What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel

"These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016"


These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016
"Israel is an apartheid state like SA was"

"It is the analogy that burns Israelis more than any other: Israel is an apartheid state. It is not hard to understand why. Apartheid was recognised in 1973 as an international crime and in 1998 as a crime against humanity. By definition, apartheid is the “policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practised in southern Africa committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them”.

Israel’s discrimination is institutionalised discrimination, settler-colonialism and occupation."

Israel is an apartheid state like SA was | IOL
"These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016"


These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016

These are the children who were raised in a culture which encourages and celebrates the murder of Jews. These children died attempting to murder Jews.

Responsibility for these children's deaths lies ENTIRELY with the Palestinians. Not one more child need die. End the Knife Intifada.
Thank-you for that LOAD OF CRAP!


Everyone here sees that, douche.
Destroying Palestinian Agriculture? Israeli Planes Spray Herbicides Inside Gaza for the Fourth Time This Year

Israeli planes have been reported spraying herbicides over land inside the Gaza Strip on four occasions in 2017, including twice in the last two days.

Israeli planes sprayed herbicides inside the Gaza Strip for the second day running on Wednesday and the fourth time this year, according to local farmers and Israeli rights NGO Gisha. A video published on Wednesday, allegedly of the crop-dusting, shows a plane flying low and spraying over farmland.

Palestinians who reported the incident said that the planes had dusted near the Gaza border fence, and the Gaza Ministry of Agriculture is investigating the extent of the damage from the herbicides sprayed over the last two days. Around 840 acres of crops were damaged during the last round of spraying in January 2017, according to Gisha.
"These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016"


These are the Palestinian children killed by Israel in 2016
Adnan Ayid Hamid al-Mashni, 17

Adnan Ayid Hamid al-Mashni

An investigation by the Tel Aviv newspaperHaaretz found that Adnan, from the village of Shuyukh, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers at the Beit Einoun junction near the West Bank city of Hebron while on his way to physics class on 12 January.

Adnan had traveled to the junction in a taxi van and crossed the road and entered into a second van when another young man in the vehicle jumped out and yelled “God is great” while brandishing a knife or hatchet, according to Haaretz.

The armed young man, Muhammad Kawazba from the village of Sair, was immediately shot and killed. The driver of the van from which Kawazba emerged “tried to drive away as fast as he could, for fear that he too would be shot,” Haaretz added. “The soldiers, seeing the vehicle pulling out, opened fire at it, though they had no idea who was inside it.”

The driver managed to escape on foot while Adnan, still inside the van, was struck in the upper right side of his body and died soon after in hospital.

Ruqayya Abu Eid, 13
Ruqayya was shot dead by a private security guard after she allegedly attempted to stab him in the Anatot settlement near Jerusalem on 23 January.

A Palestinian member of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, condemned the girl’s slaying. “Even if she had a knife, it would have been possible to arrest a girl that age instead of killing her,” Esawi Frej of the Meretz party said.

Haaretz reported that Ruqayya died of a single bullet wound to the heart.

“I have no explanation for her decision,” the girl’s father told the paper. “There were two guards there, and they could have overcome her. A little girl. They are trained and armed, you know, so how is it they could not arrest a little girl of 13? Was a girl of 13 a threat to them? Whatever she planned to do, they could still have arrested her.”

Ruqayya was laid to rest in the village of al-Karmel east of the West Bank town of Yatta, near Hebron.

Haitham Saada, 14
Haitham died after he was hit by two bullets fired by soldiers near the entrance to Halhoul village, near Hebron, on 5 February. The army said that the boy was preparing to throw a Molotov cocktail at soldiers when he was killed.

“Other than Haitham’s younger cousin, Wajdi, who was also in his class and was with him when he died, and the soldiers, of course, there are no eyewitnesses who can relate what happened and why Haitham was shot and killed,” the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz reported at the time. “Wajdi was arrested on the spot and is still incarcerated in Ofer Camp, near Ramallah. He has not been allowed visitors.”

Omar Yousif Ismail Madi, 15
Omar was slain by a bullet when Israeli soldiers fired on youths who were throwing stones at them in Arroub refugee camp near Hebron on 9 February. The city’s district attorney told the Ma’an News Agency that the boy “died after being hit by a single bullet that entered his body from the right side of his chest.” The bullet “penetrated the teen’s liver, kidneys, and spleen before exiting his body from the lower left side of his rib cage.”

Nihad Raed Muhammad Waked, 15, and Fuad Marwan Kamal Waked, 15
Nihad and Fuad were shot and killed by Israeli forces after they allegedly opened fire at soldiers on 14 February. No Israelis were injured during the incident near the village of al-Araqa, west of the northern West Bank town of Jenin. Palestinian emergency medics were reportedly prevented from providing treatment at the scene.

“Soldiers reported that one of the Palestinians was armed with a makeshift weapon and another was carrying a knife,” Haaretz reported. The boys’ families “vehemently denied the army’s claim they had fired at the soldiers and said the two were roaming farming lands owned by the family that are adjacent to [Israel’s] West Bank barrier,” the paper added.

“I know the families and the two youths, these are not families that deal with arms or have access to arms,” a teacher in al-Araqa who knew the teens told Haaretz. “These are just kids and to attribute an attempted shooting to them sounds highly unlikely or believable.”

Naim Ahmad Yousif Safi, 16
Naim was shot and killed after he allegedly attempted to stab an Israeli soldier at a checkpoint north of the West Bank city of Bethlehem on 14 February. Israeli police told media the teen approached soldiers while carrying a knife. No Israelis were reported injured during the incident. Naim was from the nearby village of al-Ubediya.

Qusay Abu al-Rub, 16

Qusay Abu al-Rub (via Ma’an News Agency)

Soldiers fired on Qusay after he allegedly attempted to stab one of them at the Beita checkpoint near Nablus in the northern West Bank on 21 February. No Israelis were injured during the incident. Palestinian medics were reportedly prevented from accessing the wounded boy. Qusay, from Qabatiya village in the northern West Bank, was the 10th youthfrom the town to be slain since October 2015.

Mahmoud Shaalan, 16
Mahmoud, a Palestinian American resident of the Ramallah-area village of Deir Dibwan, was shot dead by Israeli forces near a checkpoint in the central West Bank on 26 February. Israel claimed that the boy had tried to stab soldiers when he was killed.

Amnesty International has stated that his death – as well as that of more than a dozen other Palestinians killed by Israeli forces over the past year – should beinvestigated as a possible extrajudicial execution.

An eyewitness testified to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem that Mahmoud had attempted to cross a checkpoint and was turned away by soldiers.

“As he was walking away from the soldiers, one soldier shot Mahmoud Muhammad Ali Shaalan from some distance away with around three bullets. He immediately fell to the ground, and the soldier then approached and shot him twice more, according to the witness,” Amnesty states.

An autopsy found that no bullets had been fired from close range, throwing into question Israel’s claim that Mahmoud was attempting to stab soldiers when he was killed.

Witnesses told Haaretz that soldiers prevented a Palestinian ambulance from evacuating the boy, and that his naked body lay on the road for more than two hours.

Fifteen rights and faith groups in the US have called on the Obama administration to investigate the killing. A top US diplomat told concerned groups that the US embassy in Tel Aviv asked Israel to investigate Mahmoud’s death.

Labib Khaldoun Anwar Abd al-Azzam, 17 and Muhammad Hashim Ali Zaghlawan, 17
Labib and Muhammad, both from Qaryut village near the West Bank city of Nablus, were shot dead by Israeli forces on 2 March after allegedly attacking and lightly injuring a settler as he was leaving his home in the Eli colony. The settler was wearing his army uniform, and was en route to the military reserve unit he serves in, Israeli media reported.

Abd al-Rahman Radad, 17
Abd al-Rahman, from al-Zawiya village near the West Bank town of Salfit, was shot and killed by police after he allegedly stabbed and wounded an Israeli man near Petah Tikva, a city in Israel, on 18 March. Graphic video shows Abd al-Rahman lying on the floor of a liquor store, gravely injured and apparently struggling to breathe, as Israelis curse him and call for him to die.

Ahmad Yousif Ismail Amer, 16
Ahmad was shot dead by Israeli forces at a military checkpoint outside of al-Zawiya village near the West Bank town of Salfit on 9 March. The village was blockaded by the military after one of its residents, Abd al-Rahman Radad, allegedly stabbed an Israeli before being shot dead by police.

An army spokesperson told media that an “assailant armed with a knife” approached the checkpoint and soldiers “thwarted” the attack by shooting him dead. No Israelis were injured during the incident.

Another Palestinian was shot during the incident, and a local official said that both wounded Palestinians were left bleeding while Palestinian emergency medics were prevented from reaching them.

Ahmad, from the nearby village of Masha, reportedly left a note bidding farewell to his parents, asking them for their forgiveness.

Yasin Abu Khusa, 9, and Isra Abu Khusa, 6
Yasin and Isra, brother and sister, were killed during an Israeli air strike on their neighborhood in northern Gaza on 12 March.

The Abu Khusa family home, located on the outskirts of Beit Hanoun, had been previously attacked twice by Israel in recent years. They had asked the authorities in Gaza that they be relocated somewhere safer, but their request went unanswered, the family told The Electronic Intifada. They said they did not receive any financial aid to repair damage caused during previous attacks.

Yusif Walid Mustafa al-Tarayra, 17
Yusif, from the village of Bani Naim, was shot dead by soldiers after he hit a military officer with his car in Kiryat Arba settlement near Hebron on 14 March. The officer was lightly injured, according to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem.

Abdallah al-Ajluni, 16
Abdallah, from the West Bank city of Hebron, was shot dead by Israeli Border Police after he stabbed and lightly injured a soldier at at checkpoint near the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron’s Old City on 19 March.

Ibrahim Salih Hassan Taha, 16
Ibrahim was killed along with his pregnant adult sister, Maram Salih Hassan Abu Ismail, a 23-year-old mother of two small children, at the Qalandiya military checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem on 27 April.

Israeli police claimed the siblings were carrying knives and attempted to attack soldiers. No Israelis were injured during the incident.

Israel’s justice ministry declined to open an investigation after an initial probe found that the brother and sister were shot by civilian security guards and not by police.

Mahmoud Badran, 15
Mahmoud, from the central West Bank village of Beit Ur al-Tahta, was killed when Israeli forces opened fire on a car of young Palestinians returning from a late-night pool party celebrating Ramadan on 21 June. Five others were injured during the incident, including the driver of the car, who lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a wall.

The army admitted the Palestinians were “mistakenly hit” while soldiers were responding to reports of rock-throwing and firebombing on a highway used by settlers in the West Bank.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that soldiers prevented paramedics from providing first aid to the injured Palestinians for more than 90 minutes.

There's more at Monti's link

You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.

Ask yourself why the Palestinians would permit, let alone encourage, children to participate in acts of aggression against Israeli innocents and soldiers? Why would a parent, let alone an entire culture, encourage children to become combatants? You DO know that is a war crime, yes?
You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.
Are you high?

Ask yourself why the Palestinians would permit, let alone encourage, children to participate in acts of aggression against Israeli innocents and soldiers? Why would a parent, let alone an entire culture, encourage children to become combatants? You DO know that is a war crime, yes?
That is what the Jews in Israel do...


Yes, that is disgusting. Thanks for finally noticing.

You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.

Ask yourself why the Palestinians would permit, let alone encourage, children to participate in acts of aggression against Israeli innocents and soldiers? Why would a parent, let alone an entire culture, encourage children to become combatants? You DO know that is a war crime, yes?

Resisting occupation is not "aggression". Do you think that Jews did not permit their children to participate in resistance against the Germans?

There were many like Essie, who was 16.

"Essie: The True Story of a Teenage Fighter in the Bielski Partisans"

The Children's War: Essie: The True Story of a Teenage Fighter in the Bielski Partisans by Essie Shor and Andrea Zakin
You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.
Are you high?

Can you not read? These children died because they committed violent attacks as combatants. You can't possibly be denying that fact. So what are you doing, excusing it? Justifying it? Supporting it? Encouraging it? What?

Now ask yourself WHY you would do such a thing? Why would you support using CHILDREN as combatants? Why wouldn't you demand that the parents and the culture forbid such an atrocity?
Resisting occupation is not "aggression". Do you think that Jews did not permit their children to participate in resistance against the Germans?

There were many like Essie, who was 16.

So you support the use of children as combatants in war? A war crime.
No, but all people, Jews included, do use children as combatants when desperate.

And when they do -- whose responsibility is it when those children die as combatants? The point of your post was to demonize Israel -- but when a people CHOOSES to use children as combatants they are complicit in those children's deaths.
No, but all people, Jews included, do use children as combatants when desperate.

And when they do -- whose responsibility is it when those children die as combatants? The point of your post was to demonize Israel -- but when a people CHOOSES to use children as combatants they are complicit in those children's deaths.

Certainly, in the case of the Jewish childen and the Palestinian children killed by the Nazis and Zionists respectively, the fault is of the occupier.
You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.
Are you high?

Can you not read? These children died because they committed violent attacks as combatants. You can't possibly be denying that fact. So what are you doing, excusing it? Justifying it? Supporting it? Encouraging it? What?

Now ask yourself WHY you would do such a thing? Why would you support using CHILDREN as combatants? Why wouldn't you demand that the parents and the culture forbid such an atrocity?
Lets face it sasha, you support israel because your a jew, not even looking at what is wrong with killing children who are not of your tribe
You clearly didn't read the article which states that most of the children who died did so in the course of committing violent attacks on Israelis.
Are you high?

Can you not read? These children died because they committed violent attacks as combatants. You can't possibly be denying that fact. So what are you doing, excusing it? Justifying it? Supporting it? Encouraging it? What?

Now ask yourself WHY you would do such a thing? Why would you support using CHILDREN as combatants? Why wouldn't you demand that the parents and the culture forbid such an atrocity?
No you moron. They are dead because the wealthiest men on earth decided to call themselves Jews, use the Jewish bible as historical fact and then steal land from a people who were there for millennia after multiple mass murders of these people.
Lets face it sasha, you support israel because your a jew, not even looking at what is wrong with killing children who are not of your tribe

I support Israel because I support the rights of the indigenous Jewish people to a national homeland in their ancestral and historical territory. My view is entirely consistent. I support the rights of ALL peoples to a national homeland in their ancestral and historical territory if that is their desire. I support the rights of the Jewish peoples, the Kurdish peoples, the Catalans, the Basques, the First Nations peoples of the Americas and Australia, the Tibetans, the Western Saharans, the Kashmiris, the Scots, the Quebecois, the Palestinians. ALL peoples. All peoples.

It is YOU who hold an inconsistent world view because you refuse these rights of only ONE peoples -- the Jewish peoples.

I also fully support the right of people to individually and collectively defend themselves from people who attack them. This includes from children with knives. I hate that Jewish people and Israel are individually and collectively forced to defend themselves from people wishing to kill them (Still! Again!). It has nothing to do with tribes. It has to do with people (children) who are literally trying to kill us and who insist that they will not stop trying to kill us until Israel no longer exists and the Jewish people are back in their proper place as dhimmis.

All the Jewish people want is a safe place of their own in the world. And we will defend our right to that. Why wouldn't we? Why shouldn't we?

The Arab Palestinians have the CHOICE to accept peace instead of murderous violence. Not a single other person need die, let alone one of their children. But the Arab Palestinians are placing the destruction of the Jewish State above the lives of their children. They are placing the right to "resist" violently above the rights of their children to life. They are intentionally, deliberately sacrificing their children for the goal of the destruction of the Jewish State and the denial of the rights of the Jewish people.

With that choice comes the responsibility for the consequences of that choice. There are other choices.
I support Israel because I support the rights of the indigenous Jewish people to a national homeland in their ancestral and historical territory....
Almost 100% of the "Jews" there are from Europe. Your argument makes 0 sense... as usual. But you, being stuck on stupid are free to keep repeating this same tripe on every thread. It's actually a bit comical.

Furthermore, no court in any civilized nation decides land ownership based on the Jewish bible. We've been through all this several times.
Lets face it sasha, you support israel because your a jew, not even looking at what is wrong with killing children who are not of your tribe

I support Israel because I support the rights of the indigenous Jewish people to a national homeland in their ancestral and historical territory. My view is entirely consistent. I support the rights of ALL peoples to a national homeland in their ancestral and historical territory if that is their desire. I support the rights of the Jewish peoples, the Kurdish peoples, the Catalans, the Basques, the First Nations peoples of the Americas and Australia, the Tibetans, the Western Saharans, the Kashmiris, the Scots, the Quebecois, the Palestinians. ALL peoples. All peoples.

It is YOU who hold an inconsistent world view because you refuse these rights of only ONE peoples -- the Jewish peoples.

I also fully support the right of people to individually and collectively defend themselves from people who attack them. This includes from children with knives. I hate that Jewish people and Israel are individually and collectively forced to defend themselves from people wishing to kill them (Still! Again!). It has nothing to do with tribes. It has to do with people (children) who are literally trying to kill us and who insist that they will not stop trying to kill us until Israel no longer exists and the Jewish people are back in their proper place as dhimmis.

All the Jewish people want is a safe place of their own in the world. And we will defend our right to that. Why wouldn't we? Why shouldn't we?

The Arab Palestinians have the CHOICE to accept peace instead of murderous violence. Not a single other person need die, let alone one of their children. But the Arab Palestinians are placing the destruction of the Jewish State above the lives of their children. They are placing the right to "resist" violently above the rights of their children to life. They are intentionally, deliberately sacrificing their children for the goal of the destruction of the Jewish State and the denial of the rights of the Jewish people.

With that choice comes the responsibility for the consequences of that choice. There are other choices.

The Zionists that colonized Israel were Europeans. They have no indigenous rights to Palestine. Resisting foreign occupation is something every people that have been victims of colonization and occupation have always done. The Israeli Jews do not want peace, they want continued control over the non-Jews in the whole of Palestine. If the Israeli Jews wanted peace they would have ended the occupation of the WB, East Jerusalem and legal occupation and blockade of Gaza.

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