What Violence will Soros Bought Mob Commit During GOP Convention?

What violence will Marxist agitators in Cleveland commit during the GOP Convention?

  • None. They will only be peaceful

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will only protest loudly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will burn and loot some stores

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They will assault innocent people

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • They will kill someone

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • I dunno, wuts on TV?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The DNC plan notes that the party’s efforts in Cleveland will cost in excess of $800,000. In addition to 16 staffers on the ground, the party will have numerous surrogates available for media interviews and an RV to “serve as a mobile billboard” and green room. The plan was honed when the GOP field narrowed to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich.
Subsequent updates focused primarily on “gimmicks” to ridicule Trump.

BUSTED: Hacked emails reveal Democrats' SHOCKING plans for GOP convention - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

We won't know what $800,000 worth of destruction looks like until we get there, but at least we know who is behind it..


what "shocking plan" is disclosed by that budget, even assuming it's real.

Why, a disruption of our political process of course, the same disruption by paid inciters at Trump rallies. #cutthecheck will explain it to you. It is Soros money. Do you think $15,000 on gimmicks is enough?
As for the KKKers. Get back to me when Trump embraces them, kisses them, praises them:

Pee on several patrol cars.

Demand pizza be delivered.

Rocks and bottles at twenty paces.

Not wear deodorant, thus reinforcing Cleveland as the armpit of America.
It only makes common sense to suspend open carry in Cleveland during Convention. What kind of idiot would want to parade around
a crowd with open carry weapon. Persons of this ilk should be deemed as mentally challenged, and denied the right to own a fire arm.
All we need is one of these idiots to instigate a gun fight in a crowd. How do they expect the cops to know who the bad guys are with
a bunch of idiots open carry weapons. Black Panthers, BLM, Obama & Left are going to try to instigate a shot out. You will end up with
a scene like Nice,France with dead and wounded laying all over the place. I have found that people that want to flash their gun around
are the type that would keep their mouth shut without a gun. And when crap hits the fan, the only crap they donate is in their shorts.
As for the Convention, stay away unless you are actually attending. Make sure none of your kids & grandkids don't get duped into the
protestors by some Marxist college professor. You would be surprised of what college kids are swallowing from these snakes, especially
the ones in Liberal Arts & Education. Above all, leave your open carry gun at home. Just because you can carry doesn't mean it's the
best thing to do. You will be playing right into Lefts hands. Let the Cops do their job, they don't need your help- unless they ask for it.
It only makes common sense to suspend open carry in Cleveland during Convention. What kind of idiot would want to parade around
a crowd with open carry weapon. Persons of this ilk should be deemed as mentally challenged, and denied the right to own a fire arm.
All we need is one of these idiots to instigate a gun fight in a crowd. How do they expect the cops to know who the bad guys are with
a bunch of idiots open carry weapons. Black Panthers, BLM, Obama & Left are going to try to instigate a shot out. You will end up with
a scene like Nice,France with dead and wounded laying all over the place. I have found that people that want to flash their gun around
are the type that would keep their mouth shut without a gun. And when crap hits the fan, the only crap they donate is in their shorts.
As for the Convention, stay away unless you are actually attending. Make sure none of your kids & grandkids don't get duped into the
protestors by some Marxist college professor. You would be surprised of what college kids are swallowing from these snakes, especially
the ones in Liberal Arts & Education. Above all, leave your open carry gun at home. Just because you can carry doesn't mean it's the
best thing to do. You will be playing right into Lefts hands. Let the Cops do their job, they don't need your help- unless they ask for it.

You don't get to suspend the Constitution for convenience. Liberty requires the occasional shedding of tears and blood. Hopefully the morons will not deem this such a time or place.
I'm thinking they cant afford much more of this and hope to win anything....that is assuming elections are held
Hussein Obama is itching to declare Martial Law......

Only heaven knows what tragedy will happen there....what false flag shit they are going to pull. :mad-61:
It only makes common sense to suspend open carry in Cleveland during Convention. What kind of idiot would want to parade around
a crowd with open carry weapon. Persons of this ilk should be deemed as mentally challenged, and denied the right to own a fire arm.
All we need is one of these idiots to instigate a gun fight in a crowd. How do they expect the cops to know who the bad guys are with
a bunch of idiots open carry weapons. Black Panthers, BLM, Obama & Left are going to try to instigate a shot out. You will end up with
a scene like Nice,France with dead and wounded laying all over the place. I have found that people that want to flash their gun around
are the type that would keep their mouth shut without a gun. And when crap hits the fan, the only crap they donate is in their shorts.
As for the Convention, stay away unless you are actually attending. Make sure none of your kids & grandkids don't get duped into the
protestors by some Marxist college professor. You would be surprised of what college kids are swallowing from these snakes, especially
the ones in Liberal Arts & Education. Above all, leave your open carry gun at home. Just because you can carry doesn't mean it's the
best thing to do. You will be playing right into Lefts hands. Let the Cops do their job, they don't need your help- unless they ask for it.

You don't get to suspend the Constitution for convenience. Liberty requires the occasional shedding of tears and blood. Hopefully the morons will not deem this such a time or place.
We'll see how all this pans out next week.
expect to see some staged shit........you are going to have these progressives playing both demonstrators AND Trump supporters. It will be on vivid video too.......somebody is going to be paid a pretty penny to get knocked out by a "Trump supporter". Write it down s0ns........at this very moment, the rehearsals are going on.

What we have going on folks is the Saul Alinksy playbook in game-on mode.......the radicals are calling the shots. Make people hysterical by creating disorder.....decapitate law enforcement who they deem only serving protection of the wealthy white guys. That's how they see it.......destroy law and order. Its come down to Americans vs. non-Americans s0ns. Choose your sides s0ns..........I know which side Im on and the side Im on doesn't stockpile wiffle ball bats near the front door closet.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The real Americans need to prepare and let the non-Americans think they are going to be winning by demagoguing us to death!!!:coffee:
^^ Yeah, it's so funny it might actually work..
Conventions are archaic vestiges from pre-internet meeting methods.

Used to be you only saw your party members from other states at the national convention.

Now its an excuse to get away from the misses and get drunk, screw whores and make an ass of yourself away from home.
It only makes common sense to suspend open carry in Cleveland during Convention.

No, it does not make sense.

Why would you disarm innocent people to be made prey for the animals that Soros hired to be a mob of agitators, thugs and looters?

I guess your solution to war is to disarm our military?
Some low life criminal will be killed and democrats will post his baby pictures for the "cause".

some skinheads, white supremacists and kkk'ers might well get themselves killed.

They well may. Along with thugs and police. How many little children's lives can we devastate in a Cleveland over the next few days?? Which one's mommy or daddy won't be coming home. Ever.
What do you expect to gain from this, BLM? Civil rights maybe? What rights don't you have, that killing people will rectify? Respect? That ship has sailed. Power? How long do you think it will be before this country elects another black to the White House? Not with you as his legacy. You're paid for thugs. How much more can you demean yourselves?

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