What should President Trump do that he is not doing, or

Quit pussyfooting around with swamp draining.

Bring in an ass kicker like Joe diGenova to be AG.

Expose everyone -regardless of party- who is involved in the Ukraine money laundering snake pit.

Cut the tweeting in half.....He can get his POV out and troll the shit out of the moonbats without flooding the zone.

Cut taxes further and make the individual cuts permanent.

Begin the wholesale abolition/privatization of agencies and bureaucracies.

Shutter military bases in Europe and Japan, and leave NATO.

Boot the UN out of New York.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.

He hasn't walked on water or developed a cure for male pattern balding. Not that I have male pattern balding, I have hair to spare.

But the water-walking would be kinda awesome.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.
He's doing NOTHING wrong, of course. The liberal lunatics that post on here need to have SOMETHING to bitch and moan about what our wonderful president is doing. So they make up stuff, a LOT of it. Can you imagine being as miserable and hateful as these individuals are? It must be horrific.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.
He's doing NOTHING wrong, of course. The liberal lunatics that post on here need to have SOMETHING to bitch and moan about what our wonderful president is doing. So they make up stuff, a LOT of it. Can you imagine being as miserable and hateful as these individuals are? It must be horrific.
Right on.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.
He's doing NOTHING wrong, of course. The liberal lunatics that post on here need to have SOMETHING to bitch and moan about what our wonderful president is doing. So they make up stuff, a LOT of it. Can you imagine being as miserable and hateful as these individuals are? It must be horrific.
Right on.
President Trump could cure cancer, and these idiots would say, "What took you so long?" They really ARE that blind and that stupid.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.
He's doing NOTHING wrong, of course. The liberal lunatics that post on here need to have SOMETHING to bitch and moan about what our wonderful president is doing. So they make up stuff, a LOT of it. Can you imagine being as miserable and hateful as these individuals are? It must be horrific.
Right on.
President Trump could cure cancer, and these idiots would say, "What took you so long?" They really ARE that blind and that stupid.

That's pretty obvious. Trump is curing socialism in this country and all they do is bitch about it.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.

What he could do:

Roll armored divisions into sanctuary cities, counties and states. Arrest all sanctuary enabling mayors, county commissioners, and governors. While there, order them to clean up all ghettos, homeless camps, and criminal controlled/overrun areas.

Ban free pornography. Hell, make porn next to impossible to view—even for adults.

Ban all transgender treatment and propaganda and public/broadcast reference.

Bring back quality television with proper censorship to protect children from Hollywood's campaign to convert them to leftist ideology—LGTBQ bullshit in particular.

Focus on promoting, protecting and supporting the traditional American family.

Clean all radical leftist professors from public universities (there'd be no staff left at all, nearly).

A nationwide crackdown on all child predators, to commence with public hangings of pedophiles.

Close Planned Parenthood and ban them from all operations on US Soil.

Bomb the fu** out of any Mexican City associated in any way with narcotics trafficking. Do the same to any city in Central or South America. Locate and napalm or nuke all cocaine/heroin operations.

Give China a big, fat, red bloody nose. Make them beg for the luxury of trading with us. Bonus: test out our newest weapons systems on their Chi-Com asses.

Put the EU in its place.

Protect our children at all costs from radical leftist ideology.

Crackdown on big tech—namely all forms of social media where a child's life can be ruined.
what is he doing that is wrong????

I really need to know.

What he could do:

Roll armored divisions into sanctuary cities, counties and states. Arrest all sanctuary enabling mayors, county commissioners, and governors. While there, order them to clean up all ghettos, homeless camps, and criminal controlled/overrun areas.

Ban free pornography. Hell, make porn next to impossible to view—even for adults.

Ban all transgender treatment and propaganda and public/broadcast reference.

Bring back quality television with proper censorship to protect children from Hollywood's campaign to convert them to leftist ideology—LGTBQ bullshit in particular.

Focus on promoting, protecting and supporting the traditional American family.

Clean all radical leftist professors from public universities (there'd be no staff left at all, nearly).

A nationwide crackdown on all child predators, to commence with public hangings of pedophiles.

Close Planned Parenthood and ban them from all operations on US Soil.

Bomb the fu** out of any Mexican City associated in any way with narcotics trafficking. Do the same to any city in Central or South America. Locate and napalm or nuke all cocaine/heroin operations.

Give China a big, fat, red bloody nose. Make them beg for the luxury of trading with us. Bonus: test out our newest weapons systems on their Chi-Com asses.

Put the EU in its place.

Protect our children at all costs from radical leftist ideology.

Crackdown on big tech—namely all forms of social media where a child's life can be ruined.

President Trump just called. He wanted me to inform you that he has a current job opening in his cabinet.

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