What the Ukraine is teaching us about Republiicans

what i'm learning about left-wing nutjobs: they are increasingly desperate to find something to pin on Republicans; what with obama failing all over the place and the left-wing agenda falling apart
Why doesn't the shitbag OP show the video of Obama ridiculing Romney on "Russia" being a geopolitical threat....you know he was joking about the 80s coming back.

and he was supposed to HYPE the threat for political reasons?

You know like Robmoney was doing?

Robmoney was using a foreign policy issue to gain for himself.

Just like your war built on lies for oil.

republicans NEVER put country first.

They always put personal gain and profits first

leftard; if you ever grow up you'll admit obama was wrong and Romney was right on russia


dear brain washed right wing puppet.

Part of foreign policy is demplomacy.

Your just too stupid to grok that
and he was supposed to HYPE the threat for political reasons?

You know like Robmoney was doing?

Robmoney was using a foreign policy issue to gain for himself.

Just like your war built on lies for oil.

republicans NEVER put country first.

They always put personal gain and profits first

leftard; if you ever grow up you'll admit obama was wrong and Romney was right on russia


dear brain washed right wing puppet.

Part of foreign policy is demplomacy.

Your just too stupid to grok that

YOU POOR MORON; you get dumber by the day

must suck to know obama is inept huh?
People said the GOP is heartless and only want to help the rich. That they crush the poor and middle class in this country.

Well, Ukraine and Iraq prove that's just wrong.

Remember when Romney said he wanted to bring in immigrants with degrees but cut teachers in this country?


That's because he wanted to help foreigners.

Republicans fighting for the Keystone because they want to help foreigners by buying their oil.

Republicans lavished trillions on an ungrateful Iraq which is now a client state of Iran. They were determined to help Iraq even when Iraq never asked for it.

Republicans just voted to send enormous amounts of money to Ukraine.

House Republicans promise quick vote on 15 billion dollar Ukraine 'bailout package' | TheHill

Republican-Controlled House Rushes Through Ukraine Financial Aid Package | TheBlaze.com

See? Republicans will throw out money hand over fist. You just have to be a foreigner.

The Senate bill is larger,.....you know,.....the Senate controlled by Democrats.
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