What the Vox?!

You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

You do mind. It's obvious. You should have learned something on that playground. You will note...I didn't actually call you a wuss. I said you were acting like a wuss. Can you grasp the difference between the two?

I'm not scoring points. I'm giving you some information that might help you to deal with the issue that you have.
FYI - I do NOT have any "issues", period. I've been on forums for many years now. I've seen and heard it all. I look at it for what it is. Regardless of where you go on the internet, regardless of the type of forum you visit, and regardless of the people that take part in them, there's always going to be those that think name calling and personal attacks are the way to discuss and debate issues. It's always going to be that 10% that want to draw attention to themselves by whatever means they feel is necessary. I really believe that it makes them feel important, intelligent, or special in some way. For whatever reason, they feel that it's the way to conduct oneself on discussion forums. Personally, I fail to see where it enhances conversations, or where it adds to discussions and debates.

And, what's worse, most of these people are adults. One would think that adults would've stopped the childish school yard name calling years ago. And, NO, I do NOT mind it at all, I'm use to it. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen. I can handle myself on forums. And, I can do it without personal attacks and name calling. I'm an adult, not a child, as some on here appear to be. I just simply ask them to get it all off their chest and be done with it. I let him get it all out of their system. I encourage them to say anything they want to say, and then be done with it. Really, all of it is uncalled for. I doubt very many on these forums really know each other personally. Yet, because someone disagrees with them, they call them names and attack them instead of attacking the subject matter. Go figure. Very uncalled for and childish.

Thanks for you input, much appreciated.
No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

sure hope you got telling everyone to get it out of their system out of your system.

You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

sure hope you got telling everyone to get it out of their system out of your system.

Well, I doubt very seriously that anyone is going to stop. There's always going to be that 10% that insist on name calling and personal attacks. I'll just continue to encourage them to get it all out of their system until they say their peace. Nothing else to do except ignore them, which means one may be ignoring the majority of the people on public forums. No harm in allowing them their thrill and enjoyment. Obviously they get a lot out of it, or they wouldn't do it. By the way, you can ignore me if you're tired of hearing it. Please, feel free to do so. The last thing that I want to do is irritate anyone. I'm here for pleasant and civil conversations and discussions. I have no need to do otherwise.
Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

You do mind. It's obvious. You should have learned something on that playground. You will note...I didn't actually call you a wuss. I said you were acting like a wuss. Can you grasp the difference between the two?

I'm not scoring points. I'm giving you some information that might help you to deal with the issue that you have.
FYI - I do NOT have any "issues", period. I've been on forums for many years now. I've seen and heard it all. I look at it for what it is. Regardless of where you go on the internet, regardless of the type of forum you visit, and regardless of the people that take part in them, there's always going to be those that think name calling and personal attacks are the way to discuss and debate issues. It's always going to be that 10% that want to draw attention to themselves by whatever means they feel is necessary. I really believe that it makes them feel important, intelligent, or special in some way. For whatever reason, they feel that it's the way to conduct oneself on discussion forums. Personally, I fail to see where it enhances conversations, or where it adds to discussions and debates.

And, what's worse, most of these people are adults. One would think that adults would've stopped the childish school yard name calling years ago. And, NO, I do NOT mind it at all, I'm use to it. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen. I can handle myself on forums. And, I can do it without personal attacks and name calling. I'm an adult, not a child, as some on here appear to be. I just simply ask them to get it all off their chest and be done with it. I let him get it all out of their system. I encourage them to say anything they want to say, and then be done with it. Really, all of it is uncalled for. I doubt very many on these forums really know each other personally. Yet, because someone disagrees with them, they call them names and attack them instead of attacking the subject matter. Go figure. Very uncalled for and childish.

Thanks for you input, much appreciated.

You telling someone to "get it all off their chest" is just you playing the victim. I'm trying to get you to see that. In your mind....you are taking the high road.....being above it all. But...in reality...it comes off poorly. Especially when you go through that same routine in just about every thread that you join.

Clearly, you aren't one who thinks they have anything to learn. It is what it is.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

You do mind. It's obvious. You should have learned something on that playground. You will note...I didn't actually call you a wuss. I said you were acting like a wuss. Can you grasp the difference between the two?

I'm not scoring points. I'm giving you some information that might help you to deal with the issue that you have.
FYI - I do NOT have any "issues", period. I've been on forums for many years now. I've seen and heard it all. I look at it for what it is. Regardless of where you go on the internet, regardless of the type of forum you visit, and regardless of the people that take part in them, there's always going to be those that think name calling and personal attacks are the way to discuss and debate issues. It's always going to be that 10% that want to draw attention to themselves by whatever means they feel is necessary. I really believe that it makes them feel important, intelligent, or special in some way. For whatever reason, they feel that it's the way to conduct oneself on discussion forums. Personally, I fail to see where it enhances conversations, or where it adds to discussions and debates.

And, what's worse, most of these people are adults. One would think that adults would've stopped the childish school yard name calling years ago. And, NO, I do NOT mind it at all, I'm use to it. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen. I can handle myself on forums. And, I can do it without personal attacks and name calling. I'm an adult, not a child, as some on here appear to be. I just simply ask them to get it all off their chest and be done with it. I let him get it all out of their system. I encourage them to say anything they want to say, and then be done with it. Really, all of it is uncalled for. I doubt very many on these forums really know each other personally. Yet, because someone disagrees with them, they call them names and attack them instead of attacking the subject matter. Go figure. Very uncalled for and childish.

Thanks for you input, much appreciated.

You telling someone to "get it all off their chest" is just you playing the victim. I'm trying to get you to see that. In your mind....you are taking the high road.....being above it all. But...in reality...it comes off poorly. Especially when you go through that same routine in just about every thread that you join.

Clearly, you aren't one who thinks they have anything to learn. It is what it is.
I totally disagree. I am NOT a victim, by any stretch of the imagination. These people are everywhere, on all public forums. Everyone should know that going in. I certainly do, and did when I joined this forum two months ago. I've been doing this a long time. It's not a matter of being a victim, these people make everyone a victim. So, victim is not exactly the word I would use to describe the situation. In my mind, I'm just letting them, encouraging them, to continue if it makes them feel good. And, obviously, it does. I don't mind if they make a fool of themselves. I'm not taking any high road, I'm letting them know that it's really silly and uncalled for, whether they see that or not. I'm NOT above anything, but you're entitled to your opinion. It may come off poorly to you, but to me, it's going along with those that engage in such childishness, and encouraging them to have fun and feel intelligent and important. And, obviously it does make them feel important, intelligent, and makes their day. If not, they wouldn't do it.

I go through the same routine because they go through the same routine. It's a pat response to their pat attack and name calling. They say "stupid", "fool", "idiot", "Nazi", "dumbmocrat", "libtard", and other names that are their trade mark. They never change. Anyone that disagrees with them, is automatically stupid, a liberal, a Nazi, an idiot, or other childish names. I'm sure that you've seen it many times yourself. They can NOT discuss issues in a civil and adult manner. They don't want to. They do NOT want pleasant conversation. They are on forums to play, to insult, to attempt being intelligent and important, period. I believe that you know exactly what I'm talking about.

So, I just play along with them, encourage them, and let them have their fun. Besides, they're going to do it anyway. It's their purpose and intent on these discussion forums. I've been on enough forums over the years to know what I'm talking about. There's always going to be that 10% that can NOT discuss issues in a pleasant and civil manner. I respect your opinion, and your right to express it. Thanks for the input.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

You do mind. It's obvious. You should have learned something on that playground. You will note...I didn't actually call you a wuss. I said you were acting like a wuss. Can you grasp the difference between the two?

I'm not scoring points. I'm giving you some information that might help you to deal with the issue that you have.
FYI - I do NOT have any "issues", period. I've been on forums for many years now. I've seen and heard it all. I look at it for what it is. Regardless of where you go on the internet, regardless of the type of forum you visit, and regardless of the people that take part in them, there's always going to be those that think name calling and personal attacks are the way to discuss and debate issues. It's always going to be that 10% that want to draw attention to themselves by whatever means they feel is necessary. I really believe that it makes them feel important, intelligent, or special in some way. For whatever reason, they feel that it's the way to conduct oneself on discussion forums. Personally, I fail to see where it enhances conversations, or where it adds to discussions and debates.

And, what's worse, most of these people are adults. One would think that adults would've stopped the childish school yard name calling years ago. And, NO, I do NOT mind it at all, I'm use to it. I'd be shocked if it didn't happen. I can handle myself on forums. And, I can do it without personal attacks and name calling. I'm an adult, not a child, as some on here appear to be. I just simply ask them to get it all off their chest and be done with it. I let him get it all out of their system. I encourage them to say anything they want to say, and then be done with it. Really, all of it is uncalled for. I doubt very many on these forums really know each other personally. Yet, because someone disagrees with them, they call them names and attack them instead of attacking the subject matter. Go figure. Very uncalled for and childish.

Thanks for you input, much appreciated.

You telling someone to "get it all off their chest" is just you playing the victim. I'm trying to get you to see that. In your mind....you are taking the high road.....being above it all. But...in reality...it comes off poorly. Especially when you go through that same routine in just about every thread that you join.

Clearly, you aren't one who thinks they have anything to learn. It is what it is.
WRONG. I learn something each and every day. I learn a lot from others on these forums, and have been doing so for many years now.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has lost 20 percent of its military capabilities since the start of U.S.-led coalition air strikes in September, General Mansour Al-Jbour, head of the Royal Jordanian Air Force, said in a press conference on Sunday.

Jordan has carried out nearly 20 percent of the total sorties conducted by the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS in Syria to date, Jbour said, adding that they had been careful not to hit any civilians.


And he still won't call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. And when Islamic terrorists attack a Jewish deli, he calls it "randomly shooting." WTF? Couldn't be more delusional and out of touch.
Did you ever hear a President call a KKK killing "Christian terrorism"?

See how that works?

Ummmmmm, this is 2015
And the year 2015 somehow means something in relation to the point?


Terrorism is terrorism. It is done by criminals. It sure does seem convenient that only NOW do you want to attach the religion of the terrorists to the label.

If we talk about how Klansmen lynched negroes, don't be saying "Christian terrorists". But if an ISIS soldier beheads someone, let's make sure everyone knows he's a MUSLIM terrorist, amiright?

Because what this is really all about is smearing ALL Muslims in the end.

I live now bonehead.

Are you really that dense?
WRONG. I learn something each and every day.....

Here's your chance for today!

Which Beatle made lots of commercials for apple juice in Japan?
WOW !! - That's a tough one. Do I get a hint? Multiple choice? Give me something, please. Ok, a guess: John?


(sounds just like the word for "Apple" in Japanese)
Very interesting. I had no idea. I was taking a wild guess. You taught me something. Thanks. I haven't followed them for years now. I do remember watching them in 1964 when they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. I liked some of their songs also. Been years though since I really paid any attention to them. Thanks for the lesson.
WRONG. I learn something each and every day.....

Here's your chance for today!

Which Beatle made lots of commercials for apple juice in Japan?
WOW !! - That's a tough one. Do I get a hint? Multiple choice? Give me something, please. Ok, a guess: John?


(sounds just like the word for "Apple" in Japanese)
Does that mean the Japanese word for apple is lingo?
WRONG. I learn something each and every day.....

Here's your chance for today!

Which Beatle made lots of commercials for apple juice in Japan?
WOW !! - That's a tough one. Do I get a hint? Multiple choice? Give me something, please. Ok, a guess: John?


(sounds just like the word for "Apple" in Japanese)
Very interesting. I had no idea. I was taking a wild guess. You taught me something. Thanks. I haven't followed them for years now. I do remember watching them in 1964 when they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. I liked some of their songs also. Been years though since I really paid any attention to them. Thanks for the lesson.

Glad to be of service!

obama in a new interview trying to play off Islamic terrorism as no big deal, just something being hyped by the media. He just can't figure why 'the media' (his own fucking lapdogs, no less) is spending so much time on stories about people being beheaded or burned to death in cages by these fucking terrorist animals instead of covering 'important' news about supposed climate change. Could this jackass be any more out of touch? Maybe time to stop playing golf and look around for five fucking minutes.

And this incompetent, irresponsible, POS was elected twice?

If it bleeds it leads... Of course these are terrorists that we helped create, so I'll chalk it up to national pride. Why would you be worried about muslims killing muslims over on the other side of the globe.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group has lost 20 percent of its military capabilities since the start of U.S.-led coalition air strikes in September, General Mansour Al-Jbour, head of the Royal Jordanian Air Force, said in a press conference on Sunday.

Jordan has carried out nearly 20 percent of the total sorties conducted by the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS in Syria to date, Jbour said, adding that they had been careful not to hit any civilians.


And he still won't call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. And when Islamic terrorists attack a Jewish deli, he calls it "randomly shooting." WTF? Couldn't be more delusional and out of touch.
Did you ever hear a President call a KKK killing "Christian terrorism"?

See how that works?

Ummmmmm, this is 2015
And the year 2015 somehow means something in relation to the point?


Terrorism is terrorism. It is done by criminals. It sure does seem convenient that only NOW do you want to attach the religion of the terrorists to the label.

If we talk about how Klansmen lynched negroes, don't be saying "Christian terrorists". But if an ISIS soldier beheads someone, let's make sure everyone knows he's a MUSLIM terrorist, amiright?

Because what this is really all about is smearing ALL Muslims in the end.

What a moron.

It is Islamic Terrorism, and yes the Obambi downplayed it.

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