What Sort Of Goddam Idiot -

Well, SOMETHING happened. Either the people praying had already been told to move, or there was something going on in the crowd unrelated to the Dad and his kid.

But A's right--a lot of people took their kids to peaceful demonstrations over the past couple weeks. I took mine to John Lennon's 10 minutes of silence after his death. It was very moving.

In those days you could do that without "counter protesters" lining up to wave flags and call you names.
Was it peaceful when the rioting and looting started? All i ever see is buildings being torched...
I wasn't there, but of course they're not going to show the peaceful parts on tv. Who wants to see that?
I have never taken one of my children to any protests, do you know why? All these "peaceful protests were under the brown turd Oblummer's watch, and guess what? Tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets. If you are a brain dead liberal(but i repeat myself), then go ahead take your child to a protest, just expect your side to get very violent and NASTY..

...Go fuck yourself.
The last 20 posts from both of you are nothing but a purse fight. Hug it out, have a good cry together and move on.

Get out of the thread then.
The thread in the Politics forum? Both of you take your embarrassing display to the Purse Fight forum.
Hey! I am enjoying it. You’re not the police here!
Don't make me put a knee on your neck!

No, really, don't. I'm pretty tired.
Ouch!!! Wow!!’ Ha ha ha ha. Dark humor at its best! Damn. Well played.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.

You're just a prick who butts in where he isn't wanted.
Are you trying to say it's Asslips whose prick you want in your butt? Sorry, didn't know I was interrupting a tender moment. The two of you have strange mating rituals. Darwin would have been fascinated.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
Only after they threaten me. I'm a pacifist. You know the deal. I get them enraged. They claim they are going to beat me up. I invite them over. Crickets.
Why do parents take their kids to protests? For the same reason they let drag queens do story time while showing their junk to kids. Diversity.
"""There is more than enough empirical evidence that proves all blacks are more privileged here than they are any place else.""

You fucking don't even know what empirical means, asshole.
And if you do, then post that evidence here.
Right now, asshole.

Well, SOMETHING happened. Either the people praying had already been told to move, or there was something going on in the crowd unrelated to the Dad and his kid.

But A's right--a lot of people took their kids to peaceful demonstrations over the past couple weeks. I took mine to John Lennon's 10 minutes of silence after his death. It was very moving.

In those days you could do that without "counter protesters" lining up to wave flags and call you names.
Was it peaceful when the rioting and looting started? All i ever see is buildings being torched...
I wasn't there, but of course they're not going to show the peaceful parts on tv. Who wants to see that?
I have never taken one of my children to any protests, do you know why? All these "peaceful protests were under the brown turd Oblummer's watch, and guess what? Tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets. If you are a brain dead liberal(but i repeat myself), then go ahead take your child to a protest, just expect your side to get very violent and NASTY..

No, I wouldn't take my seven year old to one of the current protests because too many of them have gone south. And a lot of the rhetoric is pretty harsh for a child's ears, anyway. The one I took my kiddo to was a gathering to pay respects, not a political demonstration. The reason I thought of it was, as a parent I wanted my son to have that experience. In my case, it was the experience of honoring a man who stood for peace. Probably some parents who took their kids to the protests did it for the same reason. To teach them something, show them something. Or they couldn't get a babysitter.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
Only after they threaten me. I'm a pacifist. You know the deal. I get them enraged. They claim they are going to beat me up. I invite them over. Crickets.
Except you’re the aggressor. You’re no pacifist. Far from it. I do not think the word means what you think it means. You also know that they would never fly to Oakland. You’re in your safe space.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
Only after they threaten me. I'm a pacifist. You know the deal. I get them enraged. They claim they are going to beat me up. I invite them over. Crickets.
Except you’re the aggressor. You’re no pacifist. Far from it. I do not think the word means what you think it means. You also know that they would never fly to Oakland. You’re in your safe space.
Nope. I'm a pacifist. I've never told anyone I would come to them looking for a fight. They've always talked a lot of shit but when it came down to it they always find a reason not to come see me. Just like you did.
Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world, especially Africans.

I bet you wouldn't say this if your true identity was known here.
Your real name and where you live.
Fucking coward.
What’s your real name, and what is your address? Blaine Sweeter

Take a sign and write, "Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world" and stick it in your front yard, coward.
Go ahead, you and Owl Fuckface.
...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
Only after they threaten me. I'm a pacifist. You know the deal. I get them enraged. They claim they are going to beat me up. I invite them over. Crickets.
Except you’re the aggressor. You’re no pacifist. Far from it. I do not think the word means what you think it means. You also know that they would never fly to Oakland. You’re in your safe space.
Nope. I'm a pacifist. I've never told anyone I would come to them looking for a fight. They've always talked a lot of shit but when it came down to it they always find a reason not to come see me. Just like you did.
Could that reason be distance? You didn’t exactly sprint to Boston or Omaha. You really need to evolve.
Why do parents take their kids to protests? For the same reason they let drag queens do story time while showing their junk to kids. Diversity.
No one shows their junk to the kids. That drag queen does those story hours so kids won't be scared of them, so they know they're just people dressed up funny. It's called teaching tolerance and there's nothing wrong with that.

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