What the left can't understand about Dylan Mulvaney.

Caitlyn Jenner, probably the world's most famous tranny, is a good illustration of a transgendered person who doesn't behave in ways that do disservice to other sensible transgenders. I will never see such people as 'normal' because I believe they are not, but I neither dislike nor resent Jenner who definitely deserves to be allowed to live and let live. I can't imagine him/her doing a lewd drag show or engage in other inappropriate behavior especially for children or flaunt his/her adopted sexuality.

So you're right. I will continue to condemn those profane, vulgar, sexually inappropriate shows for children, anybody engaged in grooming of children, and I will use whatever pronouns I choose to use--anybody in my face about anything will not find me pleasant to deal with--but all that does not make me transphobic or anti LGBTX.

Anybody and I do mean anybody who lives his/her life in a way he/she chooses that is not infringing on the ability or rights of others to do the same will have no problem with me.
I have said for years here, living in a college town known for having a lot of gay/lesbians for decades, and then in the past 10 years - a LOT of "trans" people.
The vast majority of them are only interested in living their lives. They just want to be.
But they are not the ones people see. People think "trans" people are nut job loons dancing naked in front of children - because that is who gets on cameras. Not the person who just goes to work everyday.

And to note - I always write trans as "trans"... because the vast majority of "trans" people are not transgender at all.
The majority of males walking around with women's clothing are effeminate gay men who like and choose to dress like women to be more attractive. That is not trans.
The next largest majority are CDs. Cross dressers. Males who get sexually aroused by dressing like women.
That is not trans.
These two are what most people see and think trans people are.
The ACTUAL transgenders are completely left out of the whole fad movement.
Here's hoping you're deliberately missing the point.

For the sake of your IQ.

I saw no point. I don't know the person, I'm never going to speak to them. Hence, I won't offend them.

If by some odd reason I do and they want me to call them a caterpillar, I suppose I will. What do I care?
I have said for years here, living in a college town known for having a lot of gay/lesbians for decades, and then in the past 10 years - a LOT of "trans" people.
The vast majority of them are only interested in living their lives. They just want to be.
But they are not the ones people see. People think "trans" people are nut job loons dancing naked in front of children - because that is who gets on cameras. Not the person who just goes to work everyday.

And to note - I always write trans as "trans"... because the vast majority of "trans" people are not transgender at all.
The majority of males walking around with women's clothing are effeminate gay men who like and choose to dress like women to be more attractive. That is not trans.
The next largest majority are CDs. Cross dressers. Males who get sexually aroused by dressing like women.
That is not trans.
These two are what most people see and think trans people are.
The ACTUAL transgenders are completely left out of the whole fad movement.

Now klinger was funny!!
If I was trans, I sure as HELL wouldn't want some mentally ill person who makes videos pretending he is a 6 year old girl to represent me in ANYWAY.

You say that, as a sane person.

If you were “trans”, then by definition, you would be a fucked-up mental case. I say that it is an error to project any part of your sane persona on a hypothetical fucked-up mental case version of yourself. Who's to say that with that sort of mental disorder, you wouldn't be pretending to be a six-year-old girl?
Just watching the little twerp you can tell he's mental
That he's a man that thinks he's a girl is kind of a dead giveaway, isn't it?
He's nuts

He is not the whole of transgenderism.
If a person doesn't like this disturbed individual, it doesn't automatically make them "anti-LGBQT" or "anti-trans".
So... STFU
If I was trans, I sure as HELL wouldn't want some mentally ill person who makes videos pretending he is a 6 year old girl to represent me in ANYWAY.
Why the left media, politicians - all the way up to the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES - gives this whacked individual so much attention is beyond my understanding.
Transgender people are not all like this complete fruitcake.
Who is

Dylan Mulvaney?​


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