What the hell happened Truthers?

Well looks like you and your internet buddies muddled throug another 9-11. Looking back. your movement didn't get any camera time, no stories about the truther movement and claims, no protests....no nothing

Do you need any more evidence that you no longer exist outside of interweb chat rooms?

But hey.....keep posting those truther links. You do keep us entertained

I guess you fail to understand that the 9-11 truth movement is being ignored, ridiculed and minimized by the MSM. It certainly does exist
and has gained ground, all over the world, but you would have to understand that the MSM is complicit with keeping this under wraps as much as possible.
If you still believe that 19 Arabs with box cutters and poor flying skills, by passed NORAD, achieved a 75% target success rate, and managed to destroy 3 massive buildings with jet fuel, and gravity alone, then it's no wonder you wouldn't understand the MSMs reasons for ignoring the credible people who have proven the fable that you believe is BS, and unscientifically improbable.

But you keep on believing in the fantasy you were told, it's in the same realm as Santa Claus and his flying reindeer. :lol:

Where were you yesterday??

It is hard for the media to ignore tens of thousands of people storming the streets because the US Government intentionally pushed a button and blew up the towers killing 3000 Americans where were you? piling it high and deep!?

where were you? piling it high and deep!?
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I wonder why Gage, Griffin, Harrit, Avery, and Chandler were JAQing around in Toronto instead of being in New York seeking justice for the victims?
any group that has to call themselves "patriots" are not..patriotism is ubiquitous.
any group that finds it necessary to proclaim that their criticism is "RESPONSIBLE"MUST HAVE HUGE PROBLEM with credibility..or they would not need to announce that it was.

says who ?
says I !!!!!!

IF memory serves, they gave themselves that name to distance the group from what they considered the more extreme wing of the truth movement..or in other words the even less responsible patriots.

well then I must consider the source and reject your babble for what it is
I guess you fail to understand that the 9-11 truth movement is being ignored, ridiculed and minimized by the MSM. It certainly does exist
and has gained ground, all over the world, but you would have to understand that the MSM is complicit with keeping this under wraps as much as possible.
If you still believe that 19 Arabs with box cutters and poor flying skills, by passed NORAD, achieved a 75% target success rate, and managed to destroy 3 massive buildings with jet fuel, and gravity alone, then it's no wonder you wouldn't understand the MSMs reasons for ignoring the credible people who have proven the fable that you believe is BS, and unscientifically improbable.

But you keep on believing in the fantasy you were told, it's in the same realm as Santa Claus and his flying reindeer. :lol:

Where were you yesterday??

It is hard for the media to ignore tens of thousands of people storming the streets because the US Government intentionally pushed a button and blew up the towers killing 3000 Americans

Thats what you believe right? So where were you yesterday?
I was laying in bed last night listening to Phil Hendrie on the radio. He took a break, so I moved the dial over and sure enough, on Coast to Coast AM, the twoofers were cackling like caged hens. One dude was trying so hard to make his loony case that he just about hyperventilated from talking so fast. The host had to cut him short out of fear he would die on the air......Talk about a comedic freak show.:lol:

you in your empy bed listening to coast to coast so you could laugh at twoofers sounds like a freak show alight...not sure if its funny however
Where were you yesterday??

It is hard for the media to ignore tens of thousands of people storming the streets because the US Government intentionally pushed a button and blew up the towers killing 3000 Americans

Thats what you believe right? So where were you yesterday?
I was laying in bed last night listening to Phil Hendrie on the radio. He took a break, so I moved the dial over and sure enough, on Coast to Coast AM, the twoofers were cackling like caged hens. One dude was trying so hard to make his loony case that he just about hyperventilated from talking so fast. The host had to cut him short out of fear he would die on the air......Talk about a comedic freak show.:lol:

you in your empy bed listening to coast to coast so you could laugh at twoofers sounds like a freak show alight...not sure if its funny however
It was a fuckin' riot. The wife had to kick me a couple o' times to get me to shut up. You know how headphones deaden your own sounds.

Yeah, a comedic freak show it was.....Seriously, do you people realize just how ridiculous your bullshit sounds?
I guess you fail to understand that the 9-11 truth movement is being ignored, ridiculed and minimized by the MSM. It certainly does exist
and has gained ground, all over the world, but you would have to understand that the MSM is complicit with keeping this under wraps as much as possible.
If you still believe that 19 Arabs with box cutters and poor flying skills, by passed NORAD, achieved a 75% target success rate, and managed to destroy 3 massive buildings with jet fuel, and gravity alone, then it's no wonder you wouldn't understand the MSMs reasons for ignoring the credible people who have proven the fable that you believe is BS, and unscientifically improbable.

But you keep on believing in the fantasy you were told, it's in the same realm as Santa Claus and his flying reindeer. :lol:

Where were you yesterday??

It is hard for the media to ignore tens of thousands of people storming the streets because the US Government intentionally pushed a button and blew up the towers killing 3000 Americans where were you? piling it high and deep!?

where were you? piling it high and deep!?

says who ?
says I !!!!!!

IF memory serves, they gave themselves that name to distance the group from what they considered the more extreme wing of the truth movement..or in other words the even less responsible patriots.

well then I must consider the source and reject your babble for what it is
of course you would. why not research it and really prove me wrong ...or are you a major pussy?
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
The evidence has been revealed time a
time again, and either some people are unable to comprehend the evidence being
presented, or in denial of the evidence.

"Keep on thinking the way you're thinking, and keep on getting what you're getting."
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
The evidence has been revealed time a
time again, and either some people are unable to comprehend the evidence being
presented, or in denial of the evidence.

"Keep on thinking the way you're thinking, and keep on getting what you're getting."
the only evidence revealed by the twoofers is they have no evidence.
Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later
Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later
10 years and still talking out her ass...
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Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
The evidence has been revealed time a
time again, and either some people are unable to comprehend the evidence being
presented, or in denial of the evidence.

"Keep on thinking the way you're thinking, and keep on getting what you're getting."
Wow, another Frank Zappa Seattlite!! Not impressed.:lol::lol:
Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later
:lol::lol:You link to an idiot that has no other resources than the same stupid shit that has posted for YEARS.:lol::lol:
Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later

And to think, Dr Wood had a brilliant career going in mechanical engineering until her mental breakdown & coma. She came out of it and became a TRUTHER, and now has to live by getting paid for interviews.

A really sad end for someone with such promise.
Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later

And to think, Dr Wood had a brilliant career going in mechanical engineering until her mental breakdown & coma. She came out of it and became a TRUTHER, and now has to live by getting paid for interviews.

A really sad end for someone with such promise.

Dr. Judy Wood on Red Ice Radio this week and the continued "molecular dissociation of materials" on the site:

www .redicecreations.com/radio/2011/09/RIR-110911.php Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later

And to think, Dr Wood had a brilliant career going in mechanical engineering until her mental breakdown & coma. She came out of it and became a TRUTHER, and now has to live by getting paid for interviews.

A really sad end for someone with such promise.


Red Ice Radio - Judy Wood - 9/11 Ten Years Later

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