What the alt-right is.

White Nationalists are really juvenile. They have tattoos that say "14 words" or "88" or "14/88".

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. See what I mean about developmentally stunted?

14 words is a slogan created by an early jackbooted retard named David Lane. The fourteen words are, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Whoever wrote the planks in the OP is a copycat:
The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.

Something makes me think that if a black guy said he wants to secure his race well into the future, you wouldn't think him as black nationalist.
Nationalism goes far beyond survival. It is about the genocide of all other races.

And there are most certainly black nationalists out there.

You are just throwing out red herrings to misdirect attention from this board's White Nationalist problem.
And....you are done.

You no longer have any credibility.
White Nationalists are really juvenile. They have tattoos that say "14 words" or "88" or "14/88".

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. See what I mean about developmentally stunted?

14 words is a slogan created by an early jackbooted retard named David Lane. The fourteen words are, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Whoever wrote the planks in the OP is a copycat:
The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.

Something makes me think that if a black guy said he wants to secure his race well into the future, you wouldn't think him as black nationalist.
Nationalism goes far beyond survival. It is about the genocide of all other races.

And there are most certainly black nationalists out there.

You are just throwing out red herrings to misdirect attention from this board's White Nationalist problem.

So alt right is about genocide of other races...

... even when it says right on the fkinc planks that every race should be allowed to exist?
Your fake planks said they aren't Nationalist Socialists, either. So you are wrong on at least two counts so far! :lol:

You bet your ass the alt right is about genocide.
White Nationalists are really juvenile. They have tattoos that say "14 words" or "88" or "14/88".

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. See what I mean about developmentally stunted?

14 words is a slogan created by an early jackbooted retard named David Lane. The fourteen words are, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Whoever wrote the planks in the OP is a copycat:
The Alt Right believes we must secure the existence of white people and a future for white children.

Something makes me think that if a black guy said he wants to secure his race well into the future, you wouldn't think him as black nationalist.
Nationalism goes far beyond survival. It is about the genocide of all other races.

And there are most certainly black nationalists out there.

You are just throwing out red herrings to misdirect attention from this board's White Nationalist problem.

So alt right is about genocide of other races...

... even when it says right on the fkinc planks that every race should be allowed to exist?
Your fake planks said they aren't Nationalist Socialists, either. So you are wrong on at least two counts so far! :lol:

You bet your ass the alt right is about genocide.
Could you still think of yourself as morally superior to the alt-right without your strawmen?

National socialism is not some mysterious and evil thing. It is socialism when limited to the national level. Isolationist socialism.
Just to be clear: As with all political movements, there are differing shades and beliefs within each one.

Within the White Nationalist/Nazi/Alt-Right (pick whatever name suits you), there are varying degrees.

There is a faction which has resigned itself to the belief that the white race is doomed to perish. That some kind of tipping point has been passed.

There is a faction which believes all races should be separated and have their own countries. Thus the name White Nationalism. Whites should have their own nations with no other races dirtying up the place. This faction is further divided into those who think the darkies should be paid or bribed to leave the US and other white nations. And then there are those who think the darkies should be forced out without compensation. Both believe that if the darkies won't leave voluntarily, they should be killed/exterminated/etc.

Once all the races are separated into their own nations, WNs believe the darkies won't be able to survive without whites helping them, and will eventually perish from the Earth through their own incompetence. Thus, any WN who tells you they aren't a white SUPREMACIST is a fat fucking liar.

And then there are the real crazies who just want to get on with it and start killing the other races as soon as possible. Racial Holy War. RAHOWA.

Once you understand this about these dipshits, then you can understand why they have a grudging and jealous admiration for Israel, even though they hate Jews above all others. WNs believe Israel is a living example of a single-race, non-diverse, single culture nation. A Jew Nation, if you will. Of course, that's horseshit, but reality never does impinge on the mind of a racist dumbass.
Not only do the fake conservatives (pseudocons) on this forum fail to shut down the WNs in their midst (that's bad enough), but they unwittingly parrot watered down versions of rhetoric which originates in the neo-Nazi community.

It's sickening to see these useful idiots being slowly herded toward the extreme.
Once all the races are separated into their own nations, WNs believe the darkies won't be able to survive without whites helping them, and will eventually perish from the Earth through their own incompetence. Thus, any WN who tells you they aren't a white SUPREMACIST is a fat fucking liar.

Ahhh, I think I have located the issue.

You actually believe this nonsense yourself, so of course the alt-righters are evil for believing that access to whites isn't a right. What a racist...
There are quite a few WNs on this forum. I have yet to see a single person claiming to be a conservative bitch slapping the WNs around.

That really says something about the pseudocons. Chickenshit, ignorant, cowards.
It's not even about them being cowards...to challenge them.

It's more like they're actually in full agreement with them, so them being cowards...for not being honest about it.
National socialism is not some mysterious and evil thing.
Nazism is not an evil thing, eh?

Very interesting statement. Thanks for saying out loud and in public what I have long known about you.
National socialism is not some mysterious and evil thing.
Nazism is not an evil thing, eh?

Very interesting statement. Thanks for saying out loud and in public what I have long known about you.
A Nazi is someone from Hitler's Germany who supports the party in charge.

A National Socialist is socialism limited to the national level.

National Socialism is less evil than International Socialism(Democrats).
National socialism is not some mysterious and evil thing.
Nazism is not an evil thing, eh?

Very interesting statement. Thanks for saying out loud and in public what I have long known about you.
A Nazi is someone from Hitler's Germany who supports the party in charge.

A National Socialist is socialism limited to the national level.

National Socialism is less evil than International Socialism(Democrats).
Thanks for outing yourself, Nazi.
National socialism is not some mysterious and evil thing.
Nazism is not an evil thing, eh?

Very interesting statement. Thanks for saying out loud and in public what I have long known about you.
A Nazi is someone from Hitler's Germany who supports the party in charge.

A National Socialist is socialism limited to the national level.

National Socialism is less evil than International Socialism(Democrats).
Thanks for outing yourself, Nazi.
Thanks for revealing how stupid you are.

If you are for internationalism socialism and somehow think national socialism is evil then you are a dumbass.

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