What the Vox?!

And he still won't call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. And when Islamic terrorists attack a Jewish deli, he calls it "randomly shooting." WTF? Couldn't be more delusional and out of touch.

PM Erdogan The Term Moderate Islam Is Ugly And Offensive There Is No Moderate Islam Islam Is Islam

Reacting to the term, "Islamic terrorism," Erdoğan stated,

Such a definition saddens not only the Muslims, but also those who believe in other religions. No religion permits terrorism. Therefore, it is very ugly to put the word Islam before terrorism. You may say religious terrorist but you can't say Islamic terrorist.

Reacting to the term, "moderate Islam," Erdoğan stated,

Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam prevails. This expression is wrong. The word Islam is uninflected, it is only Islam. If you say moderate Islam, then an alternative is created, and that is immoderate Islam. As a Muslim, I can't accept such a concept. Islam rejects extreme concepts. I am not an extreme Muslim. We are Muslims who have found a middle road.

More from Erdogan:

"Moderate Islam is a term open for discussion. I would like to correct this. There is no need to place a new term before or after Islam. Islam means peace. Therefore, Islam refuses all radicalism. Islam is against all forms of fanaticism. According to Islamic teachings, the murder of one equals the murder of all globally. We do not need the term moderate Islam to explain the true spirit of Islam,' told Erdogan. … Terms like Islamic terror and Islam's terror are wrong. Such an attitude towards other religions is also wrong and unacceptable. No religion can tolerate terror. Just as we can not talk aboutChristian terrorism or Jewish terrorism, we can not talk about Islamic terror. Some terrorists may come up from certain Muslim, Christian or Jewish groups. Yet, we can not hold a whole religion responsible for the acts of a few individuals. This hurts honest and devoted people and is wrong. This is what the terrorists are striving for."
Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...

Did I call it, or what?

A couple weeks ago, when post after post of Muslims condemning the attacks in Paris were being placed on this forum, I said the retards will cover their eyes and would in a couple weeks be saying no Muslims are condemning the terrorists.

there are a few muslims who condemn it.....very few.....kudos to Sisi and the king of Jordan.....there are lots of reasons muslims kill muslims.....Egypt has always hated the Brotherhood and Jordan is fighting for its very existence...however as a whole the muslim world still believes in the Koran which says to kill the non-believers....
Good one. Who isn't calling the terrorists,,,terrorists?

silent muslims everywhere...

Did I call it, or what?

A couple weeks ago, when post after post of Muslims condemning the attacks in Paris were being placed on this forum, I said the retards will cover their eyes and would in a couple weeks be saying no Muslims are condemning the terrorists.

there are a few muslims who condemn it.....very few.....kudos to Sisi and the king of Jordan.....there are lots of reasons muslims kill muslims.....Egypt has always hated the Brotherhood and Jordan is fighting for its very existence...however as a whole the muslim world still believes in the Koran which says to kill the non-believers....

been over the non believer BS long ago ..

The Qur'an tells muslims to kill non-believers, only in times of war, if muslims are provoked then we can fight back. We are not allowed to provoke them. If they leave islam and then start to attack muslims then yes we are allowed to fight them, and fighting brings killing.
PM Erdogan The Term Moderate Islam Is Ugly And Offensive There Is No Moderate Islam Islam Is Islam

Reacting to the term, "Islamic terrorism," Erdoğan stated,

Such a definition saddens not only the Muslims, but also those who believe in other religions. No religion permits terrorism. Therefore, it is very ugly to put the word Islam before terrorism. You may say religious terrorist but you can't say Islamic terrorist.

Reacting to the term, "moderate Islam," Erdoğan stated,

Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam prevails. This expression is wrong. The word Islam is uninflected, it is only Islam. If you say moderate Islam, then an alternative is created, and that is immoderate Islam. As a Muslim, I can't accept such a concept. Islam rejects extreme concepts. I am not an extreme Muslim. We are Muslims who have found a middle road.

More from Erdogan:

"Moderate Islam is a term open for discussion. I would like to correct this. There is no need to place a new term before or after Islam. Islam means peace. Therefore, Islam refuses all radicalism. Islam is against all forms of fanaticism. According to Islamic teachings, the murder of one equals the murder of all globally. We do not need the term moderate Islam to explain the true spirit of Islam,' told Erdogan. … Terms like Islamic terror and Islam's terror are wrong. Such an attitude towards other religions is also wrong and unacceptable. No religion can tolerate terror. Just as we can not talk aboutChristian terrorism or Jewish terrorism, we can not talk about Islamic terror. Some terrorists may come up from certain Muslim, Christian or Jewish groups. Yet, we can not hold a whole religion responsible for the acts of a few individuals. This hurts honest and devoted people and is wrong. This is what the terrorists are striving for."
Islam does not mean 'peace'......it means 'submission'.....

The Myth:

Lesser educated Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.

The Truth:

An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.

Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.

TheReligionofPeace - Myths of Islam

obama in a new interview trying to play off Islamic terrorism as no big deal, just something being hyped by the media. He just can't figure why 'the media' (his own fucking lapdogs, no less) is spending so much time on stories about people being beheaded or burned to death in cages by these fucking terrorist animals instead of covering 'important' news about supposed climate change. Could this jackass be any more out of touch? Maybe time to stop playing golf and look around for five fucking minutes.

And this incompetent, irresponsible, POS was elected twice?

Obama referred to ISIS as "folks" when discussing them in an interview. His spokesman also said that the WH believes the Paris attacks were random. Yup, just some gang randomly killing people and it had nothing to do with their religion. They weren't even terrorists.

I think Obama is doing PR for the radical Muslims. Heck, he doesn't even want us to criticize radicals. We shouldn't get on a high horse and condemn the savages who are brutally beheading gays, slaughtering Christians and burning people alive. Obama acted like none of us have room to talk about those murderers, as if they aren't doing anything everyone else hasn't done.
Its all about him don't you know, the media reporting on ISIS burning people alive, killing kids, the king of Jordan taking action, they are making the man child look bad so he's whining about it. Some dumb ass liberal stooge was on Fox yesterday trying to make the argument that we should be more focused on the flu than on ISIS because it was a bigger threat. That tells you just how mentally retarded these liberals are.
obama in a new interview trying to play off Islamic terrorism as no big deal, just something being hyped by the media. He just can't figure why 'the media' (his own fucking lapdogs, no less) is spending so much time on stories about people being beheaded or burned to death in cages by these fucking terrorist animals instead of covering 'important' news about supposed climate change. Could this jackass be any more out of touch? Maybe time to stop playing golf and look around for five fucking minutes.

And this incompetent, irresponsible, POS was elected twice?

Obama referred to ISIS as "folks" when discussing them in an interview. His spokesman also said that the WH believes the Paris attacks were random. Yup, just some gang randomly killing people and it had nothing to do with their religion. They weren't even terrorists.

I think Obama is doing PR for the radical Muslims. Heck, he doesn't even want us to criticize radicals. We shouldn't get on a high horse and condemn the savages who are brutally beheading gays, slaughtering Christians and burning people alive. Obama acted like none of us have room to talk about those murderers, as if they aren't doing anything everyone else hasn't done.


makes you wonder how RW's make it home after dark doesn't it?
obama in a new interview trying to play off Islamic terrorism as no big deal, just something being hyped by the media. He just can't figure why 'the media' (his own fucking lapdogs, no less) is spending so much time on stories about people being beheaded or burned to death in cages by these fucking terrorist animals instead of covering 'important' news about supposed climate change. Could this jackass be any more out of touch? Maybe time to stop playing golf and look around for five fucking minutes.

And this incompetent, irresponsible, POS was elected twice?

Obama referred to ISIS as "folks" when discussing them in an interview. His spokesman also said that the WH believes the Paris attacks were random. Yup, just some gang randomly killing people and it had nothing to do with their religion. They weren't even terrorists.

I think Obama is doing PR for the radical Muslims. Heck, he doesn't even want us to criticize radicals. We shouldn't get on a high horse and condemn the savages who are brutally beheading gays, slaughtering Christians and burning people alive. Obama acted like none of us have room to talk about those murderers, as if they aren't doing anything everyone else hasn't done.
When you lie and mischaracterize you are helping the terrorists. True story.
What? Victim? What are you talking about? I'm NOT playing anything. You called me an idiot. So, I asked if it made your day, or made you feel better. Also, I asked if there was anything else you had to say along those lines. If so, go ahead and get it all off your chest. If it feels good, do it.

No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.
And he still won't call Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists. And when Islamic terrorists attack a Jewish deli, he calls it "randomly shooting." WTF? Couldn't be more delusional and out of touch.

What does ISIL stand for?

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

What'? ISLAMIC??? You mean Obama calls them ISLAMIC every time he mentions their name? No fucking way!!!

you ask what ISIL stood for. The only person that mentioned Obama was you.

confusing isn't it?

You might want to get that sarcasm meter worked on.

you are a gullible idiot...this proves nothing....the Koran remains the same..

And screaming eagle would know because he/she has studied the Koran soooooo extensively.

did you know the Great Prophet Muhammad started 65 military campaigns.....? Islam is a religion of the sword...

did you know that for 4 centuries after the Great Prophet Muhammad his followers plundered and killed and enslaved Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists all over....?....until finally the Crusades started.... which is when the Christians finally started to fight back...

To this day the Muslim world has never apologized for its Jihad and enslavement of others.....

There is not another religion in the world that consistently produces terrorism in the name of God as does Islam....

It would be great if there they had a Reformation....but nothing much of that yet...
No...that was someone else.

But...I've seen you get all huffy and ask "if you have any more childish insults...get it off your chest....blah...blah....blah.." Several times already. Stop being a baby and just let the insults glide like us adults. You come off like a passive aggressive loser very time you do that.
You're entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. Anything else that you'd like to add? Please, don't hold back. Go ahead and get all of it off your chest.

Nice! You did it again...just for me! I'm sure you will be more aware of when you are being repetitive and whiny. You can thank me later.
Thank you for what? Thank you for the sarcastic and childish comments? Pleeeeeeasee !!!!!!

No. For cluing you in to the fact that you have been sounding like a wuss every time someone insults you.
Very good. Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion. Now that you feel that you've done your good deed for today, anything else that you'd like to express while you're at it? Please, don't hold back. FYI - When they insult me, it says a lot more about them than it does about me. What they do is childish and silly. It's the same as kids arguing on the playground at school. When they can no longer engage in a civil debate, or a pleasant conversation, they feel that the only thing left is to attack the person instead of attacking the subject matter. It's really very common on forums. I've seen it for many years now. But, you go ahead and call me a wuss, or any other name that pleases you, I don't mind. It's just par for the course on these forums. And, if you think it makes you look good, or scores points for you, then by all means continue.

You do mind. It's obvious. You should have learned something on that playground. You will note...I didn't actually call you a wuss. I said you were acting like a wuss. Can you grasp the difference between the two?

I'm not scoring points. I'm giving you some information that might help you to deal with the issue that you have.

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