What was a reason for God to sacrifice His Son?

It is sad to watch you spew your hatred of others.

I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.

Glad I could help
But you haven't. Trust me on that.

All know light will not enter darkness.
Jesus did when he defeated death.

Are you sure you didn't mean to write all know that darkness will not enter light?

Because all know that light spills out into darkness but darkness never overcomes light.
God sacrificed his only son to his god, because his god is even more bloodthirsty that He is.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.

I don't see it as a "Christian" thread. I see it as a discussion on
RELIGION. The issue of "sacrifice of jesus as 'lamb of God" crosses over to other religions. Christianity did not develop all
by itself

I know that is the anti-Christian position, Irosie, because if Christianity can be made to look like any other religion that originated in Biblical times, then it is just another religion.

But Christianity isn't just another religion. It isn't a religion at all though billions have made a religion of it as humankind is wont to do. Christianity is not a religion but is rather a relationship. Those who have experienced that relationship know the difference between that relationship and religion. Those who have not experienced it can only see the religion. But those who have the relationship can strip away all the trappings of religion--the churches, the festivals, the traditions, the symbols, even the holy Book itself--and the relationship remains.

The religion that was built around the relationship shares similarities with other religions but was and remains unique just as the unique concept of the U.S. Constitution shares similarities with other government structures but remains unique. It is natural that the Jews who came to know and accept Christ and also the pagans who came to know and accept Christ would transform some of their old cherished traditions and festivals into Christian ones, or would replace their old ones with Christian ones. But that is not the same thing as Christianity evolving from those older traditions and festivals. It didn't.

So a thread based on the premise that God sacrificed his Son is definitely a Christian thread IMO.
I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.

I don't see it as a "Christian" thread. I see it as a discussion on
RELIGION. The issue of "sacrifice of jesus as 'lamb of God" crosses over to other religions. Christianity did not develop all
by itself

I know that is the anti-Christian position, Irosie, because if Christianity can be made to look like any other religion that originated in Biblical times, then it is just another religion.

But Christianity isn't just another religion. It isn't a religion at all though billions have made a religion of it as humankind is wont to do. Christianity is not a religion but is rather a relationship. Those who have experienced that relationship know the difference between that relationship and religion. Those who have not experienced it can only see the religion. But those who have the relationship can strip away all the trappings of religion--the churches, the festivals, the traditions, the symbols, even the holy Book itself--and the relationship remains.

The religion that was built around the relationship shares similarities with other religions but was and remains unique just as the unique concept of the U.S. Constitution shares similarities with other government structures but remains unique. It is natural that the Jews who came to know and accept Christ and also the pagans who came to know and accept Christ would transform some of their old cherished traditions and festivals into Christian ones, or would replace their old ones with Christian ones. But that is not the same thing as Christianity evolving from those older traditions and festivals. It didn't.

So a thread based on the premise that God sacrificed his Son is definitely a Christian thread IMO.

your post is sophist BS.
While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.

I don't see it as a "Christian" thread. I see it as a discussion on
RELIGION. The issue of "sacrifice of jesus as 'lamb of God" crosses over to other religions. Christianity did not develop all
by itself

I know that is the anti-Christian position, Irosie, because if Christianity can be made to look like any other religion that originated in Biblical times, then it is just another religion.

But Christianity isn't just another religion. It isn't a religion at all though billions have made a religion of it as humankind is wont to do. Christianity is not a religion but is rather a relationship. Those who have experienced that relationship know the difference between that relationship and religion. Those who have not experienced it can only see the religion. But those who have the relationship can strip away all the trappings of religion--the churches, the festivals, the traditions, the symbols, even the holy Book itself--and the relationship remains.

The religion that was built around the relationship shares similarities with other religions but was and remains unique just as the unique concept of the U.S. Constitution shares similarities with other government structures but remains unique. It is natural that the Jews who came to know and accept Christ and also the pagans who came to know and accept Christ would transform some of their old cherished traditions and festivals into Christian ones, or would replace their old ones with Christian ones. But that is not the same thing as Christianity evolving from those older traditions and festivals. It didn't.

So a thread based on the premise that God sacrificed his Son is definitely a Christian thread IMO.

your post is sophist BS.

So nice of you to say so. Do have a wonderful day nevertheless.
Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Not to mention ignorance that feels compelled to prevent others from knowing.
I call it the conviction of invincible ignorance.

I call it bigoted hatred to the point of obsession. Have you ever noticed how every single time someone starts a thread about Christianity, ESPECIALLY one that might be thoughtful and meaningful, Taz practically breaks his neck hotfooting in there to fill it with metric fucktons of worthless, pointless two-line bullshit posts that serve no other purpose than to shout "I hate you I hate you how dare you be a Christian I hate you!" at everyone and guarantee that it's impossible for any conversation about anything other than what a completely and utterly ignorant shitstain he is to occur?

It's not that he has anything, however shallow and empty it is, to say. It's that he deliberately works to make sure NO ONE ever gets to say anything, EVER, as though he's terrified that someone might hear something that makes them think about Christianity as something other than a target to be reviled. He's not an atheist, or even an evangelical atheist. It's not about disbelieving in God, or about convincing others they shouldn't believe in God. His actual religion is pathological hatred of Christianity.

An enterprising psychology student could write a master's thesis on it.

While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice. I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

While I can appreciate your logic and agree with it, I still don't see it as a directive to allow them to dominate and derail the discussion.

I understand completely. The anti- Christians are pretty desperate to disprove it all because what if we are actually telling the truth? Where does that leave them? Just be aware he may be more desperate than the others because he is so conflicted? You never know.
"Christian threads"? if there a Christian forum on this message

I dunno. But a Christian thread obviously doesn't have to be in a Christian forum as this one definitely qualifies as a Christian thread.

I don't see it as a "Christian" thread. I see it as a discussion on
RELIGION. The issue of "sacrifice of jesus as 'lamb of God" crosses over to other religions. Christianity did not develop all
by itself

I know that is the anti-Christian position, Irosie, because if Christianity can be made to look like any other religion that originated in Biblical times, then it is just another religion.

But Christianity isn't just another religion. It isn't a religion at all though billions have made a religion of it as humankind is wont to do. Christianity is not a religion but is rather a relationship. Those who have experienced that relationship know the difference between that relationship and religion. Those who have not experienced it can only see the religion. But those who have the relationship can strip away all the trappings of religion--the churches, the festivals, the traditions, the symbols, even the holy Book itself--and the relationship remains.

The religion that was built around the relationship shares similarities with other religions but was and remains unique just as the unique concept of the U.S. Constitution shares similarities with other government structures but remains unique. It is natural that the Jews who came to know and accept Christ and also the pagans who came to know and accept Christ would transform some of their old cherished traditions and festivals into Christian ones, or would replace their old ones with Christian ones. But that is not the same thing as Christianity evolving from those older traditions and festivals. It didn't.

So a thread based on the premise that God sacrificed his Son is definitely a Christian thread IMO.

your post is sophist BS.

So nice of you to say so. Do have a wonderful day nevertheless.

so "christian" of you-------like honey on the lips of a whore<<
paraphrase of proverb attributed to king Solomon, the wise
Jesus sent his disciples town to town with a specific teaching about how to correctly understand and conform to the instruction in the divine commands that leads to the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life and acceptance into a higher realm of intelligences, even while still living on earth, to all those who actually do it.

You go door to door blubbering about something else.

We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.

You are wrong. Deut 30:19-- John 17:3

Those verses say nothing about your irrational false claim that people will live forever on earth one day...

That is not the good news of Gods kingdom, That is a delusion of the deranged.
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Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.
Read the link I provided.

I don't need to read the link.
Here is a fact the world is going to hate, it will make them puke---- Every trinity scholar on earth knows 100% they are lying through their teeth, they know no trinity god exists. They know of all the errors in the translations and alterations. They got rich off of them.--those religions pull in billions yearly, they will not give it up. Satans ruled world--99% are lost to it.
I haven't said a hateful word against the humans who are being mislead, I say them against satans teachers who they are listening to-2Cor 11:12-15) He makes it look very good and loving to the mortal heart. The same is with the image of the beast. It looks very good and loving to the mortal heart.
It wasn't directed to you, Einstein.

Glad I could help
But you haven't. Trust me on that.

All know light will not enter darkness.
Jesus did when he defeated death.

Are you sure you didn't mean to write all know that darkness will not enter light?

Because all know that light spills out into darkness but darkness never overcomes light.

99% lost in darkness as we speak--The light will not enter it--Satan rules their minds and hearts like this-2Cor 4:4)2Cor 11:12-15)
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.
Read the link I provided.

I don't need to read the link.
Here is a fact the world is going to hate, it will make them puke---- Every trinity scholar on earth knows 100% they are lying through their teeth, they know no trinity god exists. They know of all the errors in the translations and alterations. They got rich off of them.--those religions pull in billions yearly, they will not give it up. Satans ruled world--99% are lost to it.
The fact you wont read the link is proof you're not really seeking the truth about the JWs and the Scriptures. I can now ignore you.
We are taught--every utterance from God as Jesus taught Man Must live by them. We teach all the good news of Gods kingdom and king to anyone for free.
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.

You are wrong. Deut 30:19-- John 17:3

Those verses say nothing about your irrational false claim that people will live forever on earth one day...

That is not the good news of Gods kingdom, That is a delusion of the deranged.

Jesus himself mentioned one can get eternal life by knowing his Father as the only true God and knowing Jesus-- John 17:1-6,26-- That name= YHWH(Jehovah)
Not wise to call Jesus the liar in your darkness.
The bible teaches those things about Gods kingdom, in every translation on earth--You must have forgot to read the bible.
I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.
Read the link I provided.

I don't need to read the link.
Here is a fact the world is going to hate, it will make them puke---- Every trinity scholar on earth knows 100% they are lying through their teeth, they know no trinity god exists. They know of all the errors in the translations and alterations. They got rich off of them.--those religions pull in billions yearly, they will not give it up. Satans ruled world--99% are lost to it.
The fact you wont read the link is proof you're not really seeking the truth about the JWs and the Scriptures. I can now ignore you.

I have read and heard it all. Its now 2018--- they corrected their errors. Now this is a reality for this world-Daniel 12:4)--
While I don't disagree, a bit of caution here. I strongly suspect that those who flock to Christian threads to taunt and mock and/or attempt to derail are not always doing so out of pure malice.

Well, by the sheer numbers of the neurotics and sickos doing that, you would be wrong; most of them are indeed here to bully and taunt Xians. They make that obvious. They also make it obvious it's a deliberate political pogrom.

I suspect at least some do so because deep down they are terrified that Christians may indeed be onto something that they neither share nor feel, but may be true. And how we deal with them may or may not inspire them to seek it. If not, why would they be so fascinated with these topics? Or so compelled to post in these threads when they ignore dozens of other topics that are uninteresting to them?

Most are indeed superstitious pagans of one sort or another; pagans are really into sexual deviancies, witchcraft, sociopathic hatred of humans in general, and need to destroy anything that stands in the way of their mindless self-indulgence. It's not coincidence that the pogroms against Xians by modern 'progressives' and other 'rationalist' ideologies end up with mass murders and genocides, a la the Hitlers, Stalins, and Maos, all hiding under the ludicrous claims of 'Rationalism'. Their compulsions are just par for the mentally ill; they have little in the way of self-control and see Xians as objects to be killed and removed as roadblocks to anarchy. These ideological also have strong pagan overtones and rituals in common as well. Mere atheists and agnostics don't have the emotional issues many of these 'critics' obviously have.
Last edited:
Ok, Maybe I was mistaken...

What is the good news of Gods kingdom?

Gods kingdom = No more satan influences, No more--war, fear, hate, greed, starvation, mental illness, deformity, sickness, disease, mourning, outcrys, pain and even death will be no more. No division, no more mortal govts--the motives of every mortal heart will be from love--not profit. All united as one on a paradise earth. The best part--loved ones resurrected and need to be taught Gods will, if they learn and apply, they too can gain life everlasting--those will need our help. Under the true living God-YHWH(Jehovah) and his son. Peace, love and unity forever.

Ok..Thanks. I wasn't mistaken. You guys are blubbering about something else having been diverted by Satan with specious falsehoods and superstitious archaic lore.

The death that will be no more is the death associated with setting aside the law of God, as it says in rev. 22:3

"No longer will there be any curse."

The earth will remain exactly as it has always been. People will live and die, except without the type of confusion that leads you expect in your unrestrained imagination that people will one day live forever on earth.

The wolf laying down with the lamb is a metaphor for nations coexisting in peace. The prophecy is not and never was about nature itself changing one bit.

You are wrong. Deut 30:19-- John 17:3

Those verses say nothing about your irrational false claim that people will live forever on earth one day...

That is not the good news of Gods kingdom, That is a delusion of the deranged.

Jesus himself mentioned one can get eternal life by knowing his Father as the only true God and knowing Jesus-- John 17:1-6,26-- That name= YHWH(Jehovah)
Not wise to call Jesus the liar in your darkness.
The bible teaches those things about Gods kingdom, in every translation on earth--You must have forgot to read the bible.

What Jesus said equating eternal life with knowing God has absolutely nothing with what you are saying that in the future people will never get sick, feel pain, or die physical deaths and will live on earth forever.

Thats pure rubbish. Even Jesus, like all human beings must, died a physical death.

I am not calling Jesus a liar.

I am calling you a liar.
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.

who were the "supposed scholars of 'jesus day" ? Can you identify any of those 'supposed scholars' who evaluated 'jesus
and his apostles'? Please try to be, at least, a little specific.
Eg---the "supposed scholars were........." and "this is what
_________said about Jesus..." I am sure that you understand
that by the time Jesus was living-----most adult jewish males were
literate. I would GUESS that Jesus was literate
Really? Verse 7 says He is coming in the clouds and was pierced. When was Jehovah pierced?

Verse 7 is about Jesus, Verse 8 is Jehovah--Face facts--Jehovah is the one who does it all through Jesus--He alone is the power. So in that sense--both will come. If you read in revelation--Jehovah( Father)shares honor and glory with Jesus--worship is not mentioned in what God shares with him.
In the OT Jehovah alone is called the savior. But when Jesus accomplished his mission on earth he as well became savior. He wasn't until he accomplished what he did on earth. Jehovah always was.
There's only one person there. You're being deceived.

I say you are--Facts say you are being deceived--If its one person then at Rev 1:1--God said--here me have a revelation--he would be insane. And at rev 3:12--God has a God. You have been lied to--every trinity religion on the earth does not have truth. This is their fate--Mark 3:24-26--A house divided( 34,000 trinity based religions) will not stand--you can take that to the bank--Jesus is with one single religion-1Cor 1:10)
The person in verse 7 is the same person in verse 8. Read the Scriptures as they are written, not through the watchtower lens. Jesus is Jehovah.

The Watchtower is a cult with many false prophecies over the years. Ask your leaders who translated the New World Translation and I guarantee you they will not give you the names. Do your own research. They were 4 men, and only one of them had any knowledge of Hebrew and Greek. The NWT isn't a credible translation. Do the research.
Jehovah's Witnesses

The supposed scholars of Jesus day--taught-- It was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be real teachers, they did not attend their schools of men. Jesus real teachers do not need the schools of men, the holy spirit gives them truth at the proper time. As set up by God and his son. I know 100% they are the teachers Jesus appointed.

Actually Jesus was very well informed about the Jewish 'mysteries', and many of the first Christians were Pharisees, also very well versed in Jewish theology and law.

Chrisitanity just isn't a theology for sissies and the weak willed; Jesus ran with a tough crowd, as the name of a song says. People endlessly trying to reinvent the next 'New And Improved Hippie Jesus' are never going to succeed at that ridiculous agenda, that's all.

there were other influences in the same era as well; besides a thorough knowledge of the Torah and the Mosaic covenants, Jesus, Paul, and John, Luke, and Mathew were also familiar with Hillel's school and well as his rival's teachings. The authors likely among the most educated scholars of their times, including many of the Temple officials and priests.
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