What the Democrats don't realize is that everyone hates Congress and aren't that outraged that Congress was attacked

if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.
No one but Alphabet Groomers like Alphabet Groomers. Most of the time they don't even like themselves.
This is why they are the #1 cause of shooting up schools.
Bull Shit. The people around the terrible Trumpybear all knew it was a bull shit lie too.
You are confused. The Democrat scam of using fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts was the big lie to the American people.

Remember, it is not the people who vote that decide an election. It is the people that count the votes. The Democrats used the pandemic as a cover to create the fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots and the American people got fucked.
You are confused. The Democrat scam of using fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts was the big lie to the American people.

Remember, it is not the people who vote that decide an election. It is the people that count the votes. The Democrats used the pandemic as a cover to create the fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots and the American people got fucked.

Those closest to the Orange Angry One knew it was a bull shit lie.
Those closest to the Orange Angry One knew it was a bull shit lie.

The pandemic was the cover that the Democrat scum used to steal the election.

The pandemic was caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. His buddies that made his family filthy rich with that billion dollar "investement". You know, the one with the 10% kickback to "the big guy"?.

The only question was if the Democrats were in collusion with the Chinese to create the pandemic or did the Democrats simply take advantage of the pandemic to use the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots.
if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.

Yeah I'm sure a lot of people still remember democrat city officials giving law enforcement the orders to stand down as antifa and blm burned businesses and terrorized private citizens.
It's also the hight of hypocrisy dems aren't showing concern for the safety of the SCOTUS justices.
The pandemic was the cover that the Democrat scum used to steal the election.

The pandemic was caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. His buddies that made his family filthy rich with that billion dollar "investement". You know, the one with the 10% kickback to "the big guy"?.

The only question was if the Democrats were in collusion with the Chinese to create the pandemic or did the Democrats simply take advantage of the pandemic to use the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots.
So, your tactic switches to multiple bull shit fronts?
Does anyone think it is possible to see a real insurrection if the idiots stay on this same path?
I do.
My grandfather used to say that one day this country would reach a point where the only solution would be to surround both houses of Congress, bring members out one at a time and hang them.
I used to think he was talking crazy, but present events lend credence to his statement.
Does anyone think it is possible to see a real insurrection if the idiots stay on this same path?
I do.
My grandfather used to say that one day this country would reach a point where the only solution would be to surround both houses of Congress, bring members out one at a time and hang them.
I used to think he was talking crazy, but present events lend credence to his statement.
Fans of Saddam?
You are confused. The Democrat scam of using fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts was the big lie to the American people.

Remember, it is not the people who vote that decide an election. It is the people that count the votes. The Democrats used the pandemic as a cover to create the fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots and the American people got fucked.
Another weak minded Republican white-winger groomed to believe The Big Lie.
Interesting way to think about it.....let's try it again. "Children have been massacred in schools before, why the angst this time?"
Aside from the waddaboudism, you would actually make a stronger case by noting that school massacres have happened before and the current security measures aren't working all that well. By pretending that 1/6 was somehow so much worse than what we've seen before only emphasizes that it's a blatant political ploy to go after a guy who's not even president any more. You and I both know that's the bottom line in all this, and when he is not seen doing the perp walk, resounding cries of disappointment will become a deluge.

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