What the Vox?!

uh huh, I see.


I see you're a complete IDIOT incapable of complex thought.

couple of days :eusa_dance:, roger that ! :woohoo:
Thanks. Got it all off your chest now? Care to add more childish silly comments? Feel better? Did saying that make your day?

When are you going to stop playing the victim?
What? Victim? What are you talking about? I'm NOT playing anything. You called me an idiot. So, I asked if it made your day, or made you feel better. Also, I asked if there was anything else you had to say along those lines. If so, go ahead and get it all off your chest. If it feels good, do it.

No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Really? Gee. What a surprise to learn that. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Oh, and by the way, our young men and women of the armed forces aren't toy soldiers either.

No, we aren't. Yet chickenhawks like you wanted us to go to war with everything that moves.
FYI - I'm NOT a chicken hawk. And, I never wanted us, or anyone else to go to war with anything that moves. That would be kinda ridiculous.
It sure does seem convenient that only NOW do you want to attach the religion of the terrorists to the label....

It's the terrorists who want to attach the label.

Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.

Who isn't calling them terrorists?

Weak, transparent nonsense is to be expected from the likes of you.

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?
Thanks. Got it all off your chest now? Care to add more childish silly comments? Feel better? Did saying that make your day?

When are you going to stop playing the victim?
What? Victim? What are you talking about? I'm NOT playing anything. You called me an idiot. So, I asked if it made your day, or made you feel better. Also, I asked if there was anything else you had to say along those lines. If so, go ahead and get it all off your chest. If it feels good, do it.

No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!
It's the terrorists who want to attach the label.

Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.

Who isn't calling them terrorists?

Weak, transparent nonsense is to be expected from the likes of you.

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

Your straw man is embarrassed to be used in such a childishly obvious manner. You fail.
A "day or two"
Sure. Why not? Do you not think and believe that we have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything anywhere? We can totally wipe a country off the face of the Earth if we wanted to. We are fighting with little more than we did in WWII. We're putting soldiers on the ground with rifles and tanks. We're using air power at its very minimum. We're toying with the enemy. What did we do in Viet Nam? What did we do in Iraq? In Afghanistan? We played for awhile and then picked up our marbles and went home. We sacrifice our young men and women of the armed forces while we let technology and sophisticated weaponry collect dust.

OK, so you want to nuke the entire region and all of the civilians too?

No offense, I'd prefer to leave the war planning to others.
A "day or two"
Sure. Why not? Do you not think and believe that we have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything anywhere? We can totally wipe a country off the face of the Earth if we wanted to. We are fighting with little more than we did in WWII. We're putting soldiers on the ground with rifles and tanks. We're using air power at its very minimum. We're toying with the enemy. What did we do in Viet Nam? What did we do in Iraq? In Afghanistan? We played for awhile and then picked up our marbles and went home. We sacrifice our young men and women of the armed forces while we let technology and sophisticated weaponry collect dust.

OK, so you want to nuke the entire region and all of the civilians too?

No offense, I'd prefer to leave the war planning to others.
I don't condone nukes. I have never ever said anything about nukes, nor have I implied nukes. I believe nukes should never be used. They destroy everything, including animals, buildings, people, the environment, lakes, rivers, and anything else you can name.

OK, so what is your plan for taking out ISIS in "a day or two" without nukes?
Use EVERYTHING we have ( except nukes ). We have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything and anyone very quickly. We have the technology to locate them, the technology to track them, and the weapons to destroy them.

I believe that you overestimate our capabilities.
It sure does seem convenient that only NOW do you want to attach the religion of the terrorists to the label....

It's the terrorists who want to attach the label.

Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.
Are you really this retarded?

You actually are so stupid that you think not calling the terrorists "Muslims terrorists" and just calling them "terrorists" is NOT calling them terrorists?

When are you going to stop playing the victim?
What? Victim? What are you talking about? I'm NOT playing anything. You called me an idiot. So, I asked if it made your day, or made you feel better. Also, I asked if there was anything else you had to say along those lines. If so, go ahead and get it all off your chest. If it feels good, do it.

No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
It's the terrorists who want to attach the label.

Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.

Who isn't calling them terrorists?

Weak, transparent nonsense is to be expected from the likes of you.

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...
Here's Obama not calling the terrorists terrorists:
First, we will conduct a systematic campaign of airstrikes against these terrorists. Working with the Iraqi government, we will expand our efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions, so that we're hitting ISIL targets as Iraqi forces go on offense. Moreover, I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.
Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.

Who isn't calling them terrorists?

Weak, transparent nonsense is to be expected from the likes of you.

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

Your straw man is embarrassed to be used in such a childishly obvious manner. You fail.

Say what? You partying this early?
Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...

Did I call it, or what?

A couple weeks ago, when post after post of Muslims condemning the attacks in Paris were being placed on this forum, I said the retards will cover their eyes and would in a couple weeks be saying no Muslims are condemning the terrorists.
Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.

Who isn't calling them terrorists?

Weak, transparent nonsense is to be expected from the likes of you.

Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...

Find me one. Let's see if you can find a Muslim who doesn't call ISIS a terrorist organization.
Ah. The same dipshit was called on his bullshit not long ago by me:

if one believes in Islam then one believes in the Koran and jihad....the Koran mandates jihad whether it be stealth or violent....

this is not Islamic "extremism"......it's part and parcel of the Koran.....which is why most muslims wont' protest against the violence of jihad......the violence is mandated in the Koran etc. and is inherent in the religion of Islam.......this is why the Egyptian leader wants muslim religious leaders to REFORM Islam....in order to stop the 7th century madness....
Your ignorance knows no bounds.

After a few of us posted links to stories of Muslims all over the world condemning these recent attacks, I predicted it wouldn't take long for dipshits to be claiming that no Muslims voiced their opposition to these recent attacks, and along you come to fulfill that prediction.

I'd like to say I am a genius for making that prediction, but unfortunately you bigots are all too predictable. Your post was as inevitable as the rising sun.

As for jihad, it is a personal interior struggle against one's sinful nature and temptations. It is not an attack on innocents. The Qu'ran specifically forbids the killing of innocents. It even says not to harm so much as a tree.

Your ignorance is deep.
And he still won't call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. And when Islamic terrorists attack a Jewish deli, he calls it "randomly shooting." WTF? Couldn't be more delusional and out of touch.

What does ISIL stand for?

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

What'? ISLAMIC??? You mean Obama calls them ISLAMIC every time he mentions their name? No fucking way!!!

you ask what ISIL stood for. The only person that mentioned Obama was you.

confusing isn't it?
Sure. Why not? Do you not think and believe that we have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything anywhere? We can totally wipe a country off the face of the Earth if we wanted to. We are fighting with little more than we did in WWII. We're putting soldiers on the ground with rifles and tanks. We're using air power at its very minimum. We're toying with the enemy. What did we do in Viet Nam? What did we do in Iraq? In Afghanistan? We played for awhile and then picked up our marbles and went home. We sacrifice our young men and women of the armed forces while we let technology and sophisticated weaponry collect dust.

OK, so you want to nuke the entire region and all of the civilians too?

No offense, I'd prefer to leave the war planning to others.
Sure. Why not? Do you not think and believe that we have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything anywhere? We can totally wipe a country off the face of the Earth if we wanted to. We are fighting with little more than we did in WWII. We're putting soldiers on the ground with rifles and tanks. We're using air power at its very minimum. We're toying with the enemy. What did we do in Viet Nam? What did we do in Iraq? In Afghanistan? We played for awhile and then picked up our marbles and went home. We sacrifice our young men and women of the armed forces while we let technology and sophisticated weaponry collect dust.

OK, so you want to nuke the entire region and all of the civilians too?

No offense, I'd prefer to leave the war planning to others.
I don't condone nukes. I have never ever said anything about nukes, nor have I implied nukes. I believe nukes should never be used. They destroy everything, including animals, buildings, people, the environment, lakes, rivers, and anything else you can name.

OK, so what is your plan for taking out ISIS in "a day or two" without nukes?
Use EVERYTHING we have ( except nukes ). We have the technology and weaponry to destroy anything and anyone very quickly. We have the technology to locate them, the technology to track them, and the weapons to destroy them.

I believe that you overestimate our capabilities.
Maybe. There's a lot that we don't know about our capabilities. But, we do have satellites that can read a date on a dime from out in space, we have planes that can strike a precise target, we have sophisticated drones, we have tracking devices that can detect movement from miles away, and other technology that can do a lot of damage in a hurry. And, yes, we probably do have weapons that are top secret. At any rate, we do not need to continue fighting like we did in WWII, and sacrificing soldiers needlessly.
Here's my prediction:
The airwaves have been filled with Muslims condemning these attacks.

I do not watch Fox News. Have they aired any Muslims condemning these attacks? Or are they going to wait a few months and do the same shit they always do; ask their rube audience, "Where are the Muslims condemning these attacks?" Or maybe they will go out and find some shithead Muslim with radical views and see if they can get him to say something inflammatory, with the implication that is how a majority of Muslims think.

The ones condemning these acts are everywhere. You know...if you LOOK.

Muslim Leaders Speak Out Against Paris Attack

ScreamingEagle has fulfilled the prediction.
Muslim Community In France Mourns Mass Shooting Victims

MESSAOUDENE: Well, yesterday there was a huge gathering in front of La Tutelaire de Saint-Denis (ph). Muslims are of course upset and sad about what happened. This doesn't deal with religion. This has nothing to do with Islam. This is a crime.

MESSAOUDENE: I'm not comfortable with the idea that we have to ask the Muslim people to prove that they are condemning what happened, to prove that they are against violence, to prove that they are for democracy. We don't - I don't have to apologize for what happened two days ago. For me, the two killers that killed 12 people two days ago are not Muslim.

MESSAOUDENE: No, for me, they are not Muslim. You can't kill someone in the name of Islam or in the name of any other religion. So they are not Muslims. These are fanatics. And we don't have to put all the Muslims in the same bag.
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It sure does seem convenient that only NOW do you want to attach the religion of the terrorists to the label....

It's the terrorists who want to attach the label.

Which is exactly why we should not.

The KKK wanted everyone to believe they were the good and pure Christians. We would never give them that rhetorical victory, nor should we play into ISIS's hands, either.

I don't know why you simpletons don't get this.
Why not just call it what it is? What's the harm is calling terrorists, terrorists? Why sugar coat the obvious? They're not sensitive to word play anyway. They're inhumane barbaric animalistic savages. Denying their self-proclaimed agenda and religion is not helping the cause.
Are you really this retarded?

You actually are so stupid that you think not calling the terrorists "Muslims terrorists" and just calling them "terrorists" is NOT calling them terrorists?

I have never ever said that, nor have I implied that. Obviously, you have mistaken me for someone else. Care to show where I have ever said such? Please, show the quote. Thanks.
Willfully blind and stupid monkeys.

Where are the ragheads condeming these acts?

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