What the Democrats don't realize is that everyone hates Congress and aren't that outraged that Congress was attacked

Last I checked Congress has a 9% approval rating.

How do you get a NINE percent approval? You have to work hard to get that!

and yet incumbents win reelection at a greater than 90% clip...shows just how stupid the American voting public is from both parties.
Democracy was never under attack nor threatened by a few hundred fragmented rioters The Election was ratified before the calendar turned.

You are correct, Democracy was never under attack nor threatened by the folks in the building, they were just the pawns used to divert from the real threat to democracy
Last I checked Congress has a 9% approval rating.

How do you get a NINE percent approval? You have to work hard to get that!
Congress only worries about the approval rating of special interests who own them and those kicking money back into their pockets. They don't give a shit about the people's approval rating, obviously.
if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.
Watch the hearings


Unless you are SCARED
So, why lie about NOT being outraged?

Your nut job "leaders' spent an entire decade going after Hillary because of Benghazi.
But an attack on our capitol, with people working in it, is no big deal?

Another delusion from the Putin/Russia playbook.
Congress has been attacked before, why the angst this time?
if the January 6 incident was an attack on the White House, the Pentagon, the FBI headquarters, or hell, any police station or firehouse in America, people would have been outraged.

But everyone hates Congress, it is one of the most hated institutions in our country. Everyone knows Congressmen are corrupt, take bribes from lobbyists, have sex with their secretaries, and have long lunches where they get drunk.

The attack on Congress didn't outrage people, a lot of people thought Congress should be overrun and the building burned down.

So, Democrats should stop milking this incident, because the vast majority of Americans have already forgotten it happened.
Fascinating. Admitting that you rightwing thugs were HAPPY to see Congress attacked. Absolutely fascinating.
The Patriots were doing the right thing protesting the blatant Democrat thievery of the 2020 Presidential election.

However, they should have tarred and feathered every Democrat and RINO that let the Democrats get away with the thievery.

That is what our Founding Fathers would have wanted us to do. We are a disappointment to them.
LIAR...........Your side has pushed that narrative over and over again........The men who fought there told them if they didn't increase security they were fucked. England warned us to get out............Guess you just missed that.........Same as STAND DOWN as he was killed.........the 4 men who went their to fight did so against orders and kept more from dying. For this they were either killed or attacked for doing so by a BS ADMIN.

Destroying the Capital..................LMAO
You believe The Big Lie....your grasp of reality is shaky at best.
The Patriots were doing the right thing protesting the blatant Democrat thievery of the 2020 Presidential election.
Bull Shit. The people around the terrible Trumpybear all knew it was a bull shit lie too.

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