What type of gun control / legislation would remove guns from the possession of criminals?

What type of gun control / legislation would remove guns from the possession of criminals?​

Care to tackle the premise of the thread?

I feel honored you would resurrect a 3 year old thread just for me. Sort of scary how much you think about me.

The answer to your question is NONE. Thus the reason I do not support any new laws or regulations and think we already have too many.

But your question brings two things to mind....

First, it is terrible logic and I makes me cringe when people use it. The same can be said of any crime. There is no law that stops anyone from driving 100 MPH down a city street or stops anyone from robbing a bank or committing any crime. Should we use your logic and get rid of all laws since they do not stop someone from doing harm?

Second, there is no law/legislation that removes drugs from the possession of those that want to use them. Yet you strongly support laws that try and do that. You are basically a two faced hypocrite
“GUN CONTROL” is such a catch phrase for the LefTarded bunch....it sounds so neat and gets them all giddy....BUT, what would a Bill look like that would effectively remove guns from the perpetrators of gun related crime?

What removes guns from the hands of criminals is actually arresting criminals THEN charging them with illegal possession of firearms an THEN sending their asses to federal prison for 5 years
I feel honored you would resurrect a 3 year old thread just for me. Sort of scary how much you think about me.

The answer to your question is NONE. Thus the reason I do not support any new laws or regulations and think we already have too many.

But your question brings two things to mind....

First, it is terrible logic and I makes me cringe when people use it. The same can be said of any crime. There is no law that stops anyone from driving 100 MPH down a city street or stops anyone from robbing a bank or committing any crime. Should we use your logic and get rid of all laws since they do not stop someone from doing harm?

Second, there is no law/legislation that removes drugs from the possession of those that want to use them. Yet you strongly support laws that try and do that. You are basically a two faced hypocrite
It’s sad that you can’t make a very simple distinction….
Your founders granted you the right to own guns….they did not grant you the right to do drugs…probably because the smart motherfuckers knew how an impaired society would function.

You owning a gun has no impact on my life, you glamorizing and using drugs has a tremendous impact on my life and society as a whole.
The fundamental purpose of law is to protect the the interests of the general public and to keep a civil first world society civil and first world….What do you think a society full of stoned unmotivated drug addicts looks like?
Most of us learned this shit by third grade..
It’s sad that you can’t make a very simple distinction….
Your founders granted you the right to own guns….they did not grant you the right to do drugs…probably because the smart motherfuckers knew how an impaired society would function.

You are a confused person. The founders did not grant anyone the right to own guns, they kept the Govt from taking away what was already your right.

They also did not give the Govt the power to tell people what they could and could not put in their bodies. They left that up to the individual.

You owning a gun has no impact on my life, you glamorizing and using drugs has a tremendous impact on my life and society as a whole.

Nope. Someone choosing to smoke a joint in their living room has no more impact on you than someone cleaning their gun in their living room.
You are a confused person. The founders did not grant anyone the right to own guns, they kept the Govt from taking away what was already your right.
Spin it however you can…this reads like a granted right to me.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
They also did not give the Govt the power to tell people what they could and could not put in their bodies. They left that up to the individual.
Enumerated Powers
18. Authority to create laws that are necessary and proper to carry out the laws of the land
(keep a civil first world society civil and first world)
Nope. Someone choosing to smoke a joint in their living room has no more impact on you than someone cleaning their gun in their living room.
Hahaha….nice spin, you Lefties are such myopic thinkers, you can’t see past your nose when seeking justification for your filthy bullshit.
Banning all weapons of war would do it. We did it before we will do it again.
That will get dark democrats, the real threat, to walk in to police precincts and turn in their AK-47’s and AR-15’s?
We already have it:
Posession of a firearm by a prohibited person is a felony.
Thus, you catch a prohibited person with a gun, you remove it, and prosecute the criminal.
Spin it however you can…this reads like a granted right to me.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Of course it sounds like it is being granted to you, you are a big Govt lover that thinks all your rights are based on the Govt handing them to you.
We already have it:
Posession of a firearm by a prohibited person is a felony.
Thus, you catch a prohibited person with a gun, you remove it, and prosecute the criminal.
Or you know, you fail to catch them and they gun-up 30 children and commit suicide.
Or you know, you fail to catch them and they gun-up 30 children and commit suicide.
As it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking another law, there's not much you can do about that -- especially of the person in question is not a prohibited person .
Of course it sounds like it is being granted to you, you are a big Govt lover that thinks all your rights are based on the Govt handing them to you.
Hahaha…trust me bud, I’m all for self governing when possible. Unfortunately we aren’t a white nation in Little House On The Prairie times anymore….in large part, our nation has become a thirdworld shithole…without laws and governance we’d quickly become a cross between Liberia and Honduras….Face it, the quality of the average American is deep in the shitter….sorry bud.
I would not trust you if you told me the sun came up this morning.

The average American is about 3 levels above you.
I’ll take that post as yet another concession.
I’ll be here all day teaching ignorant, misguided fools shit. You’re welcome.
The first thing you have to do is enforce the laws on the books and maybe build more prisons. The strange thing is that the Obama administration sent thousands of illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and at least one of the weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer but nobody seems interested in prosecuting the people who were involved in the gun running scheme.
Banning feminism, critical theory and making stronger families would go along ways towards solving this mass shooting problem. Boys need dads.

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