What typical leftists are. Especially American leftists.

That is as morally serious as it gets for right-wingers. Can they be any more serious in abortion threads?
White Prog Socialist women are the death knell of America. It has brought in Black Prog Socialist women who are morons in power. Destruction everywhere envelops the land as acceptance of chaos and no civility is the rule. city after city. Community after community. The same results. Police and fire departments infected with this in their leadership with the mayors and all others. Non progs...leave these places. If you can and you are not in privileged employment. Use your senses of course with that decision. Biden is not what he spouts. Come on Putin.
Y'all need to get the Constitution amended so that foreign born individuals can run for the US presidency. Only Putin can make America great again.
You're so wrong. The Constitution was written by communists, which is why Trump should end its rule. The Founding Fathers were communists too. It's time to face this sad truth.
How can anyone type such gutter lies like this. Communism was invented in your wonderful country. Too bad Hitler let those Frankfurt School bastards escape.

Oh, now you're showing your true colors by applauding Hitler for murdering political opponents. Good job showing the world what the American right has become.
Can you read? Hitler didn't murder them, they escaped to the USA.

You said "too bad he let them escape", which implies you would have approved of them being murdered.
Can you please go to the middle east and join the Palestinians? Bring your rainbow flags and let them know how women and men are the same.

Please and let us all see how that works out.

It will be joy watching what they do to you. I real joy.

What do Palestinians have to do with any of that?

What typical feminists are and what they all are..

If any leftist goes marching in the way they do with their rainbow flags and transgender crap over to the middle east, you can be assured they would run SCREAMING and begging for Israelis to help save them from what is about to happen.

That, you can count on and this video shows what they all are in a nutshell.

Sad to see the behavior of some of the women today, certainly not "ladies".
Government requires ethics, and, or morals. It really is that simple to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

Incorrect ... Government is a society's generally failing attempt to address the result of inadequate ethics or morals in those they chose to govern ...
And a very poor substitute for both, not to mention it simply breeds more bureaucracy, while empowering despots and fostering corruption.

Goes back to the old saying about power leading to corruption ...
When in truth it is a person's weaknesses and inadequacies that corrupt them.
Government simply grants the weak and deficient people the power necessary for their corruption to have influence over others.

Then they sell it all with the lie that who or what you vote for, somehow makes you a better person.

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Yet it wasnt THE RIGHT that claimed masks werent necessary.

Huh, lets not confuse everyone.
...right wingers were the biggest drama queens about it and tried to make it a States' rights issue.

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