What the “Get Trump” Cabal Really Boils Down To

Election is over. When will you guys realize that? Your man is in office. It's all on you now :)

How is it all on us with commie judges stopping Trump wherever they can and Democrat politicians threatening government shutdown if Trump doesn't give them what they want?

In the last spending bill, Democrats got five times more than what we got.

When my nephews and neices were younger, I would go to the store and buy 5 identical pieces of candy, and have the cashier put them in 5 identical sacks. I knew young children would be upset if they thought they didn't get exactly what the other children got. That was several years ago, but it looks like children still behave the same way.
So getting the shitty end of the stick means we're winning?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

OK. I just thought it made your hands stink.
Learned that from personal experience, did you?
Someone needs to remind these guys that they won the election, have all 3 elements of the Federal Government at their disposal and are in total control of the direction of the nation. Amazingly—just like their 30 Governorships; they claim that they have no recourse and that the powers that be are out to get them when they are, in fact, the powers that be themselves.

Its pathetic.
The deep state controls the government, not Republicans. We can see that just by noting how many requested documents the DOJ has turned over to Congress.

As long as you keep whining about the so called "deep state", people will keep laughing at you and your whiny complaints.
Trump plays on fear. Therefore he needs an enemy. During the campaign his enemy was Hillary Clinton. While she was not the most effective candidate, she and anyone who supported her served as an enemy of Trump, and by extension, Trumpians.

The election has been over for a year and a half. Yet, to Trump and the Trumpians, Hillary and her voters (the majority of voters, by the way) still serve as enemies.

Now Trump has dug a hole for himself with money laundering, payoffs to women, campaign finance illegalities and nackroom deals with th Russian government.

What the Trumpians still fail to realize is the criticisms of Trump during that campaign ring true today. He is ethically, intellectually and morally unfit to serve as President. Blinded by their hatred, the Trumpians will walk into fire to support this sleazy huckster buffoon. All while waving the American flag as if it is an aegis to defend their hatred.

It's hardly the same country I grew up in. What a shame.
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

Brilliant video. But I think it was another speech that tipped us over to victory and that was Hillary’s vicious attack on Americans in her deplorables speech. She was increadibly frustrated at that moment and the mask slipped just for a few minutes to reveal her hatred for Americans.
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

Three Million More People Didn't speak out loudly and clear against the establishment. Why you people continue to post such a BIG LIE is fascinating - who are you trying to convince? Yourself?
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

Three Million More People Didn't speak out loudly and clear against the establishment. Why you people continue to post such a BIG LIE is fascinating - who are you trying to convince? Yourself?

Trump stoop up and saluted to Putin, he still has not passed the necessary sanctions passed by The Congress.
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

And you’ll notice that video jabbed at the Marxists with images of all the things they hate and have been trying to tear down...the military, families, the flag...even a glimpse of proud Boy Scouts holding the flag. Just well done.
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

Lol Trump has become indefensible so the go-to strategy is to deflect to Hillary. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant she is, it’s all you people have.
The people spoke loud and clear against the Washington D.C. establishment in 2016. The mainstream media, professoriate, and career government insiders have been against this from DAY NUMBER ONE. Trump was right on tax cuts, trade policies, and border security. Also right on standing up to Russia. But the insiders want to stop him. He knew they would. Said it in a speech.

Wow, listening to that speech it makes him sound like a conspiracy guy. Then after he wins, you see all the dirt that is being dragged out and how much harm Obama did. I supported Obama and it's not until after he is gone and ironically the Russian Witch hunt of Trump is in full force, that we see SOME of what was going on. So, he is stating the clear bias, though he does seem to go into deep water in that speech.

I don't think that any particular speech made him, I think it was his overall determination, his policies which Americans desire and NEED, and also a thoroughly Establishment Candidate. When people say "Clinton was the most qualified candidate in history", to me it means, she was the most entrenched Establishment candidate in history, and worse, this was only going to benefit the global socialists who wanted to see America perish.
Well, collusion with a hostile foreign government to influence a presidential election is a little more serious than President Clinton's blowjobs.

You kind of mean like where Hillary and the DNC got their information on Trump to get that warrant to spy on his people?

How about that? We agree on something!

Do you dream about Hillary? Soros? Obama?

You're the one who brought up collusion with hostile foreign governments. Trump didn't have anything to do with that. Hillary and the DNC did. Yet it's Trump that's been under investigations for over a year and a half and not Hillary. Did you ever bother to read where Steele got his information from about Trump???

Ray, if Hillary colluded with the Russians, why didn’t the Russians release the emails they hacked from the RNC? Why did the troll farmers post all that anti-Hillary fake news? Why did Putin say that if Hillary was elected that WWIII would break out?

These claims that Hillary colluded with the Russians don’t stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny or logic.
It "boils down to" patriotism and sane governance!
Liberals hate America and have no integrity or patriotism.

Republicans hate America, despicable people who cater to the 1% of the wealthiest!

Why Do Republicans Hate America? | HuffPost
Screenshot-2018-4-19 Opinion Why Do Republicans Hate America .png
Someone needs to remind these guys that they won the election, have all 3 elements of the Federal Government at their disposal and are in total control of the direction of the nation. Amazingly—just like their 30 Governorships; they claim that they have no recourse and that the powers that be are out to get them when they are, in fact, the powers that be themselves.

Its pathetic.
The deep state controls the government, not Republicans. We can see that just by noting how many requested documents the DOJ has turned over to Congress.

As long as you keep whining about the so called "deep state", people will keep laughing at you and your whiny complaints.

Does anyone know who staffs this “deep state” organization? I mean, is it aliens from outer space or earthlings? Do they have names? Any info on where they meet?
Someone needs to remind these guys that they won the election, have all 3 elements of the Federal Government at their disposal and are in total control of the direction of the nation. Amazingly—just like their 30 Governorships; they claim that they have no recourse and that the powers that be are out to get them when they are, in fact, the powers that be themselves.

Its pathetic.
The deep state controls the government, not Republicans. We can see that just by noting how many requested documents the DOJ has turned over to Congress.

As long as you keep whining about the so called "deep state", people will keep laughing at you and your whiny complaints.

Does anyone know who staffs this “deep state” organization? I mean, is it aliens from outer space or earthlings? Do they have names? Any info on where they meet?
I was wondering about that also. Are the meetings open to the public?
Trump plays on fear. Therefore he needs an enemy. During the campaign his enemy was Hillary Clinton. While she was not the most effective candidate, she and anyone who supported her served as an enemy of Trump, and by extension, Trumpians.

The election has been over for a year and a half. Yet, to Trump and the Trumpians, Hillary and her voters (the majority of voters, by the way) still serve as enemies.

Now Trump has dug a hole for himself with money laundering, payoffs to women, campaign finance illegalities and nackroom deals with th Russian government.

What the Trumpians still fail to realize is the criticisms of Trump during that campaign ring true today. He is ethically, intellectually and morally unfit to serve as President. Blinded by their hatred, the Trumpians will walk into fire to support this sleazy huckster buffoon. All while waving the American flag as if it is an aegis to defend their hatred.

It's hardly the same country I grew up in. What a shame.
Correct you are.
What works as a private citizen where there is no strata or as a member of Congress where there is not supposed to be any strata or as even Congressional leadership where there is always this deep seated belief that they are a degree or two below the President; doesn’t work as President. You cannot elevate someone to be your nemesis unless you invent some new entity; hence this cartoonish “deep state” which is just dumb enough for the average Trump supporter to believe.

The difference…or at least one of the differences…between the men who have held the job recently and the boy who is there now is that they would never have wanted to create a nemesis and make their supporters believe there was this group in the shadows calling the shots.

Its’ straight out of a WWE production meeting.
Trump plays on fear. Therefore he needs an enemy. During the campaign his enemy was Hillary Clinton. While she was not the most effective candidate, she and anyone who supported her served as an enemy of Trump, and by extension, Trumpians.

The election has been over for a year and a half. Yet, to Trump and the Trumpians, Hillary and her voters (the majority of voters, by the way) still serve as enemies.

Now Trump has dug a hole for himself with money laundering, payoffs to women, campaign finance illegalities and nackroom deals with th Russian government.

What the Trumpians still fail to realize is the criticisms of Trump during that campaign ring true today. He is ethically, intellectually and morally unfit to serve as President. Blinded by their hatred, the Trumpians will walk into fire to support this sleazy huckster buffoon. All while waving the American flag as if it is an aegis to defend their hatred.

It's hardly the same country I grew up in. What a shame.

They "ring true?" All that means is that snowflakes will believe anything derogatory the fake news says about him. It's a symptom of being a gullible moron.
Someone needs to remind these guys that they won the election, have all 3 elements of the Federal Government at their disposal and are in total control of the direction of the nation. Amazingly—just like their 30 Governorships; they claim that they have no recourse and that the powers that be are out to get them when they are, in fact, the powers that be themselves.

Its pathetic.
The deep state controls the government, not Republicans. We can see that just by noting how many requested documents the DOJ has turned over to Congress.

As long as you keep whining about the so called "deep state", people will keep laughing at you and your whiny complaints.
Do you have any arguments other than "you're stupid?"
When there are no score keepers as you are being raised and you hit your first bitter defeat then it's hard to cope. The way the 50+ generation was raised, when family was emphasized, that bitter defeat came at age 8 and we adjusted. Under 50 seems to have hit the first bitter defeat with Trump at ages 18-49 and they can't cope. Over 50 who have jumped on board it's just shame on you
Someone needs to remind these guys that they won the election, have all 3 elements of the Federal Government at their disposal and are in total control of the direction of the nation. Amazingly—just like their 30 Governorships; they claim that they have no recourse and that the powers that be are out to get them when they are, in fact, the powers that be themselves.

Its pathetic.
The deep state controls the government, not Republicans. We can see that just by noting how many requested documents the DOJ has turned over to Congress.

As long as you keep whining about the so called "deep state", people will keep laughing at you and your whiny complaints.
Do you have any arguments other than "you're stupid?"
Name calling and LOL comprise 80% of all responses

This happenes with emotionally unseasoned people who cannot articulate factual counter responses
When are we going to get over the election? I would suggest you buy Hillary's new book if you want to find out who can't get over the election.

Why? I don't care about her. She lost. She's a political has been. There are new figures to focus on. The real question is why are YOU still obessing about her?

What if we dropped her off in the middle of Libya?


I guess she could write a book about being shot at :)

And in the meantime you would still be obsessing....

Snowflakes accusing Republicans of "obsessing?"

Now that's funny!

You aren't? That must explain the over-abundance of Hillary threads.

"You aren't? That must explain the over-abundance of Hillary threads."

They balance out the over-abundance of Trump Derangement Syndrome threads and the over-abundance of Stormy Daniels threads.

I guess she could write a book about being shot at :)

And in the meantime you would still be obsessing....

Snowflakes accusing Republicans of "obsessing?"

Now that's funny!

You aren't? That must explain the over-abundance of Hillary threads.

How many threads about Trump are there?

How many threads about Obama were there? ;)

Less than half the number of threads about Trump.

There have been more Stormy Daniels threads posted by obsessive Leftists than there have been threads posted about Hillary or Obama, probably also more threads about trivial things like the size of Trumps hands posted by obsessive Leftists than there have been threads about Hillary or Obama.

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