What the hell is going on with all the police killing dogs?

but go ahead on and hate on cops....you'll probably never need one to save your bacon right? right? :eusa_snooty:

I handle my own business...I won't be calling any cops to come protect me. They wouldn't get there in time anyway. ;)

LMAO..cops don't save many people from...anything..they show up after the crime has been committed and fill out some paperwork you can give to the insurance company.
They don't break up bank robberies, they don't stop carjackings, they obviously don't stop murders, they don't stop rapes....they fill out paperwork...and shoot dogs..and beat up citizens.

Don't tell me you believe all that "serve and protect" BS? The supreme court even ruled that cops have no obligation to help a citizen.


WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.

The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed....

Remember when seconds count, the cops are minutes away...and they're "scared" of dogs...LMAO...
When a police officer is menaced by a dog while in the proper performance of his duties it is reasonable to use whatever force is necessary to defend himself against injury. But while some police officers will not exceed the level of force needed to evade or repel an aggressive dog, there are others who welcome any opportunity to use lethal force -- on a dog or on a human.

It's true that many police officers are decent, psychologically stable individuals for whom the occasional use of force is an unpleasant aspect of the job. It's also true that the raw authoritarian nature of that job attracts a significant percentage of perversely sadistic personality types who eagerly look forward to inflicting pain and suffering on others. Unfortunately the amount of time needed to positively identify such pathological characteristics during pre-employment evaluation is prohibitive.

You're describing the kind of guy who will run TOWARD gunfire....so easy to armchair quarterback a police officer or soldier when it ain't you who was there in the shit. Give me one of your "pyschopaths" any day in combat....I know he won't hesitate when the killing starts. And he won't need to hide until he has overwhelming force like what happened at the college in Virginia. You would and get your own ass shot off and likely others in your squad. Face it, you ain't cut out for the work involved and therefore not qualified to judge those who are.
Police officers aren't soldiers. They are peace officers who are expected to function within the conditions of a civil environment -- not a battlefield. And it is precisely your twisted GI Joe mentality which is responsible for the increasingly militaristic mentality and disposition of American police.

Individuals like you reside in a mental world of macho fantasy wherein any opportunity to act out a combat scenario is irresistible to you. Your mentality is exactly that of the cop who would shoot a dog just to experience the act whether or not doing so is necessary. Yours is precisely the psychological profile which should be unacceptable for the police occupation.
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Here's the latest. I'm finding the frequency of this beyond very disturbing.

Weimaraner dog shot dead in owner’s back yard by police who were searching for missing three-year-old boy

Sean Kendall's two-year-old Weimaraner, Geist was shot dead last week

Police were searching for a missing boy - he was later found asleep

Owner is now calling for the policeman to be fired from the force

Weimaraner dog shot dead in back yard | Mail Online


AND then there is this son of a bitch who slit a Shar Pei's throat. Holy toledo! What the heck is going on?

Grab this. The dog was restrained and the cop said he was going to gut this thing and slit the dogs throat and it bled to death.

The pair allegedly held down and cut the throat of a Shar-Pei, with officials saying there was no reason to kill the dog if it was already restrained.

Schmidt is a 24-year veteran of the Special Operations Section, serving alongside Bolger who was hired in 1992.

The union did not provide information regarding the terms of Schmidt's suspension.

The alleged attack happened on Saturday morning in Brewers Hill, a south-eastern district of the city, after police responded to a report of a woman being bitten.

Deputy Commissioner Dean Palmere said officers gained control of the animal, a seven-year-old Chinese Shar-Pei, with a dog pole and an officer used a knife to cut the dog's throat.

Late last night, Detective Jeremy Silbert issued a statement identifying that policeman as Bolger.

Announcing that internal affairs were investigating the killing, Mr Palmere called the incident 'outrageous and unacceptable'.

Witnesses told police that as Bolger got out of his vehicle, he said: 'I'm going to f****** gut this thing.'

He waited until colleagues got control of the dog before bending down and slashing its throat with a knife, witnesses said. It bled to death before animal control arrived, police told the Baltimore Sun.


Here's the poor owner and the dog.


Great thread topic.

Great OP.

I love dogs and Cops.

I think Cops love dogs and wouldn't enthusiastically kill any dog unless they felt threatened by it.

And if a dog or dogs threaten Cops in the performance of their jobs or if the Officer even feels threatened then the dog has to be stopped from posing a threat.

My 2 cents.

Oh, and I remember watching a History Channel program about the US Navy SEALS. One CPO mentioned the existence of a small suppressed handgun used to silence barking dogs when the SEALS were trying to keep quiet while on a dangerous mission.

The gun they used was referred to as a "Hush Puppy."
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Individuals like you reside in a mental world of macho fantasy wherein any opportunity to act out a combat scenario is irresistible to you. Your mentality is exactly that of the cop who would shoot a dog just to experience the act whether or not doing so is necessary. Yours is precisely the psychological profile which should be unacceptable for the police occupation.

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about and I have to assume you like it like that....all this is to get a reaction, nothing more. All I've shot since Vietnam are javelina in the Arizona foothills. I went deer hunting once after I came home and damn near shot another hunter who popped out of a place he shouldn't have been. Never went back into a Michigan forest....too much like the Central Highlands. But would I shoot a charging dog? In a heartbeat....and feel nothing about it.
No, it was posted as a CONSEQUENCE of a dog attack....but go ahead on and hate on cops....you'll probably never need one to save your bacon right? right? :eusa_snooty:

The thread was about a pet in his own yard that was shot to death by psychopathic pigs who were looking for a "lost" child...who was found to be asleep....The cops weren't needed..the dog didn't have to be shot. You get that, right?

The picture has nothing to do with any of that and was posted as a diversion.

You lost me at "PIGS".....old hippie are ya? Of course the cop didn't know where the kid was...nobody did. You "get" that right? :eusa_whistle:
No, it was posted as a CONSEQUENCE of a dog attack....but go ahead on and hate on cops....you'll probably never need one to save your bacon right? right? :eusa_snooty:

The thread was about a pet in his own yard that was shot to death by psychopathic pigs who were looking for a "lost" child...who was found to be asleep....The cops weren't needed..the dog didn't have to be shot. You get that, right?

The picture has nothing to do with any of that and was posted as a diversion.

You lost me at "PIGS".....old hippie are ya? Of course the cop didn't know where the kid was...nobody did. You "get" that right? :eusa_whistle:

No..but I'm old enough. Is that somehow relevant.... or a diversion?

The dog didn't threaten or impede the cop, there was no reason to shoot anything.

look up "police brutality"..look up "police corruption"...look up "innocent citizens killed by police" use any source you like. if you really want to be awakened, try youtube.
Some horrific beatings caught on video..innocent citizens..

Save all your "old hippie" BS...police brutality and corruption should make every honest person angry.
The thread was about a pet in his own yard that was shot to death by psychopathic pigs who were looking for a "lost" child...who was found to be asleep....The cops weren't needed..the dog didn't have to be shot. You get that, right?

The picture has nothing to do with any of that and was posted as a diversion.

You lost me at "PIGS".....old hippie are ya? Of course the cop didn't know where the kid was...nobody did. You "get" that right? :eusa_whistle:

No..but I'm old enough. Is that somehow relevant.... or a diversion?

The dog didn't threaten or impede the cop, there was no reason to shoot anything.

look up "police brutality"..look up "police corruption"...look up "innocent citizens killed by police" use any source you like. if you really want to be awakened, try youtube.
Some horrific beatings caught on video..innocent citizens..

Save all your "old hippie" BS...police brutality and corruption should make every honest person angry.

Hey, anybody still calling cops "PIGS" in 2014 was probably a smelly doper who got his head banged by a cop baton PROTESTING us GIs....I got nothing but contempt for the whole bunch of ya....we won the battles, you lost the war.

And BTW, you don't get to decide what is corruption and brutality. You've never seen how quickly a supposedly calm person can have a weapon in their hand and bad intentions. If you don't like cops being "militarized" write your Congressman to end the sales of body armor, 30 round magazines, and night scopes. Civilians don't need that gear. I'm pro NRA but I see little need for some weekender jackass playing soldier in gear only cops can cope with.

Dog shooter.

How would you like to see this looking in your window on a rainy night?
The cop is now on suspension while the Captain determines what punishment is going to happen.
These are very sad outcomes.

All two of them.


These bash-ALL-cops-threads make me sick.
Great thread topic.

Great OP.

I love dogs and Cops.
All dogs? All cops?

Unqualified inclusive thinking leads to ambiguous, uncertain conclusions.

I think Cops love dogs and wouldn't enthusiastically kill any dog unless they felt threatened by it.
All cops? Unqualified inclusive thinking . . .

And if a dog or dogs threaten Cops in the performance of their jobs or if the Officer even feels threatened then the dog has to be stopped from posing a threat.
Do you believe there are examples of police using unnecessary force -- on both dogs and on humans?

Oh, and I remember watching a History Channel program about the US Navy SEALS. One CPO mentioned the existence of a small suppressed handgun used to silence barking dogs when the SEALS were trying to keep quiet while on a dangerous mission.

The gun they used was referred to as a "Hush Puppy."
The gun itself is not "small." It is a small caliber gun, specifically a suppressed Ruger MkII .22 automatic.

You are writing about an organization and a form of mission-training the nature of which should not be even implicitly compared to civilian police agencies and their typical function. There are many civilian occupational categories which require contact with dogs, beginning with mail-carriers and utility meter-readers. These workers are equipped with spray devices that discharge a stream of OC gas which is sufficiently powerful to repel a charging grizzly bear. Ruger RB0100 Pepper Spray Bear Spray: Home Security : Walmart.com

Police also carry spray devices as well as electrical TASER devices. I am quite certain that if police procedural training required them to exercise non-lethal means of anti-dog defense before resorting to lethal force the occurrence of pet dogs being shot dead by cops would be significantly reduced.

There is no doubt in my mind that the majority of cops who shoot dogs do it because they can, not because it is necessary.
Great thread topic.

Great OP.

I love dogs and Cops.
All dogs? All cops?

Unqualified inclusive thinking leads to ambiguous, uncertain conclusions.

I think Cops love dogs and wouldn't enthusiastically kill any dog unless they felt threatened by it.
All cops? Unqualified inclusive thinking . . .

And if a dog or dogs threaten Cops in the performance of their jobs or if the Officer even feels threatened then the dog has to be stopped from posing a threat.
Do you believe there are examples of police using unnecessary force -- on both dogs and on humans?

Oh, and I remember watching a History Channel program about the US Navy SEALS. One CPO mentioned the existence of a small suppressed handgun used to silence barking dogs when the SEALS were trying to keep quiet while on a dangerous mission.

The gun they used was referred to as a "Hush Puppy."
The gun itself is not "small." It is a small caliber gun, specifically a suppressed Ruger MkII .22 automatic.

You are writing about an organization and a form of mission-training the nature of which should not be even implicitly compared to civilian police agencies and their typical function. There are many civilian occupational categories which require contact with dogs, beginning with mail-carriers and utility meter-readers. These workers are equipped with spray devices that discharge a stream of OC gas which is sufficiently powerful to repel a charging grizzly bear. Ruger RB0100 Pepper Spray Bear Spray: Home Security : Walmart.com

Police also carry spray devices as well as electrical TASER devices. I am quite certain that if police procedural training required them to exercise non-lethal means of anti-dog defense before resorting to lethal force the occurrence of pet dogs being shot dead by cops would be significantly reduced.

There is no doubt in my mind that the majority of cops who shoot dogs do it because they can, not because it is necessary.

Don't play games with me MikeK.

If a Cop has a non-lethal means of eliminating the threat from a dog he should not have to shoot it with a firearm unless the dog was obviously rabid or in need of ("House of Cards") Frank Underwood mercy

And ALL Cops until or unless I have reason not to. Theirs is a hard, thankless and dangerous job that we can't survive without someone doing.

They swore to protect and defend you and I from all sorts of dangers. From deadly situations all the way down to the most trivial civil violations.

I love the idea of Cops.

I dig the equipment and the uniforms and badges and insignia and TV programs.

I like Cops and until/unless they do wrong, I stand behind law enforcement officers.

I love dogs. Unless they are sick or rabid or trained to attack or be aggressive, dogs love me.

And yes, I seem to recall the mention of the Mk.II. I was not writing for an audience of your sophistication.

Or sickness, if your belief that most Cops shoot dogs because they can, you may be psychologically projecting your own perversion.
I love the idea of Cops.

I dig the equipment and the uniforms and badges and insignia and TV programs.

Have you ever heard of the authoritarian personality? It comes in two flavors, authoritarian dominant and authoritarian submissive. In its extreme form it manifests as B & D behavior which typically involves police uniforms, badges & other authoritarian symbolism, along with handcuffs and punishment-administering paraphernalia.


Please understand I'm not putting it down but am simply acknowledging existence of the phenomenon. Does your affinity for cops extend to your more intimate personal relationships? If so you might wish to consider the possible influence that might have on your political and social ideas of the increasingly dangerous militarization of America's police agencies. Because when police think of themselves as soldiers it logically follows that they think of ordinary citizens as potential enemies.
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What citizens need to understand is that when they raise a breed of dog that can do significant damage to a human, they are taking on risk. I've been forced to start carrying a revolver when I go for my run in the morning thanks to the neighborhood dogs. Wear a cap and sunglasses and these beasts try their best to get at you. And often, the owner just smiles when the snapping teeth come within a foot or two of you. A police officer is asked to take on significant risk during his shift...if he is threatened he has every right to mitigate that threat. Once the dog has ahold of him, he's apt to really get hurt. No excuse to harm a restrained dog, unless the owner seems inclined to release it.

Yer dumb as rat shit, boy. News flash: cops DON'T actually have a particularly dangerous job. My wife and i are BOTH more likely to die on the job than a cop.
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The dog was restrained. No reason for him being killed by that idiot. Seems he has a penchant for killing dogs.

Hope the SOB looses his job and I hope the owners of those dogs sue his ass civily.

I hope someone gets the fucker's address and vivisects him.
Here's the latest. I'm finding the frequency of this beyond very disturbing.

Weimaraner dog shot dead in owner’s back yard by police who were searching for missing three-year-old boy

Sean Kendall's two-year-old Weimaraner, Geist was shot dead last week

Police were searching for a missing boy - he was later found asleep

Owner is now calling for the policeman to be fired from the force

Weimaraner dog shot dead in back yard | Mail Online


AND then there is this son of a bitch who slit a Shar Pei's throat. Holy toledo! What the heck is going on?

Grab this. The dog was restrained and the cop said he was going to gut this thing and slit the dogs throat and it bled to death.

The pair allegedly held down and cut the throat of a Shar-Pei, with officials saying there was no reason to kill the dog if it was already restrained.

Schmidt is a 24-year veteran of the Special Operations Section, serving alongside Bolger who was hired in 1992.

The union did not provide information regarding the terms of Schmidt's suspension.

The alleged attack happened on Saturday morning in Brewers Hill, a south-eastern district of the city, after police responded to a report of a woman being bitten.

Deputy Commissioner Dean Palmere said officers gained control of the animal, a seven-year-old Chinese Shar-Pei, with a dog pole and an officer used a knife to cut the dog's throat.

Late last night, Detective Jeremy Silbert issued a statement identifying that policeman as Bolger.

Announcing that internal affairs were investigating the killing, Mr Palmere called the incident 'outrageous and unacceptable'.

Witnesses told police that as Bolger got out of his vehicle, he said: 'I'm going to f****** gut this thing.'

He waited until colleagues got control of the dog before bending down and slashing its throat with a knife, witnesses said. It bled to death before animal control arrived, police told the Baltimore Sun.


Here's the poor owner and the dog.


I am seriously waiting for the day when one of these cops gets killed by a dog owner who just watched the cop kill his/her dog. Sooner or later it's going to happen.

The sooner the better, and I hope it is by a method at least as painful as crucifixion.
What citizens need to understand is that when they raise a breed of dog that can do significant damage to a human, they are taking on risk. I've been forced to start carrying a revolver when I go for my run in the morning thanks to the neighborhood dogs. Wear a cap and sunglasses and these beasts try their best to get at you. And often, the owner just smiles when the snapping teeth come within a foot or two of you. A police officer is asked to take on significant risk during his shift...if he is threatened he has every right to mitigate that threat. Once the dog has ahold of him, he's apt to really get hurt. No excuse to harm a restrained dog, unless the owner seems inclined to release it.

What the hell are you talking about. It was a fucking Shar Pei!

Quite simple: he's as psychotic as the cop.
Individuals like you reside in a mental world of macho fantasy wherein any opportunity to act out a combat scenario is irresistible to you. Your mentality is exactly that of the cop who would shoot a dog just to experience the act whether or not doing so is necessary. Yours is precisely the psychological profile which should be unacceptable for the police occupation.

Again, you have no idea what you're talking about and I have to assume you like it like that....all this is to get a reaction, nothing more. All I've shot since Vietnam are javelina in the Arizona foothills. I went deer hunting once after I came home and damn near shot another hunter who popped out of a place he shouldn't have been. Never went back into a Michigan forest....too much like the Central Highlands. But would I shoot a charging dog? In a heartbeat....and feel nothing about it.

Come on, don't lie: you KNOW you'd get an erection.
I love the idea of Cops.

I dig the equipment and the uniforms and badges and insignia and TV programs.

Have you ever heard of the authoritarian personality? It comes in two flavors, authoritarian dominant and authoritarian submissive. In its extreme form it manifests as B & D behavior which typically involves police uniforms, badges & other authoritarian symbolism, along with handcuffs and punishment-administering paraphernalia.


Please understand I'm not putting it down but am simply acknowledging existence of the phenomenon. Does your affinity for cops extend to your more intimate personal relationships? If so you might wish to consider the possible influence that might have on your political and social ideas of the increasingly dangerous militarization of America's police agencies. Because when police think of themselves as soldiers it logically follows that they think of ordinary citizens as potential enemies.

My interest in Law Enforcement and perception of it and its implementation tends toward the exemplary examples of how it should be.

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