Zone1 What the (true) saints say about Hell and how most people end up there


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

Liguori and other saints mentioned here lived in the time when the TRUE Catholic Church was still at the Vatican. That is no longer the case (hasn't been since 1958) but anyhow, I posted this because even some Christians or so called Christians do not believe in eternal misery for those who do not accept Christ (do not repent of their sins...). The JWs don't believe in eternal Hell and there are others.

Canonized saints disagree w/ you.

Jesus mentioned eternal punishment (His exact words), for those who disobey God's commandments, in Mt 25:31-46.

(The context of that passage is: How we treat our fellow man, but I tend to think Jesus wants us to obey ALL His Commands, eh?)
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people who say they don'tbelieve in Hell are just doing the old wishful thinking thing so common to humans (it's part of human nature, maybe one of the biggest parts)

They don't want to be held accountable for their wrong doing. It's like... What? Some guy doesn't believe in taxes or death so both of those unpleasant things cease to exist?

I wish all problems could be solved just by believing... whatever.. sigh... That would be nice
Not to be taken seriously!

The church's version of hell is due to change without notice.

Almost daily!
If you speak of the Vatican, I can't argue

But that is FAR FAR from being the center of Catholicism (hasn't been since 1958)

Liguori and other saints mentioned here lived in the time when the TRUE Catholic Church was still at the Vatican. That is no longer the case (hasn't been since 1958) but anyhow, I posted this because even some Christians or so called Christians do not believe in eternal misery for those who do not accept Christ (do not repent of their sins...). The JWs don't believe in eternal Hell and there are others.

Canonized saints disagree w/ you.

Jesus mentioned eternal punishment (His exact words), for those who disobey God's commandments, in Mt 25:31-46.

(The context of that passage is: How we treat our fellow man, but I tend to think Jesus wants us to obey ALL His Commands, eh?)
You are like a dog with a bone.
A small number of us wlll make it to heaven, the vast majority of us will not. No amount of money, fame or personsl gain could ever offset the loss of your soul. Say it 1000 different times any way you'd like, that will still always be my conclusion.
God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc), although it is good to find a TRUE priest and go to confession even for venial ones. I don't trust any novus ordo priest, to speak of... but there are SSPX priests and Sede priests.. :)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

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God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

I make no claims regarding sins, either way, but I as an atheist can still claim the high ground of morally correct behaviour on this forum.

I welcome any and all Christians to share the distinction with me! Your previous behaviour is forgiven by me at least.

You can start by not condemning anybody to hell.
You can start by not condemning anybody to hell.
I never did condemn anyone (not that my condemnation would amount to a hill of beans anyway on any given person's judgment day [visit with Jesus])

but I think I understand your need to put others down so as to make yourself look better... or feel better about yourself...
God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc), although it is good to find a TRUE priest and go to confession even for venial ones. I don't trust any novus ordo priest, to speak of... but there are SSPX priests and Sede priests.. :)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

you cant suffer for your owns sins to get to heaven, Jesus did that.
God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc), although it is good to find a TRUE priest and go to confession even for venial ones. I don't trust any novus ordo priest, to speak of... but there are SSPX priests and Sede priests.. :)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

sacraments dont get you to heaven.
God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc), although it is good to find a TRUE priest and go to confession even for venial ones. I don't trust any novus ordo priest, to speak of... but there are SSPX priests and Sede priests.. :)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

Jesus is the only mediator between us and the Father, not some sinful priest.
God has revealed to me many things, I feel, about Hell. Once a person sees the true condition of his sinful, selfish soul (something we never want to do so we avoid doing it), he realizes why it takes so much suffering to expiate the ill effects of sins, even those that have been sacramentally absolved. BTW sacramental absolution is necessary mostly for mortal sin (adultery, abortion, fornication, masturbation... etc), although it is good to find a TRUE priest and go to confession even for venial ones. I don't trust any novus ordo priest, to speak of... but there are SSPX priests and Sede priests.. :)

This is why the Catholic religion (est. by Christ) is so important: It is the only one that teaches of the necessity of suffering so as to expiate sins. AND our sufferings can be applied 4 the sins of others. Even "Catholics" don't seem to remember these kind of teachings, thanks to Vatican II and the horrific detritus therefrom.

Sin is a lot more egregious than most people have a clue about.

One thing that shows a person the condition of his or her soul is praying the prayers of the rosary. Maybe if every American prayed the rosary frequently, we wouldn't have all this Satanic stuff going on in our country... drag shows sexualizing young children... corruption in DC...

a sin is a sin. no such thing as venial or mortal.
rcc is a works based salvation, a lie.
The Catholic Church does not teach works based 'salvation' as much as obedience/works sanctification/purification. Think of it as working to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect.

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