What the Democrats don't realize is that everyone hates Congress and aren't that outraged that Congress was attacked

At least several hundred were killed far from any battlefield. Four of the dead are Americans. Astonishingly, President Obama's Justice Department has said the courts have no role in deciding whether the killing of U.S. citizens far from any battlefield is lawful.
The president, it seems, can be judge, jury, and executioner.

Aww, "due process" started when they didn't leave, and ended when they entered the battlefield, moron.
Trump ended wars and Obama expanded them, illegally.

Sorry the far left refuses to see reality.

And many of these links come from far left sources and they still deny it..

You're delusional, a perfect cult member for Trump.
At least several hundred were killed far from any battlefield. Four of the dead are Americans. Astonishingly, President Obama's Justice Department has said the courts have no role in deciding whether the killing of U.S. citizens far from any battlefield is lawful.
The president, it seems, can be judge, jury, and executioner.

Aww, "due process" started when they didn't leave, and ended when they entered the battlefield, moron.

Yes the far left wants due process for terrorists, yet not American citizens..

Yes you are correct so why do you far left cult members do that?

"Biggest scandals"? TWO?
Obama has willfully failed to enforce the torture treaty, signed by Ronald Reagan and duly ratified by the Senate, that compels him to investigate and prosecute torture. As Sullivan put it earlier this year, "what Obama and Holder have done (or rather not done) is illegal."

What about the republican, who authorized it?
Obama stopped it and there was an investigation.

December 9 2014
President Obama said he believed it was "important" for the Senate Intelligence Committee to release the results of its investigation into the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques, saying in a Telemundo interview airing Tuesday evening: "One of the things that sets us apart from other countries is that when we make mistakes, we admit them."

Then the other 'biggest" scandal?
Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval.

Obama didn't need it, moron.

September 14 2012
President Obama has taken the formal step of notifying Congress that he has deployed troops "equipped for combat" to Libya and Yemen to defend U.S. citizens and property, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution.

"Although these security forces are equipped for combat, these movements have been undertaken solely for the purpose of protecting American citizens and property," the president wrote in a letter to Congress. "These security forces will remain in Libya and in Yemen until the security situation becomes such that they are no longer needed."

Consistent with the War Powers Resolution, the president has to notify Congress when he dispatches combat-equipped troops to a foreign country.
"Biggest scandals"? TWO?
Obama has willfully failed to enforce the torture treaty, signed by Ronald Reagan and duly ratified by the Senate, that compels him to investigate and prosecute torture. As Sullivan put it earlier this year, "what Obama and Holder have done (or rather not done) is illegal."

What about the republican, who authorized it?
Obama stopped it and there was an investigation.

December 9 2014
President Obama said he believed it was "important" for the Senate Intelligence Committee to release the results of its investigation into the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques, saying in a Telemundo interview airing Tuesday evening: "One of the things that sets us apart from other countries is that when we make mistakes, we admit them."

Then the other 'biggest" scandal?
Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval.

Obama didn't need it, moron.

September 14 2012
President Obama has taken the formal step of notifying Congress that he has deployed troops "equipped for combat" to Libya and Yemen to defend U.S. citizens and property, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution.

"Although these security forces are equipped for combat, these movements have been undertaken solely for the purpose of protecting American citizens and property," the president wrote in a letter to Congress. "These security forces will remain in Libya and in Yemen until the security situation becomes such that they are no longer needed."

Consistent with the War Powers Resolution, the president has to notify Congress when he dispatches combat-equipped troops to a foreign country.

Once again the far left shows they do not care what their politicians do as long as they can blame the other side.

Libya was an illegal war and they deny it.

Obama also violated the War Powers Resolution, a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval. Or as Sullivan put it in 2011, "I'm with Conor. The war in Libya becomes illegal from now on. And the imperial presidency grows even more powerful."

Drone strikes in random countries was starting new illegal wars. At least that was the case under Bush when the far left was screaming it.

And how can we forget this one:

if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.

It's kinda rich being a public school teacher now, watching AOC talk about her "trauma" and cry about it. Honey. I live near enough to Oxford, I have learned to pack bullet wounds, I have had real lockdown and shelter in place situations where 9 year olds have turned scared eyes on me. I have had to explain to 4 and 5 yo children that in a certain situation we will run away into the woods and street. Etc.

SO really, you were scared of the guy wearing the costume? Okay, AOC. Okay. Bigger tears maybe would convince me.
Once again the far left shows they do not care what their politicians do as long as they can blame the other side.

Libya was an illegal war and they deny it.
It wasn't a fucking war, you moron.
NO, he didn't idiot.
a law he has specifically proclaimed to be Constitutionally valid, when committing U.S. troops to Libya without Congressional approval. Or as Sullivan put it in 2011, "I'm with Conor. The war in Libya becomes illegal from now on. And the imperial presidency grows even more powerful."
He didn't need it, you AND Sullivan are morons.

Drone strikes in random countries was starting new illegal wars. At least that was the case under Bush when the far left was screaming it.
Trump started TWICE as many "wars" as Obama did, if drone strikes are "wars", you fucking retard.
It wasn't a fucking war, you moron.

NO, he didn't idiot.

He didn't need it, you AND Sullivan are morons.

Trump started TWICE as many "wars" as Obama did, if drone strikes are "wars", you fucking retard.

Yes it was illegal! See how the far left will spin what ever they need to:

In the Middle East and North Africa, the administration extended US foreign-policy goals to include military intervention and regime change in Libya and the removal of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

And the far left still does not understand anything beyond their programming.

It was not about the drone strikes it was about going to other nations outside of Congressional approval.

The war powers established by one president are transferred to their successor.
The attack was on the Constitution. Congress was only fulfilling a Constitutionally ordained function.

Lincoln destroyed that, and after the death of Chief Justice Taney the Republicans packed the Court with the most corrupt Justices in American history to keep it destroyed. The only reason people keep citing it is for lip service these days. The Right wingers are only reaping what they sowed re judicial activism and packing Federal Courts with loons and crooks; the commies are only using th precedents started by the GOP in the 19th Century.

Their consolation prize is this J6 farce will back fire and they will get probably 10 to 15 million more votes out of it, which is more than they would get by relying on their own efforts. They should be sending 'Thank You' letters to Pelosi and Schumer.
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Lincoln destroyed that, and after the death of Chief Justice Taney the Republicans packed the Court with the most corrupt Justices in American history to keep it destroyed. The only reason people keep citing it is for lip service these days.

So you are upset that slavery was ended?
Lincoln destroyed that, and after the death of Chief Justice Taney the Republicans packed the Court with the most corrupt Justices in American history to keep it destroyed. The only reason people keep citing it is for lip service these days.
So, there is no more need for the Army and defense spending. We might as well let just anyone take over because the American Republic is dead.
So you are upset that slavery was ended?

That's exactly what said. Have any more strawmen you want to throw around? Lincoln didn't start the war because he gave a shit about slaves and blacks. Neither did Congress or the Senate. Get over it. We know this because of what they fought over for years before they got around to 'slavery n stuff'; land swindles, welfare for railroads, and protectionism for northern industry.
Clearly, you repeated the question but, do you understand the question?
What "attacks" did democrats preform on American families?
If you're THAT fucking stupid so's you have to ask, you shouldn't even be in this discussion, dumbass partisan hack.
That's exactly what said. Have any more strawmen you want to throw around? Lincoln didn't start the war because he gave a shit about slaves and blacks. Neither did Congress or the Senate. Get over it. We know this because of what they fought over for years before they got around to 'slavery n stuff'; land swindles, welfare for railroads, and protectionism for northern industry.

I did not throw anything around, just addressed your throwing tantrum.

Also any promises made about land was not made by Lincoln they were made by Union General William T. Sherman. It was so the freed slaves would not follow the caravan of union soldiers as they did not have the provisions to sustain such a large contingent.

Sherman issued his Special Field Order 15, which commanded that 400,000 acres of property confiscated from Confederate landowners

But the order was short-lived by President Andrew Johnson undoing it.

Despite substantial hurdles, Black Americans still managed to acquire 15 million acres of land by 1910, much of which was used for agricultural purposes. At the peak in 1920, Black families owned and operated upwards of a million farms – about 14 percent of all farms at the time.

History lesson over!

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