What the Democrats don't realize is that everyone hates Congress and aren't that outraged that Congress was attacked

Benghazi was just a show. They fucked up and used politics to cover their dumb asses. Almost every other Country pulled their people because of violence there except us. They also didn't put in ready reaction forces even though the place was violence as hell.

Libya is a statement on Obama foreign policy Which is a complete and total failure.

Hyped up BS. Most of the so called people there took selfies on their phones and left.........Capital police opened the fucking door and stood down. Set up.

Nothing compared to the riots and looting. You can play that IT'S A INSURRECTION all you want.......it's BS.........if it was a real insurrection you'd know it.
Smokin is a "pay on Tuesday" kinda guy....
You get what you vote for.

And I think it's funny they attacked the capital after four years of trump. 😂 😂

They were so mad over a lie though.

They trusted trump so much they bought all his bullshit.
And your wrong. And you were wrong before this. Do you have to remember to breathe?
Oh, wow, I see what you did there. You ran out of responses, so you decided to drag out that least mature of tactics and mindlessly regurgitate what you saw someone else write and weakly attempt to turn the argument into a referendum on them. Bravo, nicely done. I'm not sure how I'll sleep after that emotional upheaval.

And to top it all off, you wasted it by posting to someone who wasn't even talking to you. Amazing.
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