What Sort Of Goddam Idiot -

...More like an internet fight. He wont come see me.
Yeah, yeah and you won't go see him. I think we can all agree you're both ridiculous internet heroes and leave it at that.
Of course not. I'm not the one that got upset and threatened someone...but I was willing to host him in the event he wanted to find out for real.
LOL. You threaten people on these boards frequently. No one wants to go to Oakland. Not even the Raiders.
Only after they threaten me. I'm a pacifist. You know the deal. I get them enraged. They claim they are going to beat me up. I invite them over. Crickets.

You Internet heroes always play the same stupid game. If you were really serious about it you would not say “come to me come to me!” you would say “where are you I’m coming to you.” But you know no one is going to travel all around the country just to make a fool out of some idiot on the Internet, so you can just sit on your ass and say “come to me come to me!” and then pretend everybody’s so scared of you. It is transparent it is pathetic and it has exactly the opposite effect that you idiots seem to hope it will have.

here’s a better idea: stop acting like emotionally challenged 11-year-old children challenging each other to a fistfight over arguments on the Internet. Grow the fuck up.
Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world, especially Africans.

I bet you wouldn't say this if your true identity was known here.
Your real name and where you live.
Fucking coward.
Grew up in the hood. Taught mma for 15 years. Once maxed bench press 420lbs still rep 315 seven times. As a kid boxed and as a teenager made golden gloves division. My uncle who raised us was a Marine and my brother died as a Marine.

Been in countless fights. Once put a redneck in the hospital as well as a blood gang member. Knocked every single one of the bloods gold teeth out, but because of people I knew and still know I would never be fucked with. Almost had to do real hard time for the redneck. Broke his neck. Luckily there was video that exonerated me.

Had family executed by castro so you can trust me when I tell you, you can bring whoever the fuck you want in front of my face.

You have no idea of the built up rage in me. So, you may think whatever you want. When the shit really goes down, I will not be going quietly. Hope it is you and a few others on here that gets feel that fucking rage I have towards you fucking traitors.
What type of MMA? My uncle taught Combat Sambo.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. My friend, who is now in prison owned this place.

That is his mug shot. He owned a supplemental company. His big sponsor was Randy Couture.

Here is Couture and Silva one day at the gym that Amato had opened. On top of selling supplements be also started an mma team.

The guy on the left is named Carlos Iraburo. He was involved with a death in the ring in 2010. He was down in Wellington Florida for a while. Trained him for a while too.

Then he moved to Augusta GA area. He was really crushed by idiots in that fight. Anyone knows Carlos....

In 2004 we were in NY, I witnessed him buy coffee and food for a homeless man. He just did it.

Anyway, met Couture met Silva. Couture is a very humble person.
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Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world, especially Africans.

I bet you wouldn't say this if your true identity was known here.
Your real name and where you live.
Fucking coward.
What’s your real name, and what is your address? Blaine Sweeter

Take a sign and write, "Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world" and stick it in your front yard, coward.
Go ahead, you and Owl Fuckface.
By your own standards, you just admitted you are a "fucking coward".

That was easy. :iyfyus.jpg:
Black Americans are an embarrassment to the world, especially Africans.

I bet you wouldn't say this if your true identity was known here.
Your real name and where you live.
Fucking coward.
Grew up in the hood. Taught mma for 15 years. Once maxed bench press 420lbs still rep 315 seven times. As a kid boxed and as a teenager made golden gloves division. My uncle who raised us was a Marine and my brother died as a Marine.

Been in countless fights. Once put a redneck in the hospital as well as a blood gang member. Knocked every single one of the bloods gold teeth out, but because of people I knew and still know I would never be fucked with. Almost had to do real hard time for the redneck. Broke his neck. Luckily there was video that exonerated me.

Had family executed by castro so you can trust me when I tell you, you can bring whoever the fuck you want in front of my face.

You have no idea of the built up rage in me. So, you may think whatever you want. When the shit really goes down, I will not be going quietly. Hope it is you and a few others on here that gets feel that fucking rage I have towards you fucking traitors.

So many badasses around here!
Taking kids to.....I'm guessing you are referring to.....gun shows? Those aren't protests and riots and looting. They're just community business dealings and gun fights don't erupt there.

Not in real life, they don't, but in movies and on TV they break out all the time at gun shows, complete with artillery and rocket launchings n stuff. Hollywood trumps reality for left wing tards.
Why do parents take their kids to protests? For the same reason they let drag queens do story time while showing their junk to kids. Diversity.
No one shows their junk to the kids. That drag queen does those story hours so kids won't be scared of them, so they know they're just people dressed up funny. It's called teaching tolerance and there's nothing wrong with that.
Are you fucking insane???? LET KIDS BE KIDS. There is no reason on this earth to "teach" a small child that its ok for a grown assed fucking MAN to prance around in a fucking dress! And yes, they show their junk. Maybe not deliberately, but its been done. Hell, how can they hide it in a mini dress and fishnet stockings? Some don't tuck, ya know.

Dayum, woman. Sometimes your surprise me pleasantly..sometimes you make me gag. Like now.

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