What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

excellent answer ---DINGY-----It is just as I understand----you have
no idea about the life and times of the PERSON JESUS. There is
no doubt that Herod would have DISLIKED JESUS------but he was
ABSOLUTELY NOT-----an Israelite spiritual leader. He was not
even a JOOOO. He was an EDOMITE---educated in rome and
APPOINTED BY ROME to be DA KING OF JUDEA. -----the people
John da mikvah man (and Pharisee) and Jesus the PHARISEE.
For the record----I was not educated in jewish history by some JEWISH
ORGANIZATION. I was not educated in CHRISTIAN history---by some Jewish organization--------I just read lots and lots in my youth---
and was schlepped to sunday school by a very kindly Christian neighbor-------to accompany her daughter---my little playmate. I have no doubt that lots of little sunday school goers (in fact I know) believe that the
evil "money changers" in the temple court yard were PHARISEES-----
NOPE!!!!! they were Sadducees----just as were the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" at that time. Of all people in the realm---
the person that DA PHARISEE JOOOOS (including Jesus) hated the
most was CAIAPHAS-----the roman appointee who (as the story goes)
paid judas to "betray" ------"Christ". see? the people that miss sunday school teacher TOLD you were da evil jooooo "trying to kill"
jesus, the petty minded legalists------was JESUS HIMSELF------a PHARISEE. so now you know. You got one thing right-----
The Pharisee jews are the TALMUDISTS-----just like the guy Jesus
liked the most and quoted incessently ----HILLEL. The Romans
despised the Pharisees. The Pharisees RESISTED THE ROMAN WAY OF LIFE--------they refuse to kiss roman ass and laugh at lion lunch
Herod the Great - Wikipedia

Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, descendants of Esau, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew.[16][17][18][19][20]
Last edited:
What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

He found out that Jesus was gay.
Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

excellent answer ---DINGY-----It is just as I understand----you have
no idea about the life and times of the PERSON JESUS. There is
no doubt that Herod would have DISLIKED JESUS------but he was
ABSOLUTELY NOT-----an Israelite spiritual leader. He was not
even a JOOOO. He was an EDOMITE---educated in rome and
APPOINTED BY ROME to be DA KING OF JUDEA. -----the people
John da mikvah man (and Pharisee) and Jesus the PHARISEE.
For the record----I was not educated in jewish history by some JEWISH
ORGANIZATION. I was not educated in CHRISTIAN history---by some Jewish organization--------I just read lots and lots in my youth---
and was schlepped to sunday school by a very kindly Christian neighbor-------to accompany her daughter---my little playmate. I have no doubt that lots of little sunday school goers (in fact I know) believe that the
evil "money changers" in the temple court yard were PHARISEES-----
NOPE!!!!! they were Sadducees----just as were the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" at that time. Of all people in the realm---
the person that DA PHARISEE JOOOOS (including Jesus) hated the
most was CAIAPHAS-----the roman appointee who (as the story goes)
paid judas to "betray" ------"Christ". see? the people that miss sunday school teacher TOLD you were da evil jooooo "trying to kill"
jesus, the petty minded legalists------was JESUS HIMSELF------a PHARISEE. so now you know. You got one thing right-----
The Pharisee jews are the TALMUDISTS-----just like the guy Jesus
liked the most and quoted incessently ----HILLEL. The Romans
despised the Pharisees. The Pharisees RESISTED THE ROMAN WAY OF LIFE--------they refuse to kiss roman ass and laugh at lion lunch
Herod the Great - Wikipedia

Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, descendants of Esau, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew.[16][17][18][19][20]

so they say------but he was not OF THE ROYAL LINE----remember---the
KING was supposed to be a descendant OF JUDAH -----the fourth son of Jacob (Israel) JACOB SAID SO ON HIS DEATH BED. As to being raised a jew----yes------but he was not an actual legal successor
to DA THRONE and he was educated in rome-----his religious adherence was in question----LOTS. Mostly da joooos saw him as a roman shill---just as they saw CAIAPHAS as a roman shill and just as they saw the 'money changers' in the Temple court yard as SHILLS of rome. Pharisees hated them and Roman shills hated Pharisees------so now you know. Jesus----as you probably know-----was a descendant of JUDAH---thru his father Joseph. John the Baptist was a descendant of
Judah too. The roman shills did not like the pharisee guys like Jesus and John the Baptist. The people recognized those guys as legal leaders. Todays Christians are of THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----
and -----hate Pharisees----------so they converted Jesus into a non-pharisee. It is quite an historic joke. I am not of the tribe of Judah---
but I am a joooo. -------and---sorta----in a way-----likely a descendant of
Phariseees. Romans loved to CRUCIFY phariseeees-----historians
believe that your pal PONTIUS PILATE crucified at least 20,000
I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

excellent answer ---DINGY-----It is just as I understand----you have
no idea about the life and times of the PERSON JESUS. There is
no doubt that Herod would have DISLIKED JESUS------but he was
ABSOLUTELY NOT-----an Israelite spiritual leader. He was not
even a JOOOO. He was an EDOMITE---educated in rome and
APPOINTED BY ROME to be DA KING OF JUDEA. -----the people
John da mikvah man (and Pharisee) and Jesus the PHARISEE.
For the record----I was not educated in jewish history by some JEWISH
ORGANIZATION. I was not educated in CHRISTIAN history---by some Jewish organization--------I just read lots and lots in my youth---
and was schlepped to sunday school by a very kindly Christian neighbor-------to accompany her daughter---my little playmate. I have no doubt that lots of little sunday school goers (in fact I know) believe that the
evil "money changers" in the temple court yard were PHARISEES-----
NOPE!!!!! they were Sadducees----just as were the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" at that time. Of all people in the realm---
the person that DA PHARISEE JOOOOS (including Jesus) hated the
most was CAIAPHAS-----the roman appointee who (as the story goes)
paid judas to "betray" ------"Christ". see? the people that miss sunday school teacher TOLD you were da evil jooooo "trying to kill"
jesus, the petty minded legalists------was JESUS HIMSELF------a PHARISEE. so now you know. You got one thing right-----
The Pharisee jews are the TALMUDISTS-----just like the guy Jesus
liked the most and quoted incessently ----HILLEL. The Romans
despised the Pharisees. The Pharisees RESISTED THE ROMAN WAY OF LIFE--------they refuse to kiss roman ass and laugh at lion lunch
Herod the Great - Wikipedia

Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, descendants of Esau, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew.[16][17][18][19][20]

so they say------but he was not OF THE ROYAL LINE----remember---the
KING was supposed to be a descendant OF JUDAH -----the fourth son of Jacob (Israel) JACOB SAID SO ON HIS DEATH BED. As to being raised a jew----yes------but he was not an actual legal successor
to DA THRONE and he was educated in rome-----his religious adherence was in question----LOTS. Mostly da joooos saw him as a roman shill---just as they saw CAIAPHAS as a roman shill and just as they saw the 'money changers' in the Temple court yard as SHILLS of rome. Pharisees hated them and Roman shills hated Pharisees------so now you know. Jesus----as you probably know-----was a descendant of JUDAH---thru his father Joseph. John the Baptist was a descendant of
Judah too. The roman shills did not like the pharisee guys like Jesus and John the Baptist. The people recognized those guys as legal leaders. Todays Christians are of THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----
and -----hate Pharisees----------so they converted Jesus into a non-pharisee. It is quite an historic joke. I am not of the tribe of Judah---
but I am a joooo. -------and---sorta----in a way-----likely a descendant of
Phariseees. Romans loved to CRUCIFY phariseeees-----historians
believe that your pal PONTIUS PILATE crucified at least 20,000
Through his mother.
The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.

Actually Jesus was very well informed about the Jewish 'mysteries', and many of the first Christians were Pharisees, also very well versed in Jewish theology and law.

Chrisitanity just isn't a theology for sissies and the weak willed; Jesus ran with a tough crowd, as the name of a song says. People endlessly trying to reinvent the next 'New And Improved Hippie Jesus' are never going to succeed at that ridiculous agenda, that's all.

there were other influences in the same era as well; besides a thorough knowledge of the Torah and the Mosaic covenants, Jesus, Paul, and John, Luke, and Mathew were also familiar with Hillel's school and well as his rival's teachings. The authors likely among the most educated scholars of their times, including many of the Temple officials and priests.

Did you know--From Moses on up until this very day. In every synagogue and temple, taught, served, and worshipped-- A single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--The God taught to every name you mentioned. Which included Jesus his first 30 years. Not one of them ever refuted that God, because he is the only true living God-The Father-1Cor 8:6-John 4:22-24)
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas could see the Father in Jesus--Most cannot-John 15:20-21--Jesus is not the Father--In every Family there has ever been the Father is not the son, the son is not the Father.
Actually Jesus was very well informed about the Jewish 'mysteries', and many of the first Christians were Pharisees, also very well versed in Jewish theology and law.

Chrisitanity just isn't a theology for sissies and the weak willed; Jesus ran with a tough crowd, as the name of a song says. People endlessly trying to reinvent the next 'New And Improved Hippie Jesus' are never going to succeed at that ridiculous agenda, that's all.

there were other influences in the same era as well; besides a thorough knowledge of the Torah and the Mosaic covenants, Jesus, Paul, and John, Luke, and Mathew were also familiar with Hillel's school and well as his rival's teachings. The authors likely among the most educated scholars of their times, including many of the Temple officials and priests.

Did you know--From Moses on up until this very day. In every synagogue and temple, taught, served, and worshipped-- A single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--The God taught to every name you mentioned. Which included Jesus his first 30 years. Not one of them ever refuted that God, because he is the only true living God-The Father-1Cor 8:6-John 4:22-24)
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas could see the Father in Jesus--Most cannot-John 15:20-21--Jesus is not the Father--In every Family there has ever been the Father is not the son, the son is not the Father.
That's not what Thomas said. Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!”

And what was Jesus' response to that?
The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.

who were the "supposed scholars of 'jesus day" ? Can you identify any of those 'supposed scholars' who evaluated 'jesus
and his apostles'? Please try to be, at least, a little specific.
Eg---the "supposed scholars were........." and "this is what
_________said about Jesus..." I am sure that you understand
that by the time Jesus was living-----most adult jewish males were
literate. I would GUESS that Jesus was literate

The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question

I told you--the Pharisees, scribes, and saducees. Havent you read the NT. A few x they tried to grab Jesus and failed. The Israelite spiritual teachers-never broke a law of Gods, they just took them too far. They hated Jesus so much, tried him the first night and sent him to the romans to be killed. Gods law was--7 days to build a defense--That is how much they hated Jesus.
Actually Jesus was very well informed about the Jewish 'mysteries', and many of the first Christians were Pharisees, also very well versed in Jewish theology and law.

Chrisitanity just isn't a theology for sissies and the weak willed; Jesus ran with a tough crowd, as the name of a song says. People endlessly trying to reinvent the next 'New And Improved Hippie Jesus' are never going to succeed at that ridiculous agenda, that's all.

there were other influences in the same era as well; besides a thorough knowledge of the Torah and the Mosaic covenants, Jesus, Paul, and John, Luke, and Mathew were also familiar with Hillel's school and well as his rival's teachings. The authors likely among the most educated scholars of their times, including many of the Temple officials and priests.

Did you know--From Moses on up until this very day. In every synagogue and temple, taught, served, and worshipped-- A single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--The God taught to every name you mentioned. Which included Jesus his first 30 years. Not one of them ever refuted that God, because he is the only true living God-The Father-1Cor 8:6-John 4:22-24)
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
I had a JW tell me that Thomas was just using that term as an exclamation, like "Oh my God" when people are surprised. JWs are not serious scholars. They're frauds and wanna be's. Here's another one that'll stump him. Right in that same passage in John 20:25.....Thomas says "unless I see in his hands the print of the NAILS, and put my finger into the print of the NAILS.... Every picture the JWs publish of Jesus on the stake there is ONE nail through his hands. We know Jesus was nailed on a cross with two NAILS. The clincher is that this is how it reads in the their own bible, the New World Translation. Try that the next time you speak with a JW.

And here is what Jesus teaches-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- You outright refuse to believe Jesus. I am glad my teachers did.
who were the "supposed scholars of 'jesus day" ? Can you identify any of those 'supposed scholars' who evaluated 'jesus
and his apostles'? Please try to be, at least, a little specific.
Eg---the "supposed scholars were........." and "this is what
_________said about Jesus..." I am sure that you understand
that by the time Jesus was living-----most adult jewish males were
literate. I would GUESS that Jesus was literate

The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

Herod was not Israelite. John the baptizer condemned Herod and his brothers wife to their face for being adulterers. Herod was king, put in place by the romans.
Did you know--From Moses on up until this very day. In every synagogue and temple, taught, served, and worshipped-- A single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--The God taught to every name you mentioned. Which included Jesus his first 30 years. Not one of them ever refuted that God, because he is the only true living God-The Father-1Cor 8:6-John 4:22-24)
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
I had a JW tell me that Thomas was just using that term as an exclamation, like "Oh my God" when people are surprised. JWs are not serious scholars. They're frauds and wanna be's. Here's another one that'll stump him. Right in that same passage in John 20:25.....Thomas says "unless I see in his hands the print of the NAILS, and put my finger into the print of the NAILS.... Every picture the JWs publish of Jesus on the stake there is ONE nail through his hands. We know Jesus was nailed on a cross with two NAILS. The clincher is that this is how it reads in the their own bible, the New World Translation. Try that the next time you speak with a JW.

And here is what Jesus teaches-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- You outright refuse to believe Jesus. I am glad my teachers did.
Your "teahers" teach that Jesus died on a stake with ONE nail through both hands. Your own NWT bible says in John 20:25 that NAILS were put through his hands. The Watchtower lies. The Watchtower said Jesus was coming back in 1914. He didn't. The Watchtower is a false prophet. You're being deceived.
Did you know--From Moses on up until this very day. In every synagogue and temple, taught, served, and worshipped-- A single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--The God taught to every name you mentioned. Which included Jesus his first 30 years. Not one of them ever refuted that God, because he is the only true living God-The Father-1Cor 8:6-John 4:22-24)
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas could see the Father in Jesus--Most cannot-John 15:20-21--Jesus is not the Father--In every Family there has ever been the Father is not the son, the son is not the Father.
That's not what Thomas said. Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!”

And what was Jesus' response to that?

Facts of reality--When Jesus attended the synagogues and temples for 30 years was taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--All the others were taught that God as well--Not one of them ever refuted that God. So your one instance of a confused man, cannot ever override the facts I have shown. Try listening to Jesus as God told you to do--John 20:17, Rev 3:12
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
I had a JW tell me that Thomas was just using that term as an exclamation, like "Oh my God" when people are surprised. JWs are not serious scholars. They're frauds and wanna be's. Here's another one that'll stump him. Right in that same passage in John 20:25.....Thomas says "unless I see in his hands the print of the NAILS, and put my finger into the print of the NAILS.... Every picture the JWs publish of Jesus on the stake there is ONE nail through his hands. We know Jesus was nailed on a cross with two NAILS. The clincher is that this is how it reads in the their own bible, the New World Translation. Try that the next time you speak with a JW.

And here is what Jesus teaches-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- You outright refuse to believe Jesus. I am glad my teachers did.
Your "teahers" teach that Jesus died on a stake with ONE nail through both hands. Your own NWT bible says in John 20:25 that NAILS were put through his hands. The Watchtower lies. The Watchtower said Jesus was coming back in 1914. He didn't. The Watchtower is a false prophet. You're being deceived.

Read rev 6--This occurred 1914 and up--See He receives his crown. There are still plenty of events after these events before Jesus comes to the earth. Its the presence.
who were the "supposed scholars of 'jesus day" ? Can you identify any of those 'supposed scholars' who evaluated 'jesus
and his apostles'? Please try to be, at least, a little specific.
Eg---the "supposed scholars were........." and "this is what
_________said about Jesus..." I am sure that you understand
that by the time Jesus was living-----most adult jewish males were
literate. I would GUESS that Jesus was literate

The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question

I told you--the Pharisees, scribes, and saducees. Havent you read the NT. A few x they tried to grab Jesus and failed. The Israelite spiritual teachers-never broke a law of Gods, they just took them too far. They hated Jesus so much, tried him the first night and sent him to the romans to be killed. Gods law was--7 days to build a defense--That is how much they hated Jesus.

yes----that is what you said which proves that you have absolutely
no understanding of the life and times of the person JESUS.
DA SCRIBES?? who da fluck are they?------the Pharisees and the
Sadducees NEVAH allied in anything------sheeeeesh Who are the
"spiritural teachers"? It is likely that since you are of the HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRE-----the fact of literacy way back then ELUDES YOU. They
were not Vikings pillaging villages or Britons living in trees and painting themselves blue.------the important characters ARE HISTORIC CHARACTERS-------not robinhood and his idiot men. Your sunday school teacher did not know the actual history of those times. Your account of
the history is on the level of "easter bunny brings jelly beans"
1. The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lk 2:52
Heb. 5:8
Heb 4:15
Heb 2:17
Jn. 1:18
I Jn 5:20
Rom. 9:5
Titus 2:13
Jn. 20:28)

2. The New Testament repeatedly ascribes to Jesus titles and activities that are elsewhere reserved for God alone.

Rom 10:9
1 Cor 1:7
Col 1:16
Isa. 44:6
Rev. 22:13
Jn. 8:58
Ex. 3:14

3. The Bible consistently stresses that humans are to pray to and worship God alone. The practice of worshiping and praying to Jesus as Lord is found throughout the New Testament by monotheistic Jews and he not only allows it, but encourages it.

Jn 20:28-29

You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Thomas could see the Father in Jesus--Most cannot-John 15:20-21--Jesus is not the Father--In every Family there has ever been the Father is not the son, the son is not the Father.
That's not what Thomas said. Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!”

And what was Jesus' response to that?

Facts of reality--When Jesus attended the synagogues and temples for 30 years was taught, served and worshipped a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah)--All the others were taught that God as well--Not one of them ever refuted that God. So your one instance of a confused man, cannot ever override the facts I have shown. Try listening to Jesus as God told you to do--John 20:17, Rev 3:12
If Jesus thought Thomas was confused he would have never said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
The only group on earth who ( were) Gods chosen)-- Israel. The Pharisees, saducees, most assuredly the scribes as well. God was trying to turn them around back to him--They rejected him and his Messiah--They were cut off-Matthew 23:37-39)
Jesus was Gods son, Was he literate.
The Israelite spiritual leaders, kept-EVERY written Law--They unfortunately took them to far. They had false reasoning concerning the messiah--They thought Jesus was coming then when he did, but thought a mighty king was coming to fight the romans and rid them of their rule. A mere carpenters son shows up telling them they are making many errors concerning the Laws of God and that he brought a new covenant-Love instead of written Law. They hated him and tried to kill him a few x. Those were Gods chosen scholars of the day.
It shows how powerful satan is--Jesus said satan rules this world( system of things)--No wonder the bible teaches---Beware if you think you are standing strong.

your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

Herod was not Israelite. John the baptizer condemned Herod and his brothers wife to their face for being adulterers. Herod was king, put in place by the romans.

well -----you got that one right-----John was a PHARISEE like Jesus----
the people that the ROMAN SHILLS like Herod disliked. The roman shills
liked the sadducees a LOT BETTER because the romans liked them and
they did not resist the filth of the "holy roman empire". For the record---
the sadducees WERE Israelites--------but traitors sorta
your entire post is utterly idiotic--------it is based on absolutely nothing------every word. Who were the "Israelite spiritual leaders
of that time? --------You IDIOTICALLY refer to these imaginary people but cannot name EVEN ONE. You then DECIDE what
all the jews of Judea "THOUGHT". Your claim that DA JOOOS
tried to kill Jesus-----is even more idiotic. If DA JOOOS wanted to
kill Jesus------why didn't they? If Jesus did not like the written law---why is he accused by your very own of claiming----I DO NOT
INTEND TO CHANGE A JOT.------he was lying?. Jesus said
"satan rules the world" when did he come up with that one?
It is not your fault-----you sunday school teacher screwed your mind

Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

Herod was not Israelite. John the baptizer condemned Herod and his brothers wife to their face for being adulterers. Herod was king, put in place by the romans.

well -----you got that one right-----John was a PHARISEE like Jesus----
the people that the ROMAN SHILLS like Herod disliked. The roman shills
liked the sadducees a LOT BETTER because the romans liked them and
they did not resist the filth of the "holy roman empire". For the record---
the sadducees WERE Israelites--------but traitors sorta
You make it sound like they all were.
You are dreaming. Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings.
So now you are rejecting Scripture?

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
I had a JW tell me that Thomas was just using that term as an exclamation, like "Oh my God" when people are surprised. JWs are not serious scholars. They're frauds and wanna be's. Here's another one that'll stump him. Right in that same passage in John 20:25.....Thomas says "unless I see in his hands the print of the NAILS, and put my finger into the print of the NAILS.... Every picture the JWs publish of Jesus on the stake there is ONE nail through his hands. We know Jesus was nailed on a cross with two NAILS. The clincher is that this is how it reads in the their own bible, the New World Translation. Try that the next time you speak with a JW.

And here is what Jesus teaches-- John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- You outright refuse to believe Jesus. I am glad my teachers did.
Your "teahers" teach that Jesus died on a stake with ONE nail through both hands. Your own NWT bible says in John 20:25 that NAILS were put through his hands. The Watchtower lies. The Watchtower said Jesus was coming back in 1914. He didn't. The Watchtower is a false prophet. You're being deceived.

Read rev 6--This occurred 1914 and up--See He receives his crown. There are still plenty of events after these events before Jesus comes to the earth. Its the presence.
Where is that prophesied in Scripture? It says in the book of Revelation chapter one that when Jesus returns "every eye will see Him". The Watchtower is a liar.

excellent answer ---DINGY-----It is just as I understand----you have
no idea about the life and times of the PERSON JESUS. There is
no doubt that Herod would have DISLIKED JESUS------but he was
ABSOLUTELY NOT-----an Israelite spiritual leader. He was not
even a JOOOO. He was an EDOMITE---educated in rome and
APPOINTED BY ROME to be DA KING OF JUDEA. -----the people
John da mikvah man (and Pharisee) and Jesus the PHARISEE.
For the record----I was not educated in jewish history by some JEWISH
ORGANIZATION. I was not educated in CHRISTIAN history---by some Jewish organization--------I just read lots and lots in my youth---
and was schlepped to sunday school by a very kindly Christian neighbor-------to accompany her daughter---my little playmate. I have no doubt that lots of little sunday school goers (in fact I know) believe that the
evil "money changers" in the temple court yard were PHARISEES-----
NOPE!!!!! they were Sadducees----just as were the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" at that time. Of all people in the realm---
the person that DA PHARISEE JOOOOS (including Jesus) hated the
most was CAIAPHAS-----the roman appointee who (as the story goes)
paid judas to "betray" ------"Christ". see? the people that miss sunday school teacher TOLD you were da evil jooooo "trying to kill"
jesus, the petty minded legalists------was JESUS HIMSELF------a PHARISEE. so now you know. You got one thing right-----
The Pharisee jews are the TALMUDISTS-----just like the guy Jesus
liked the most and quoted incessently ----HILLEL. The Romans
despised the Pharisees. The Pharisees RESISTED THE ROMAN WAY OF LIFE--------they refuse to kiss roman ass and laugh at lion lunch
Herod the Great - Wikipedia

Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, descendants of Esau, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew.[16][17][18][19][20]

so they say------but he was not OF THE ROYAL LINE----remember---the
KING was supposed to be a descendant OF JUDAH -----the fourth son of Jacob (Israel) JACOB SAID SO ON HIS DEATH BED. As to being raised a jew----yes------but he was not an actual legal successor
to DA THRONE and he was educated in rome-----his religious adherence was in question----LOTS. Mostly da joooos saw him as a roman shill---just as they saw CAIAPHAS as a roman shill and just as they saw the 'money changers' in the Temple court yard as SHILLS of rome. Pharisees hated them and Roman shills hated Pharisees------so now you know. Jesus----as you probably know-----was a descendant of JUDAH---thru his father Joseph. John the Baptist was a descendant of
Judah too. The roman shills did not like the pharisee guys like Jesus and John the Baptist. The people recognized those guys as legal leaders. Todays Christians are of THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----
and -----hate Pharisees----------so they converted Jesus into a non-pharisee. It is quite an historic joke. I am not of the tribe of Judah---
but I am a joooo. -------and---sorta----in a way-----likely a descendant of
Phariseees. Romans loved to CRUCIFY phariseeees-----historians
believe that your pal PONTIUS PILATE crucified at least 20,000
Through his mother.

wrong-----your book traces his lineage thru his FATHER ---joseph. Maybe his mother is also of the tribe of Judah-------but did someone try to trace
that lineage?

excellent answer ---DINGY-----It is just as I understand----you have
no idea about the life and times of the PERSON JESUS. There is
no doubt that Herod would have DISLIKED JESUS------but he was
ABSOLUTELY NOT-----an Israelite spiritual leader. He was not
even a JOOOO. He was an EDOMITE---educated in rome and
APPOINTED BY ROME to be DA KING OF JUDEA. -----the people
John da mikvah man (and Pharisee) and Jesus the PHARISEE.
For the record----I was not educated in jewish history by some JEWISH
ORGANIZATION. I was not educated in CHRISTIAN history---by some Jewish organization--------I just read lots and lots in my youth---
and was schlepped to sunday school by a very kindly Christian neighbor-------to accompany her daughter---my little playmate. I have no doubt that lots of little sunday school goers (in fact I know) believe that the
evil "money changers" in the temple court yard were PHARISEES-----
NOPE!!!!! they were Sadducees----just as were the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" at that time. Of all people in the realm---
the person that DA PHARISEE JOOOOS (including Jesus) hated the
most was CAIAPHAS-----the roman appointee who (as the story goes)
paid judas to "betray" ------"Christ". see? the people that miss sunday school teacher TOLD you were da evil jooooo "trying to kill"
jesus, the petty minded legalists------was JESUS HIMSELF------a PHARISEE. so now you know. You got one thing right-----
The Pharisee jews are the TALMUDISTS-----just like the guy Jesus
liked the most and quoted incessently ----HILLEL. The Romans
despised the Pharisees. The Pharisees RESISTED THE ROMAN WAY OF LIFE--------they refuse to kiss roman ass and laugh at lion lunch
Herod the Great - Wikipedia

Herod's father was by descent an Edomite, descendants of Esau, whose ancestors had converted to Judaism. Herod was raised as a Jew.[16][17][18][19][20]

so they say------but he was not OF THE ROYAL LINE----remember---the
KING was supposed to be a descendant OF JUDAH -----the fourth son of Jacob (Israel) JACOB SAID SO ON HIS DEATH BED. As to being raised a jew----yes------but he was not an actual legal successor
to DA THRONE and he was educated in rome-----his religious adherence was in question----LOTS. Mostly da joooos saw him as a roman shill---just as they saw CAIAPHAS as a roman shill and just as they saw the 'money changers' in the Temple court yard as SHILLS of rome. Pharisees hated them and Roman shills hated Pharisees------so now you know. Jesus----as you probably know-----was a descendant of JUDAH---thru his father Joseph. John the Baptist was a descendant of
Judah too. The roman shills did not like the pharisee guys like Jesus and John the Baptist. The people recognized those guys as legal leaders. Todays Christians are of THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-----
and -----hate Pharisees----------so they converted Jesus into a non-pharisee. It is quite an historic joke. I am not of the tribe of Judah---
but I am a joooo. -------and---sorta----in a way-----likely a descendant of
Phariseees. Romans loved to CRUCIFY phariseeees-----historians
believe that your pal PONTIUS PILATE crucified at least 20,000
Through his mother.

wrong-----your book traces his lineage thru his FATHER ---joseph. Maybe his mother is also of the tribe of Judah-------but did someone try to trace
that lineage?
Read it again, lol. Mary's lineage is provided too.
Oh I am sorry, I thought you had a clue. Your lack of understanding reality is the problem.

I have lots of understanding-----I understand that I asked very
simple questions about that which you posted-----and you are
unable to answer ANY of the very simple questions.

I will repeat just one of the VERY simple questions----
> Who were the Israelite spiritual leaders who wanted
to kill Jesus < ??? try to answer----I am getting
tired of asking this very simple question
Herod? :dunno:

Herod was not Israelite. John the baptizer condemned Herod and his brothers wife to their face for being adulterers. Herod was king, put in place by the romans.

well -----you got that one right-----John was a PHARISEE like Jesus----
the people that the ROMAN SHILLS like Herod disliked. The roman shills
liked the sadducees a LOT BETTER because the romans liked them and
they did not resist the filth of the "holy roman empire". For the record---
the sadducees WERE Israelites--------but traitors sorta
You make it sound like they all were.

you are engaging in wishful thinking-------in fact according to your
religion-------DA JOOOOS HATED JESUS-----which is a kinda idiotic
historic revision. Of course the ROMANS DID-----as did the SADDUCEES and Herod

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