no it shouldn't be death. I'd say that a person involved in the illegal distribution of weapons in any way, shape or form, and then those weapon(s) are used to kill people in hopes by the perp that the weapon will draw no leads back to him (imho) is a serious crime for sure, but the unsuspecting gun seller should suffer huge fines and even jail time of course, but not death for an indirect result of one's actions in which one didn't know such a thing would be the result of the sell of a weapon(s). Otherwise you would think that you could trust your brother right ??

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