What should the end goal of our gun policy be?

What do you think should be the appropriate end goal of our gun laws?

  • None: Guns should be banned

  • Minimal: Just in your home and use on your property and gun ranges never in public

  • Limited: Above and you can carry them but only in the open where they are expressly allowe

  • Regulated: Above and concealed, but only after government checks you out and approves you

  • Unlimited as long as your Constitutional rights have not been limited by due process of law

Results are only viewable after voting.
I think most suicides are "mentally ill" things
Suicides occur with or without guns.

Homicides, on the other hand, are much lower in developed countries which have banned guns.

It's a lot easier to gas yourself with your oven than it is to gas someone else. It's a lot easier to swallow a lot of pills yourself than it is to make someone else swallow them. It's a lot easier to jump off a roof yourself than it is to throw someone else off the roof.

While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?
You are the one demonstrating bigotry. Brown people coming across our border (from Mexico, Central America, whatever) are not the reason for our high homicide rate, but you are doing your damdest to blame them.

So I will reword. Our homicide rate is not "because Hispanics from south of the border".

OK, first it was Mexicans, then it was brown people. You are afraid of those coloreds, aren't you?

Anyone can cross the border. The criminals can be any race or nationality. Mention that to the others in your next KKK meeting.

Cut the race crap
The "mentally ill" thing is a smokescreen. Sure, some mass shootings are carried out by people with a history of mental illness. Mass shootings make a big splash in the media and in the fearful mind.

But we are not losing 16,000 Americans a year to mass shootings. We are losing them to one-on-one gun homicides.

No one on the Right is offering a viable solution to this problem.
I think most suicides are "mentally ill" things
Suicides occur with or without guns.

Homicides, on the other hand, are much lower in developed countries which have banned guns.

It's a lot easier to gas yourself with your oven than it is to gas someone else. It's a lot easier to swallow a lot of pills yourself than it is to make someone else swallow them. It's a lot easier to jump off a roof yourself than it is to throw someone else off the roof.

While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?

It's part and parcel of the left.... call you a bigot. It's all they have.
Most guns deaths are suicides.

Nobody's gonna say "gee, I can't get a gun, I guess I'm not going to kill myself." Take out the suicides, accidents, etc., the numbers aren't anywhere near as bad as the anti-gun pants shitters would have you think. You never hear the pants shitters ever talk about the "why", only the method.
Our HOMICIDE rate is much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.

That's a simple fact.

How do you explain Switzerland?
Switzerland homicide rate: 0.6 per 100,000

US homicide rate: 3.8 per 100,000

Like I said. Much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.
I think most suicides are "mentally ill" things
Suicides occur with or without guns.

Homicides, on the other hand, are much lower in developed countries which have banned guns.

It's a lot easier to gas yourself with your oven than it is to gas someone else. It's a lot easier to swallow a lot of pills yourself than it is to make someone else swallow them. It's a lot easier to jump off a roof yourself than it is to throw someone else off the roof.

While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?

It's part and parcel of the left.... call you a bigot. It's all they have.

Yep. Sure, I'd be OK with white criminals coming across the border. It's just because they aren't white. He's a moron
I think most suicides are "mentally ill" things
Suicides occur with or without guns.

Homicides, on the other hand, are much lower in developed countries which have banned guns.

It's a lot easier to gas yourself with your oven than it is to gas someone else. It's a lot easier to swallow a lot of pills yourself than it is to make someone else swallow them. It's a lot easier to jump off a roof yourself than it is to throw someone else off the roof.

While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?

It's part and parcel of the left.... call you a bigot. It's all they have.
kaz just tried to blame our high homicide rate on darkies from south of the border. Plain as the nose on your face, dipshit.
Most guns deaths are suicides.

Nobody's gonna say "gee, I can't get a gun, I guess I'm not going to kill myself." Take out the suicides, accidents, etc., the numbers aren't anywhere near as bad as the anti-gun pants shitters would have you think. You never hear the pants shitters ever talk about the "why", only the method.
Our HOMICIDE rate is much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.

That's a simple fact.

How do you explain Switzerland?
Switzerland homicide rate: 0.6 per 100,000

US homicide rate: 3.8 per 100,000

Like I said. Much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.

So when I keep asking you for a cause and effect argument, are you hiding from the question, do you not know what it means, or are you still focused on brown people?
Suicides occur with or without guns.

Homicides, on the other hand, are much lower in developed countries which have banned guns.

It's a lot easier to gas yourself with your oven than it is to gas someone else. It's a lot easier to swallow a lot of pills yourself than it is to make someone else swallow them. It's a lot easier to jump off a roof yourself than it is to throw someone else off the roof.

While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?

It's part and parcel of the left.... call you a bigot. It's all they have.
kaz just tried to blame our high homicide rate on darkies. Plain as the nose on your face, dipshit.

Liar. You did, I said nothing about race. Welcome to my ignore list. I'm sick of you retarded leftist race whores. It's one of the few reasons people go there. No one was talking or thinking about race until you started losing the argument and your mind and went there because you were getting your ass handed to you.

Yeah, asshole, I'm OK with white criminals. Fuck you
Most guns deaths are suicides.

Nobody's gonna say "gee, I can't get a gun, I guess I'm not going to kill myself." Take out the suicides, accidents, etc., the numbers aren't anywhere near as bad as the anti-gun pants shitters would have you think. You never hear the pants shitters ever talk about the "why", only the method.
Our HOMICIDE rate is much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.

That's a simple fact.

How do you explain Switzerland?
Switzerland homicide rate: 0.6 per 100,000

US homicide rate: 3.8 per 100,000

Like I said. Much higher than developed countries which have much stricter gun control.

So when I keep asking you for a cause and effect argument, are you hiding from the question, do you not know what it means, or are you still focused on brown people?
What does that have to do with my line of argument with Soggy? He attempted to throw a red herring about suicides to distract from the fact our homicide rate is higher than countries which have stricter gun control. Then he asked about Switzerland, for some weird reason. Switzerland has a much lower homicide rate than the US.
And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Clearly trying to blame illegal immigrants for our high homicide rate, with ZERO evidence. You can't deny it, kaz.

And don't pretend you meant anything other than the illegals coming across the Mexican border.
I have proposed a solution here a few times. Instead of registering guns and limiting magazine sizes and whatnot, we should register gun buyers.

If you apply to be a gun buyer, and pass a mental health and criminal background check, your name goes on a list. Sort of like those people who can now get pre-screened before flying.

If you wish to purchase a firearm, the retailer simply looks to see if your name is on the approved gun buyer list. If it is, you can buy as many guns and any size magazines you wish, and no record is kept of what you bought.

If you are a certified nutjob, your name does not get on the list and you cannot buy a gun.

If you are on the list, and then get convicted of whatever crime the people of your state decide warrants your removal from the list, then you are taken off the list.

If you are on the registered gun buyer list, it does not necessarily mean you have bought a gun. Nor does it indicate how many guns you own. Nor does it indicate how much ammo or magazines you own. It just indicates you are an upstanding citizen whose Second Amendment rights shall not be infringed or taken away without due process.
Isn't that a variation of "regulated?"
Actually, it's a variation of "infringed".

It's quite entertaining to see the twists and turns these people go through to avoid being accused of violating the idea that the Framers intended, and made the law of the land:

Government can have no say in who can own and carry guns and other such weapons.

So many want to give up a very vital freedom, for a little temporary safety.

There are plenty of countries where you can do exactly that. Why not go to one of them, if you are so afraid of ordinary people using their own judgment?

Please don't try to force the rest of us to suffer from your paranoia.
While that stat is true, it doesn't address cause and effect. It doesn't support the argument that making guns more illegal in countries that have them reduces murders. And how many countries that have banned guns have open borders like we do and huge drug trafficking where dealers can sell too and an installed base of almost as many guns as people?
Our homicide rate is not "because Mexicans".

Your view that only Mexicans come to the US through the open border with Mexico is positively ridiculous. Ratchet back the bigotry, OK?

It's part and parcel of the left.... call you a bigot. It's all they have.
kaz just tried to blame our high homicide rate on darkies. Plain as the nose on your face, dipshit.

Liar. You did, I said nothing about race.

Yeah, whenever you talk about "open borders" you are talking about the one with Canada, right?

Or you are pretending that the vast majority of illegal immigrants who come across the Mexican border are white, right?

Just how retarded to you think we are, dipshit? We all know what you meant. You were trying to draw a causation between the illegal brown people and our high homicide rate, with ZERO evidence.

Nice try, but you got called on it, and now you can't find a way out except to pretend to be innocent of the bigotry from which you so obviously suffer.

Welcome to my ignore list.

That's what loser cowards usually do when they are busted.
For those who don't find an exact match, just pick the closest one. It's impossible to cover every possible choice in a poll like this.

Note this is a goal question, not a question what the policies are to get there.

enforce the laws already on the books----all of them, nothing more
  • Thanks
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The US has a much higher homicide rate than the other developed countries which have strict gun control. This is an undeniable fact.

kaz, you attempted to blame illegal immigrants for that difference. This is also an undeniable fact.

It is disingenuous as fuck to pretend now you weren't talking about Hispanic illegals since they make up the vast majority of illegals.

You are now throwing up a lot of self-righteous smoke to hide the fact you have NOTHING to support your assertion that Hispanic illegals are the cause of our higher homicide rate.
This is why the liberals keep winning. Because the Right is infected with idiots and bigots who cannot make an honest argument, who deny reality, and who are inherently bigoted. Their dishonesty, delusions, and dogmatism completely undermine the conservative cause.

We need to purge the conservative movement of these retarded pseudo-cons and get things back on the right track.
Government can have no say in who can own and carry guns and other such weapons.

Wrong. All of your rights and freedoms can be removed by due process. It's right there in the Constitution. You should try reading the WHOLE thing sometime.
gun - no fully automatic weapons nor any with a caliber over .45

This is quite ignorant. I have a .338 caliber rifle that will drop a polar bear in one shot, or a Cape buffalo. So why the arbitrary .45 caliber limit, please explain.
Any line would be arbitrary but the next step up from a .45 is a ma duce and that is over the top.

Why? Is this just your personal opinion or do you have some logical reasoning behind this? Black powder musket balls can be .50 to .70 caliber.
I like how Mass. Does it . gun safety class and background check . You get your license from the local PD. ( who would better know if the guy is a psycho). Buying n selling works a lot like cars when u register the transaction .

Surprisingly enough , the carry laws are pretty liberal in Mass .

I think it works well . Gun crime is low in our state , the "illegal guns " usually come from loose gun law states .
This is why the liberals keep winning. Because the Right is infected with idiots and bigots who cannot make an honest argument, who deny reality, and who are inherently bigoted. Their dishonesty, delusions, and dogmatism completely undermine the conservative cause.

We need to purge the conservative movement of these retarded pseudo-cons and get things back on the right track.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what the conservatives say, but I hate it anyway. So I'll ignore it, call them names, insult them, and try to get them to stop saying it, rather than answer it. And hope that somewhere somebody will still believe me.
This is why the liberals keep winning. Because the Right is infected with idiots and bigots who cannot make an honest argument, who deny reality, and who are inherently bigoted. Their dishonesty, delusions, and dogmatism completely undermine the conservative cause.

We need to purge the conservative movement of these retarded pseudo-cons and get things back on the right track.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what the conservatives say, but I hate it anyway. So I'll ignore it, call them names, insult them, and try to get them to stop saying it, rather than answer it. And hope that somewhere somebody will still believe me.
I have refuted what you pseudo-cons have said. Easily and handily.

The US has a higher homicide rate than other developed countries which have strict gun control. No one has been able to plausibly deny that reality. kaz tried to blame illegal immigrants, who we all know are mostly non-whites, but that catastrophically failed and he ran away.

Now, you tards can keep trying to clamp your hands over your eyes and ears to this reality, and you can keep tossing out red herrings, but it won't go away.

Until you accept this truth, and deal with it, then you will continue to look like dishonest idiots. And the liberals will win.

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