What the world will look like if all the ice melted.

To achieve that, earth would have to have two polar oceans.

Earth with two polar oceans has no ice.

Earth with two antarcticas would have 80% ++ more ice

It is about where land is and land moves

Earth ice

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland

If earth had ocean where Greenland and Antarctica are now, it would have 97% ++ less ice than today.

Co2 does nothing

What the world will look like if all the ice melted.​

Think anyone will stay and drown? We are a very adaptable animal and capable of adapting to a gradual rise in sea levels.

Doomsday scenario

A Yellowstone sized volcano goes off on Antarctica

Ocean rises 20 feet in 4 days.
There could be a good side to it. It may restore a lot of estuary systems that were destroyed by flood control projects.

No more Florida....so sad...
Pretty silly considering it would require all of Antarctica to melt, which of course isn’t ever going to happen because of the location and elevation.

Still, it would wipe out nearly all of China (Most their people live in the east), so that would be a good thing.
Pretty silly considering it would require all of Antarctica to melt, which of course isn’t ever going to happen because of the location and elevation.

Still, it would wipe out nearly all of China (Most their people live in the east), so that would be a good thing.

During the entire duration of the co2 fraud, every year Antarctic ice has grown.

We won that in court in 2007

NOAA admitted it two years ago

This thing is such an obvious fraud, an "under 5 IQ" fraud...
New cities will be built in the decades or centuries it would take.
For every inch of current shoreline lost an inch of new shoreline will be created.
(For the other morons too)
Not true.
If All the Ice melting would raise sea level 230.'
No more Florida... Peninsula at all.
No, NO more shoreline to replace '3 sided Florida.' Not even close you DOPE.

Basically no more anything East Coast.... Well West of i95 and Much LESS LAND overall.

No more Gulf Coast and all cities thereon.

No more NYC.

No more Houston (79')

No more San Francisco (52 feet)

No more London 36'

No more Shanghai (26 million people)

etc, etc, etc,

BTW, F*** ALL of you 12 IQ MAGAt Dopes.

EDIT: Especially Demented Old Diaper-man Westwall.

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(For the other morons too)
Not true.
If All the Ice melting would raise sea level 230.'
No more Florida... Peninsula at all.
No, NO more shoreline to replace '3 sided Florida.' Not even close you DOPE.

Basically no more anything East Coast.... Well East of i95 and Much LESS LAND overall.

No more Gulf Coast and all cities thereon.

No more NYC.

No more Houston (79')

No more San Francisco (52 feet)

No more London 36'

No more Shanghai (26 million people)

etc, etc, etc,

BTW, F*** ALL of you 12 IQ MAGAt Dopes.

EDIT: Especially Demented Old Diaper-man Westwall.

Been listening to that bullshit for over 50 years

Miami still above sea level.

London still above sea level.

NYC still above sea level.

Los angeles and San Franfreako still above seal level.

Shanghai still above sea level.

Go fuck yourself, Chicken Little.
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