What the science says

I am talking about the scientists who have total confidence in the climate science.

You have no idea of what level their confidence actually is...unsubstantiated guesses...part and parcel of the warming cult.

Question: Why would any rational human being take your arguments seriously, when there exists a 'consensus' on the climate science, within the scientific community?

Scientific consensus suggests the presence of a set of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that is so strong that one simply could not argue against it...and even then, it is very difficult to get a room full of actual scientists to actually agree across the board. Skepticism is the very life blood of science and scientists...skepticism is the fuel for scientific advancement.

So when I ask for just a little bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the anthropogenic component of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis...and none can be found....I would ask, why would any rational human being take the claims of climate science seriously?

Your argument is that your reasonings are just as valid as those of the scientific community. I'm sorry to tell you, that sounds a bit :cuckoo: Maybe even more than a bit

My argument is that neither you, nor the entire climate science community can produce any observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis. My position is due to that exact abject lack of such evidence....so tell me, since there is no observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the A in AGW....exactly what is that consensus based on?
okay, you're back to regurgitating talking points

see you later ali-benghazi

Run away...run away....we are to the point where observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence talks and bullshit walks...run away...run away...run away...

Run away yourself, you lying little cocksuck. There is the evidence from the past.

OK...rather than listen to that entire steaming pile of shit....you tell me the minute marker where you believe that he presents some observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the A in AGW...

By the way...haven't you noticed that the trend among warmers is now to move away from the ludicrous idea that CO2 is the control knob of the climate...

There you have it, folks. A sad sack of willfully ignorant bullshit. "Ah ain't gonna listen to any of them thar shittly pointy headed librul scientists. What the hell do they know".

No use even arguing with such limp dicks, nothing is going to affect their belief in nonsense.
Yes, slightly more right now. Wind and solar are continuing to decline in price, while the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up.

At the rate of decline the private sector is going to fix the problem for us....Wind and solar are kicking serious ass. The right wants to stop it through other means but that will make them anti-free market and we better be pointing that out.
The Hubble photo isn't influenced by politics.
The photo doesn't want us to spend $10 trillion on windmills and carbon taxes.
Well, I have yet to pay a cent in carbon taxes, and the people spending the money on the windmills are making a profit, and we are all gaining energy from those mills.

Price of Wind Energy Goes Down in Texas

You thought you might never hear it, but wind power is becoming a formidable price competitor with fossil fuels in Texas, and Austin’s public utility is revamping its programs to suit.

In the year 2000, Austin Energy unrolled a program giving consumers the option to fund wind energy development and the city became a recognized leader in energy innovation.

The GreenChoice program let homes and businesses pay slightly more for their power and buy directly from wind farms, hoping to finance and encourage development.

It worked so well that, by 2009, it was in trouble, and the program was scaled back. Texans in Austin and beyond were demanding more wind energy than power lines could carry, and clogged transmission infrastructure sent prices skyrocketing.

When GreenChoice premiered, consumers opting for wind energy could lock into a ten-year fixed price just six cents per kilowatt-hour more than the standard cost at the time. By 2009 the difference had risen to $2.05, due largely to transmission overload.

The revamped program reflects the new reality of wind power in Texas. How much more per kilowatt-hour are GreenChoice customers asked to pay today? Just one cent.

Well, I have yet to pay a cent in carbon taxes,

Are you sure?

the people spending the money on the windmills are making a profit

On the power, or on the taxpayer subsidies?

Price of Wind Energy Goes Down in Texas

Less reliable energy is worth less, that's true.

The GreenChoice program let homes and businesses pay slightly more for their power

America was built on subsidizing emerging industries, big business concerns, and picking winners

what a dope you are

Feel free to subsidize unreliable "green energy" with your own funds.
The subsidies are from taxpayer funds. The people in charge of the government, our elected officials, decide how that money is to be spent. The majority elected those officials. So how they spend those funds reflects the will of the majority.

You don't like that, work to change the will of the majority and elect your own people. Good luck with getting Trump elected.

The subsidies are from taxpayer funds. The people in charge of the government, our elected officials, decide how that money is to be spent. The majority elected those officials. So how they spend those funds reflects the will of the majority.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I disagree.
Yes, slightly more right now. Wind and solar are continuing to decline in price, while the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up.

At the rate of decline the private sector is going to fix the problem for us....Wind and solar are kicking serious ass. The right wants to stop it through other means but that will make them anti-free market and we better be pointing that out.

At the rate of decline the private sector is going to fix the problem for us....

So we can tax wind and solar, instead of spending taxpayer funds on them?
Excellent. Let's start today! And eliminate any mandates.
The pertinent question would be how much has their share of worldwide power production increased in the last, say 10 years.

Between 2003 and 2013, solar, wind, bio, geo and hydro power increased 400%.
Yes, slightly more right now. Wind and solar are continuing to decline in price, while the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up.

Advanced technology, improved siting techniques, and learning across all sectors as the industry scales up have all influenced the cost of wind energy over time. The Department of Energy, below, depicts the cost reduction in wind energy alongside U.S. wind energy deployment, showing a decrease in cost of more than 90% since the early 1980's. [4]


The Cost of Wind Energy in the U.S.

Read it and weep, silly ass.

I am just laughing at you for believing such tripe.
You have no idea of what level their confidence actually is...unsubstantiated guesses...part and parcel of the warming cult.

Scientific consensus suggests the presence of a set of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that is so strong that one simply could not argue against it...and even then, it is very difficult to get a room full of actual scientists to actually agree across the board. Skepticism is the very life blood of science and scientists...skepticism is the fuel for scientific advancement.

So when I ask for just a little bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the anthropogenic component of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis...and none can be found....I would ask, why would any rational human being take the claims of climate science seriously?

My argument is that neither you, nor the entire climate science community can produce any observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis. My position is due to that exact abject lack of such evidence....so tell me, since there is no observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence in support of the A in AGW....exactly what is that consensus based on?
okay, you're back to regurgitating talking points

see you later ali-benghazi

Run away...run away....we are to the point where observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence talks and bullshit walks...run away...run away...run away...

Run away yourself, you lying little cocksuck. There is the evidence from the past.

OK...rather than listen to that entire steaming pile of shit....you tell me the minute marker where you believe that he presents some observed, measured, quantified, empirical data that supports the A in AGW...

By the way...haven't you noticed that the trend among warmers is now to move away from the ludicrous idea that CO2 is the control knob of the climate...

There you have it, folks. A sad sack of willfully ignorant bullshit. "Ah ain't gonna listen to any of them thar shittly pointy headed librul scientists. What the hell do they know".

No use even arguing with such limp dicks, nothing is going to affect their belief in nonsense.

Talk to crick...he says that people who send you off to look at something hoping that you will find the data you are looking for are just talking out of their asses...you idiots are always anxious to send people off to look for the data you can't find....I'm not doing. You claim to have watched the video...then you should know where the sort of data I am looking for is....where is it and I will gladly go and watch....if it is typical of the crap you link to, then it is indeed just a bunch of hysterics and no actual data.
400% of nothing is still nothing....

That's the same as saying "the melting/warming is accelerating" from nothing to nothing...
Yes, slightly more right now. Wind and solar are continuing to decline in price, while the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up.

Advanced technology, improved siting techniques, and learning across all sectors as the industry scales up have all influenced the cost of wind energy over time. The Department of Energy, below, depicts the cost reduction in wind energy alongside U.S. wind energy deployment, showing a decrease in cost of more than 90% since the early 1980's. [4]


The Cost of Wind Energy in the U.S.

Read it and weep, silly ass.

I am just laughing at you for believing such tripe.

You and the facts of the universe have a poor relationship SID. You need to work on that.
400% of nothing is still nothing....

400% of nothing would be nothing. I remember learning that in the third grade. But, in this case, it was a 400% increase on 38 billion BTUs.

That's the same as saying "the melting/warming is accelerating" from nothing to nothing...

Only if you're stupid enough to believe the world really isn't warming and the world's ice and snow really aren't melting.
Yes, slightly more right now. Wind and solar are continuing to decline in price, while the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up.

Advanced technology, improved siting techniques, and learning across all sectors as the industry scales up have all influenced the cost of wind energy over time. The Department of Energy, below, depicts the cost reduction in wind energy alongside U.S. wind energy deployment, showing a decrease in cost of more than 90% since the early 1980's. [4]


The Cost of Wind Energy in the U.S.

Read it and weep, silly ass.

I am just laughing at you for believing such tripe.

You and the facts of the universe have a poor relationship SID. You need to work on that.

A smart photon taught him all he knows.
You and the facts of the universe have a poor relationship SID. You need to work on that.

And you are a f'ing congenital liar...but I doubt any amount of work on your part will help with something that is so deeply ingrained. You lie even when you would gain more by telling the truth.
Who wants to bet that most of these skeptics are fundies and think science is evil?

Such hysterics matthew...evil? Such melodrama.... Promoting uncertainty as certainty isn't evil...it is just stupid because it always catches up to you....then you end up just looking more stupid...like the 50+ excuses for the pause....among other things.
You lie even when you would gain more by telling the truth.

That should tip you off to something SID.

I don't lie.

If I make a mistake, I admit it. But I don't lie.
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You lie even when you would gain more by telling the truth.

That should tip you off to something SID.

I don't lie.

If I make a mistake, I admit it. But I don't lie.

You don't admit mistakes and you lie like a rug....and you lie when the truth would benefit you more...you have proven it over and over on this board.
You've descended to pure ad hominem. Goodbye SID.

PS, you lie.

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