What sounds do you really like?

Or love to hear? I love to hear a cat purring or cleaning itself. This has a tremendous calming effect on me. Also the sound of a child searching through a box of crayons or a woman searching her purse, looking for something. These sounds have a strange, hypnotic effect on me. And the sound of laughter, it warms my heart when I hear it.

I like The sound of silence in the mountains ....and the rain ...corny yes ...I dont care

And the complete opposite

Or love to hear? I love to hear a cat purring or cleaning itself. This has a tremendous calming effect on me. Also the sound of a child searching through a box of crayons or a woman searching her purse, looking for something. These sounds have a strange, hypnotic effect on me. And the sound of laughter, it warms my heart when I hear it.

Rain--when I'm not driving in it or working in it. The sound of a spoon in coffee.

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